Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 14, 1968, Image 16

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968
• Farm And Home
(Continued fiom Page 1)
al interests he is a Fellow and
past president of the American
Society of Agricultural Engi
neeis, serves on the Advisoiy
Engineenng Committee for the
Faim and Industrial Equipment
Institute, the Farm Resomces
and Facilities Reseai ch Advis
oiy Committee of the US De
paitment of Agucultuie. and
was a member of the special
1966 Pennsylvania Governoi’s
Committee on Agriculture He
is also listed in “Who’s Who in
Ameuca”, is a member of the
Conestoga Valley Conservation
Association, and has served as
a Lay Leader in Giand View
Heights Community Methodist
Chuich He is a native of lowa,
and lives at 2150 Landis Valley
Road, Lancastei
Directors of the Foundation
have labeled the coming appeal
“completion fund” since the
Centei is considered to be in
complete until vntually all con
stiuction and equipping costs
have been eiased Attainment of
the Sl5O 000 campaign goal
would leave the Foundation with
a building indebtedness of about
S4O 000 00 according to Gaibei
an amount which could be man
aged out of operating income
Opeiation of the Faim and anc * adequate paikmg aie
Home Centei will not lequne among features contributing to
an anmul financial appeal the the building s appeal foi vanous
boaid points out as the building t L!nctl °ns
is designed to piovide opeiating Plans foi the campaign call
n £. B. HOOBER I
WS and SON |
*o !■■■■ Intercourse, Penna. 'St
ACTION-ACE Phone 768-8231
Find out for yourself what this new concept
in mobility is all about.
Scrambler is six wheels of go-anywhere,
year-round fun for the whole family. An ideal
vehicle for hunters and sportsmen.
Climb 45% grades Romp through a swamp.
Ford a stream. Scramble over a dune In snow,
out-maneuver anything on skis. You won't
believe it till you've driven it.
£ I.
income. The sources of annual
support include moderate fees
charged organizations using the
facilities, and rental derived
fiom five agencies having offices
in the building The agencies
aie Agricultural Extension Sei
vice, the County Superintendent
of Schools, Agricultural Stabili
zation and Conseivation Service,
Soil Conseivation Service, and
tne Faimeis Home Administra
The Centex opened last Feb
ruaiy and is located on a ten
acre tract of land given by the
late Elmer L Esbenshade In
addition to the site, valued at
$lOO,OOO, Esbenshade also sup
ported the pioject with several
gifts including one amount
which is used for scholai ships
ol students majoring in the
field of aguculture
First of its kind in Pennsyl
vama, the Center has been used
widely in the first 9 months of
opeiation Functions involving
civic clubs, mdustnal groups,
garden clubs, fraternal organi
zations, exhibits, home-making
classes, agricultural -related
gioups and similar activities aie
lepoited by Howaid E Camp
bell, managei of the Centei
Campbell has indicated that the
Centci’s cential location in the
eountv, flexibility of facilities,
for seeking subscriptions of sup- IVT
port to be fulfilled over two in- FulttlU
ccme-tax years Contributions TJ_ 1? „ )V|[ a fL n J
will be sought of industrial, com- .T ““IIIISJ IVlclllCU
meicial and service interests, in papv p„
addition to farm families and UNIVERSITY PARK Po-
agncultural - related orgamza- tato Processors in Pennsylvania
ttons Leadership is now being may soon be using a new meth
enhsted for the canvassing units od of peeling potatoes which
and will be announced shortly Wl u save thousands of dollars in
Over-all planning of the drive time and labor and will require
is in the hands of a Steering only a fractional amount of the
Committee consisting of John H water used in present piocess-
Heir, chairman; Max M Smith, ing systems
L H Skromme, all of Lancas- .. „ t
ter. Phaies S Risser. Elizabeth- N Hcnr y Wooding, Extension
town, J William Snavely, Lan- agricultural engineer at The
disville; Noah W Ki eider, Man- Pennsylvania State University,
heim, Forney Longenecker, Lit- the Agricultural Research
itz; and Garber, Willow Street Service of the U S Department
of Agriculture has deveioned a
A campaign headquarters has pjocess whereby potatoes are
been opened at the Farm and sprayed with a solution of lye
Home Center, 1383 Arcadia an( j hot water and are dried
R °ad briefly at 100 m temperatuie
They are then tumbled in a per
foiated drum foi 2 to 5 minutes
undci gas-fued inflated b'un-
Leisure is sweet when it fol
low's woik well done
RED ROSE FARROWING RATION a high nutrient, bulky farrowing
and conditioning ration for full feeding to sows, before and after farrow-
RED ROSE PIG & SOW PELLETS meets exacting nutritional require
ments during late gestation, lactation and early growth of pigs.
RED ROSE PIG PRE-STARTER PELLETS a complete feed with sugar
concentrates and high antibiotic levels for young pigs.
RED ROSE PIG STARTER PELLETS supplement the sow's milk and
accustom pigs to pellet feed.
RED ROSE PIG GROWER PELLETS complete and balanced; contains
vitamins and antibiotics for pigs from 50 to 100 pounds.
RED ROSE PORKMAKER a complete feed for pigs 100 pounds to
RED ROSE HOG SUPPLEMENT fortified with vitamins, minerals and
antibiotics for feeding with your gram.
S 9
Walter Binkley & Son E. Musser Heisey & Son
Lititz E. D. £2, Mt. Jov. Pa
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Graybill & Son
Refton , Strasbarg
Keistand Bros.
A. L Herr & B ro.
Dav'd B. Hurst
Martin's Feed Mill, Inc.
R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa.
Mountville Feed Service
ers that radiate heat at 1600 de
grees Fahrenheit.
“This tumbling takes off
about one-half to two-thirds of
the peel and the rest is taken
off by rotating rolls with flex
ible rubber fingers,” the ag en
gineer pointed out. “A quick
rinse and brushing completes
the process.”
Since only small amounts of
water are needed by using this
method, the pollution load on
waste disposal systems is reduc
ed, Wooding emphasized The
dry peels can be burned or
buried in a land fill.
Homes Prime Fire Target
NEW YORK Although fires
in public and industrial build
mgs frequently are the headline
makers, fires in residences cause
neaily twice as much damage as
fires in any othei category of
building, reports the Insurance
Information Institute.
GET More
Every HOGI
Musser Farms, Inc.
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Chas. E. Sauder & Sons
Terre Hill
Amnion E. Shelly
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,