Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 07, 1968, Image 4

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    Lancaster Farming. Saturday. December 7.1908
From Where We Stand ...
One Of County Ag’s
Finest Friends
With the rest of the farm community,
we morn the passing of one of Lancaster
County Agriculture's finest friends.
Levi Hess Brubaker, an eighth genera
tion Lancaster County farmer and outstand
ing leader in area agriculture, died last
Friday at Village Vista Nursing Home. He
was 78.
Although he had been ill for se\eral
weeks, death was unexpected. Brubaker, of
2001 Marietta Ave., and his wile, Anna G.
Brubaker, also a guest at Village Vista,
celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary
Jan. 25, 1968.
Brubaker, who was named a Master
Farmer 34 years ago, was one of the leaders
and most staunch supporters of the Lan
caster County Farm and Home Center.
He ser\ed as co-chairman for the Farm
and Home campaign, and was present at
the groundbreaking and cornerstone laying
ceremonies. The structure, located on Arca
dia Road, off the Manheim Pike, was com
pleted in January, 1968.
At the 1966 State Farm Show, he was
cited for 51 years of service to the Pennsyl
\ania Crop Reporting Service.
He was one of the founders of Phil Ha
\en Hospital, Lebanon R 5, and served as
tteasurer of the hospital board of directors
since it was organized.
He also was one of the founders and a
member of the board of Landis Homes, Lit
itz R 3 Brubaker was a former director in
both the Lancaster County Agricultural and
Home Economics Extension Assn , and of
the Lancaster County Poultry Assn.
Brubaker was a former Sunday School
superintendent, and a trustee of Rohrers
town Mennonite Cemetery.
He was engaged in farming all his life
and was active up until two or three weeks
Levi Brubaker will be missed by his
liiendj. ".'uJgii ms in
fluence will be continued for many genera
tions through the many areas of benevo
lence he instituted, it just will not be the
same without Levi’s personal touch. At least
that’s the way it looks from where we stand.
No Cut At All
Practically everybody is of the opinion
that the cost of government will constantly
increase and certainly nothing in the past
century of our history lends support to any
other prediction.
In January 1968, President Johnson’s
administration estimated federal spending
at $lB6 billion in the fiscal year that will
end June 30, 1969 Following the President’s
request for a $lO billion income tax sur
charge, Congress went through an excep
tional exercise in futility and spent six
months deadlocked in debate over the tax
increase measure and demands lor econo
Eventually, the tax surcharge was pass
ed and a $6 billion reduction in federal ex
penditures was made mandatory, but Con
gress exempted six areas of spending from
all cuts the war in Viet Nam. welfare,
farm subsidies, veterans’ benefits, social
security and medicare and interest on the
national debt Four out of six of these were
exempted because of political considera
tions. On top of this, veterans' benefits
have been increased, and politicians are
talking about doubling social security pay-
Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly
P 0 Box 266 - Lxtitz, Pa 17543
Office 22 E Mam St, Lititz Pa 17543
Phone Lancastei 394 3047 oi Lititz 626-2191
Eveiettß Newswangei, Editor
RobeitG Campbell Advertising Duector
Subscription puce s2peryeai in Lancaster
County, S 3 elsewheie
Established Novembei 4 1955
Published eveiy Satin da> b% Lancaster
Fanning Lititz, Pa
Second Class Postage paid at Lititz Pa
Membei of Newspaper Faim Editois Assn
merits. The not results of all the fiscal fire
anu launder is that ledcral government ex
penditures will remain at about $lB6 bil
lion right where they were.
About all that can be said of the econo
my drive is that spending would have been
higher without it. The crucial question is
not whether government spending will rise
but rather how fast it will rise, and on this,
will depend the future value of the dollar,
the solvency of the United States, the fin
ancial security of every one of us and the
continued existence of our economic sys
tem and form of government. For the past
few years, the cost of government has been
increasing at a rate which the nation can
not sustain.
lii a Reader’s Digest article, entitled
“The Big Issue That Political Spenders
Would Like To Forget,” Charles Stevenson
makes some cogent observations concern
ing the consequences of this trend and what
must be done to correct it. The federal
government in the past eight years, Steven
son points out, has cost the U.S. taxpayers
nearly one trillion dollars more than the
federal government has spent from its
founding to 1954. Under the “new econo
mics,” deliberate deficits were run when no
emergencies warranted them, and the re
sult has been inflation, which Stevenson
points out, in just seven years “. . . has
added a total of $lOO billion to the cost of
all purchased goods and services. It has
stolen $32 billion from our personal savings
It has devalued our life-insurance and pen
sion reserves by $3O billion.”
