Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 14, 1968, Image 18
13—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 FOR THE Hospitality Is Characteristic Of The Farm Home Of Mrs. Wood by Mrs. Charles McSparran Lancaster Farming Staff Writer Being a farmer’s wife and mother of five active children is cnly part time woik for Mis Jesse Wood who resides in Lit t e Bntam township As this le poitei enteied hei spic and span home she was tendeily cairns fji hei tin ee ycai old niece T'hile the paient« weie south at t ■ndnig the child’s giandfathei’s funeial Hei attiactive kitchen is laige e lough to contain a laige an tique dining table wheie the f milv shai es many happy times togethei enjoying the fine food sic piepaies Hospitality is c .aiacteustic of this home Then thei e is the sewing nook i one coxnei of the kitchen \ heie everything is at hei fin g’ltms to turn out the fine waid i obes for the family She is an accomplished sewer, making tail ored suits di esses, cm tains, apes etc The Wood gills are allowing in their mother’s foot ;pps being membeis of the Lit- PLENTY HOT VAXES is what you’ll enjoy with a Texaco Fuel Chief Water Heater. Fully automatic. Pro* duces hot water faster thanit’sneededforbath* Jug, dishwashing, laun dering—and at a frac tion of the cost of old fashioned waterheaters. Come in and see them!. Let us analyze your needs. No obligation, [FuelChief] We Give S & H Green Stamps Garber Oil Co. Texaco Fuel Chief Burner Sales & Service 105 Fairview St. MOUNT JOY, PA Ph. 653-1821 f• FARM WIFE “®® AND / FAMILY tle Britain Sewettes 4-H Sewing Club of which Mrs Wood is a Leader. This club has a mem bership of thirty girls and meets all summer in the Fulton Grange Hall at Oakryn She has just finished taking the “Cutting to Fit” course at the Lancastei County Faim and Home Centei which was conduced by the Lancastei County Extension Se.vice As one enteis the living 100 m of the Wood residence youi eyes aie diawn to the beautiful Si one fiieplace which gives the warm atmosphere ot a modem farm home On the top book shelf beside the fireplace, Ruth Ann (as Mis Wood is bettei known) pioudly displays all hei bowling tiophies she has won in the past six yeais For four years she and her husband bowled in the Southern End Church League at the Quairy \ille Recreation Center and the past two years they have bowl ed m the Mechanic Grove Church of the Biethien League at the Garden Spot Bowl, Stias, put SAVINGS TO WORK/ I FIRST FEDERAL! Mon. thra Shurs!. ;> ' Fri. 9to 4:30' , 1{ . i( 9t06 IN THE SEWING NOOK m the comer of Mrs Jesse Wood’s kitchen where every buig wheie hsi piesent scois e-i V s fifteen eligible families as iectoi and a former president of aveiage is 142 scon as funds aie available tbe local boaid of the Commun- Mis Wood is an active mem- This busy housewife is a di- (Continued on Page 19) bei of this Bietlnen chinch which she has attended all hei life She teaches the foaith gi ade Sunday School class teaches at the Daily Vacat on B.ble School in the summer and selves on the kitchen commit tee She is Secietaiy of the Board of Directois of the So lanco Day Caie Center which will be held in this chinch So far this Centei is only in the planning stage but is leady to ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $15,000 'avinps and /ojan ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER 25 North Duke St-. • Phone 393-0601 INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE CONTINUES MONARCH KITCHEN HEATERS & RANGES Open Every Night Til 9 Closed December 2i at 5 P.M. GROFF'S Hardware NEW HOLLAND Sat. 9 to noon thing is at her fingertips to turn out fine wardrobes for her family. L. F. Photo SPECIAL VALUES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS SUNBEAM ELECTRIC 4 SLICING KNIFE |Z,|Uw ALADDIN SMOKELESS pi KEROSENE HEATERS US 3350 to 5580 B.T U Output Mm *O9 # *# ea ALSO LARGER SIZES IN STOCK We have the BLACK and DECKER line of Hedge Trimmers, Lawn Edgers and Power Tools at DISCOUNT PRICES. THIS WEEKS SPECIAL BOYS’ UNDERWEAR Reduced For Quick Sale STORE HOURS: 7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Except Wed. & Sat. 7:30 to 5 P.M. Closed Sunday Clothing, Shoes, Houseware, Hardware and General Meichandise GOOD'S STORE R. D. 1, East Earl, Penna. Ph. 445-6156 1 Mile North of Route 23 Along Route 625