VOL. 34 NO. 3 Mrs. Charles McSparran Mrs. McSparran On Lancaster Farming Staff Lancaster Farming News paper is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Charles McSpairan, Quarryville, as a nev. , member - ,oL._ its staff Amopg her duties will be regu lar women’s features such as the first one that appears on Page 18 of this issue Mrs. McSparren grew up on a farm in Fulton township and graduated there from hign school She attended Lancaster Business College and worked four years in the office of Arm strong Cork Co. After marriage she spent 29 years on the farm in Diumore township where they specialized in dany, swine (Continued on Page 7) Nixon Announces His Sec. Of Agriculture Clifford M Hardin, who grew up on an Indiana faira, leaves the relative calm of a midwest ern umieisity campus to take command of the government’s huge and controversial faim programs. Associates sav Hardin has’dis continued on Page 7) Baby Beef Extravaganza Held By Area 4-H Members The combined ingredients of youth, steers and showmanship, provided a two-day extravaganza for ring-side spectatois this week as the Lancastei County 4 H Baby Beef Roundup and the Southeast District 4 H Baby Beef Show were held Tuesday and Wednesday at the Lancas ter Union Stock Yards On Tuesday afternoon, it was the selecting of 36 County Heie fold, Angus and Shoithoin pi ej ects to go to Hainsbuig to the Annual Farm Show Later, the all-important County Showman ship Contest where Mai vin Niss ley, 17, walked off with tne hon ors and the Intell calf as a prize foi his effoits Hemy Giubei, A & B Meats, Farmers Oppose Football At PM " A group of' farmer's -■ in- fhe Penn Manoi School District op posed the football program that was proposed at a regular Penn Manor School Board Meeting held Monday night, but the final decision will not come until the January 13th meeting Several comment* were made by persons fiom a group in op position One complained of the spiraling taxes and the hardship of people on limited income in cluding farmers caught in a cost price squeeze Another said he spent some time in Europe, and found their education superior to ours He advised any addi tional mouej be spent on better education instead of sports In other business, Garland Gingrich was named Assistant Principal at the high school to replace Wallace T Vlassis who has been elected principal of the Marticville Middle School Gingrich is presently a member of the agucultuial faculty at the high school. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 14,1968 Allentown, Lester Bmdette, Penn State and Comad Giove, Chester County 4H Lsadei, served as judges DISTRICT SHOW On Wednesday the isal am maltype competition started with Lancas t ei County 4-H members competing with Ches ter, Caibon Dauphin and Noith ampton County youths Gaiy Dean, Strasburg Rl, ear ned Lancaster as high as possi ble by taking his 1110 pound Angus named “Ichabod ’ to the reseive grand champion spot Gary, 14, son of Mr and Mrs William Dean was fust in the heavyweight class The champion was shown by Milton Howe, Chester County This steer, also an Angus, came from the top of the light-heavy weight The Hereford championship went to Lancaster’s Dennis Bru baker, 16,206 Rohrerstown Road and reserve champion Heiefoid was shown by Susan Kay Heu, Lancaster Marlene Hess, 11, and Cindy Lou Eshleman, 17 both of Mt Joy, showed the champion and reserve champion Shoi thorn re spectively . Ruth Ellen Baitium, Chester (■Continued on S' 1 Buchen Wins First In 4-H Ess£y Contest Winners of the Lancaster County 4-H Soil and Water Con seivation Essay Contest were announced this week and awards were presented Tuesday at a regular weekly meeting of the Lancaster Kiwanis Club First place winner was Bui nell Buchen, Manheim R 3, and he received a $75 Savings Bond for his efforts Second place was Ray Biu baker, 206 Rohrerstown Road (Cont.nued on Page 10) GARY DEAN, Strasburg Rl, won the reserve grand championship at the Southeast District 4-H Baby Beef Show Wednesday, held at the Lancaster Union Stockyards. The Angus named “Ichabod” was first in the heavyweight class. L- F. Photo F & H To Conduct A Completion Fund Drive The Farm and Home Founda tion of Lancastei County will conduct a ‘ Completion Fund Campaign”, beginning the lattei pait of Januaiy, for the puipose of liquidating capital indebted ness incurred in building the new Faim and Home Centei A minimum objective of Sl5O 000 will be sought, representing a major portion of the lemammg funds needed to pay for the $500,000 structure located on Ai cadia Road, accoiding to B Snavely Garbei, president of the board of directois The fund-i aismg piogiam will be headed by Lawrence H Skromme, vice piesidcnt of the $2 00 Per Year Foundation and vice president for engineering at New Holland Co Division of Speiry Rand Coip He will be aided b> three divisions of volunteer workeis, now in process of formation and organized in categoues of ma jor, special and farm gifts Skromme has played a prom inent role in helping to establish the new Center which has earn ed the commendation of State officials, as well as aiea busi ness, agucultural and industri al leaders He served as co chan man. along with the late Levi H Brubaker, of the successm. campaign which provided rhe building funds in 1965 foi in itiating constiuction of the Cer. tei Among Skromme’s piofessior.- ((■''ntanued on Page 16) Mystery Farm Contest The M\stei\ Faim Coyest conti.ioes tins week m La ere tei Fat ".mg with *hs fut. 1 .. tns at eight CoanA m. 1 phr f oii£?h; to be publisie’ ."eeklv foi jou to identic The pa.a subscubei who wins fits' puze w”ll iecei\e a peisona. cneck foi SlOO and second ore :hnd placed wmneis wul be awa’ded S5O and 525 checks ie spectiv el}. Heie’s now it works An en larged photogiaph of a Lancas ter County Farm fiom a didei ent aiea each week is publish ed The general dnection from (Continued on Page 6)