Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 14, 1968, Image 19

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    loflfi r>Vl#e. j|SSk[She was: also in -charge, of
- ; - «ittertaiiririg the city guests at
- {Continued from Page 18) the Grange - S Farm-City observ
ant November 25. She is Flora
of the Lancaster Co. Pomona
Grange #7l.
ity Action-Program which has a
Center at Little Britain.'She has
collected for the Community
Chest and for advertisers and Ruth Ann is substitute mail
patrons'ju, the Southern Lancas- carrier on Nottingham route 2,
ter County Community Fair As- fining
in when the regular car
sociation catalogue. She is in r ier is on vacation, helping dur
charge of the Heart Ftmd Cam- ing . the Christmas rush and
paign in Little Britain township whenever needed,
for February 1969.
Mrs. Wood has been an active
member of Fulton Grange for
twenty-two years, joining as a
charter member of the Fulton
Juvenile Grange #343 (now
called Junior Grange) in 1946.
The following year she was
elected Master. She joined the
Subordinate Grange in 1951 and
has served as Matron of the Ju
venile Grange and as chairman
of the Home Economics commit
tee which was in charge of sup
pers, pie-baking contest, needle
work and sewing contests. At
the present time she is Lecturer
of Fulton Grange #66, her duty
being to prepare and present
literary programs at their bi
monthly meetings This is her
third year in this position and
she has had outstanding pro
grams. This is one of the most
important jobs in this organiza-
Save Rite
743 S. BROAD ST.
// you, cm M 1 *
ii urnpekiord cfock^
cs^^mskHddrLt be
pcqimtj a seMtce cfaW
_ mi vm writ o£
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She serves as pinch-hitter
running the tractor for her hus
band in the fields and runs er
rands for him when necessary
In fact he jokingly says “her
hobby is running around” but
one look at her home and family
will tell you they come first.
She gives much credit for get
ting so much accomplished to
her children who help with
many household and farm
chores. Cindy is 15 and a cheer
leader at Solanco High School;
Jimmy 14, taking the Ag course
at Solanco; Edna Sue 12, is in
the seventh grade at Swift Jun
ior High; Linda 10, is m fourth
grade at Little Britain Elemen
tary School and Jeff 6, is in first
grade at Fulton Elementary
School. The children like to
make cookies which surely go
fast. They are most fond of their
Self Service
2750 Columbia Ave.
Lane. Co.’s Largest
Shoe Store
All Ist Quality
Super Low Prices
Uncntir •, Qaarryvillt » Mount Joy • Christiana • Colombia -
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* 1
'mother’s Congo Squares. Here’sL
- the recipe:
(350 degree oven) ■ '
Melt % cup butter or shorten
ing in large sauce pan. Stir in
2V* cups brown sugar (1 lb)
Remove from heat Cool 10 mm
Sift 2% cups sifted flour, 2Va
teaspoons baking powder, % tsp.
salt. Beat 3 eggs, one at a time
into sugar mixture, mix well
Stir in 1 cup chopped nuts and
1 package chocolate chips
Spread in greased pan 15x10x1.
Bake 25 to 30 minutes
Another favorite food of the
family is raised doughnuts
which require a lot of time to
make so they make this recipe
in triple quantity two or thiee
times a year, then store them in
the freezer as long as they
last??? The same recipe can be
used for ice box rolls
1 quart milk scalded
1 cup mashed potatoes
1 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 package yeast (dissolved in
% cup warm water)
Mix all thoroughly, adding
yeast after milk has cooled Add
enough flour to the mixture un
til dough is the consistency of
cake dough about 3Vz cups
Cover and set aside to rise 2
hours. Then add:
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup flour
Mix well Now add enough
flour to make a soft dough
about 3Vb cups. Cover and set
aside 1 hour or until dough has
doubled in size. Shape into
doughnuts and raise at least 1
hour. Fry in deep fat at 375 de
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968— lg
Have You Heard?...
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Give Food For Christmas Gifts
Food makes a popular Christmas gift especially for those
people on your list who seem to have everything
Fruits are a good choice if you choose the
more sturdy ones oranges, grapefruit, or
apples Pack them well in shredded paper or
excelsior that absorbs bumps
Avoid mailing foods packed in breakable
containers such as jelly in glass jars
Mail cookies, candies, or cheeses in metal
Select sturdy corrugated cardboard boxes
to help keep foods intact when mailing them
Tie boxes with strong cord and use gumm
ed tape as well.
Freezing Cookie Dough .
Unbaked cookie dough freezes well. Con
sider mixing double batches of cookie dough
and freeze some for later baking.
T , , . , , velvet dress And the best way
If you re making drop cook- s t eam the entire dress is to
ies, drop dough on baking h it in the bathroom wh n e
sheets freeze until solid then the s shower is in use .
scoop the frozen mounds of ~ , . „
dough into a plastic bag and Hang dress up, carefully
put into the freezer at once. shaping the shoulders over a
Pack refrigerator cookie well-padded and shaped hang
dough into fruit juice concen- er- Heep the dress away from
trate cans, cover, and put into m<^.s^ re ut mor n ® steam
freezer. When ready to bake, If the g fT nt + wl to^ uv
open bottom of can, push out Pressing, do it with the pile face
dough, and slice. cl ®“ dv l * ath to ?. el
and lightly lift and lower the
iron on the back of the fabric.
Tips On Pressing Velvet
Steam takes wrinkles out of a (Continued on Page 25)
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