Inflated costs combined with growing
expenditures mean higher taxes at all
levels of government. Stevenson reports
that states will spend around $97 billion this
year for goods and services more than
double the outlay at the beginning of the
Kennedy-Johnson administration. If this
amount is to be collected from the available
57 million taxpaying families and single per
sons, it will amount to $32 a week for each
The federal
■nmanf 111 in ~ —r'in'- ~ %1
lluJcuT cO laKb *p££,o
mTuon more from individuals and corpora
tions this year than it did last year, and
for each individual taxpayer, this amounts
to an additional $390 on an average. People
of fixed incomes and businesses affected by
inflated costs but unable to cover them com
pletely by increasing prices are in deep
trouble. He concludes that we can’t resur
rect the dollar of some bygone year without
bringing on “. . . a disastrous depression.
But we can stop the inflation and stabilize
the dollar. Unless we do, there won’t be any
resources at all to apply against the plight
of the cities, the plight of the poor and the
defense of the country.”
jr V
Farm Calendar
Monday, December 9
7 30 p m—Garden Spot Young Faimer, Land
Management Workshop #5, meet
Vo-Ag Room, New Holland
Tuesday, December 10
100 pm —Lancaster County 4-H Baby Beef
Round-up, Lancastei Stock Yaids
7 30 p m —Ephiata Young Faimer meet, Vo-
Ag Room (Beef Maiketing).
7 30 pm—Garden Spot Young Faimer Land
Management Workshop #6, Vo-Ag
Wednesday, December H
9 00 a m —Disti ict 4-H Beef Round-up, Lan
castei Stock Yaids
1 30 pm —4-H Baby Beet Sale, Lancaster
Stock Yards
8 00 p m —Lancastei County Soil and Water
Disti ict meet, Faun and Home
Local Weather Forecast
(From the U. S. Weather Bureau at the
Harrisburg State Aiipoit)
The five-day forecast calls for tempera
tures to average below normal with day
time highs in the 30’s and low 40's and over
night lows in the mid teens to low 20’s. Cold
throughout the period.
Precipitation may total one-fourth to
one-half inch water equivalent falling as
snow the beginning ol the period and snow
flumes toward the end.
Lesson for December 8,1968
iackfraund Scrialur* Reflation « »hrough 3
o«v*ti*n«l Rmiihi; Rtvtlatlon 1 4*B
"It Is a gloomy moment in
history,” writes an editorialist.
"Not in the lifetime of most men
has there been so much grave
and deep apprehension. Never
has the future seemed so incalcula
ble than at this present time. The
political caul
dron seethes and
bubbles with un
certainty. Russia
hangs as usual
like a cloud
dark and silent
upon thehorizon j
of Europe . . .
It is a solemn 1
moment, and of,
Rev. Althouse our trouble, no
man can see the end,” j
Yesterday’s paper? No, these
words, so contemporary in their
sound, were written by an editori
alist one hundred and ten years
ago and appeared in the October,
1858, issue of Harper’s Weekly.
This voice from the past helps to
remind us that the bleak condi
tions of our world today are
hardly something new under the
Always in crisis
It is not only in the realm of
International affairs that we find
these recurrmg problems. For ex
ample, more than two thousand
years ago, in 394 8.C., the
philosopher Socrates wrote of a
problem that sounds all too
familiar "The children now love
luxury. They show disrespect to
elders and love chatter in place of
tyrants, not servants, of their
households . . . They contradict
their .parents, chatter before com
pany, gobble up dainties at the
table... and tyrannize over their
Both the editorialist and the
philosopher bemoan the dark
days that gave befallen their
world, just as editorialists and
philosophers and many others do
today. There are many in our
own world who have little doubt
but that the world is coming
•apart at the seams and are
For Full Market Reports
To remove leaves from spouts
Buildings that aie located
neai or undei tiees may have
then diam spouts filled with
leaves at this time of the year
Mow that leaves are down, it
might be a good idea to get
a laddei and clean out the leaves
and spouts When they are
stopped with leaves the water
w ill back up and enter the build
ing This is much easier done
before cold weathei anives and
befoie ice forms in dangerous
To eliminate rats
Cold weather will continue to
duve rats and mice from the
f.elcls into buildings Rats are
extiemely dangeious to man
and beast and aie veiy wasteful;
usually, there are many more
rats aiound than can be seen,
it onl\ one oi two are seen
wondering whether it can have
nuch time left before dieaster is
total and final. That is hardly a
new fear, for society, it seems,
has always been in crisis. There
have always been dark days
from which it has seemed the
world could scarcely emerge.
In contrast, the writer of
Revelation possessed an unfailing
confidence and faith about the
future. He knew that the churches
of Asia Minor were being sub
jected to all kinds of threats and
pressure. He knew that some
Christians were wringing their
hands in dispair, thinking the
days of the Church were
Fear not!
Some churches were puttingup
a good fight against the dark
forces they needed to be en
couraged to continue. Some were
making serious mistakes they
needed to be corrected. Others,
like the church at Laodicea,
seemed to have "thrown in the
towel” they needed to be saved
from destruction. It was for these
reasons that John wrote the un
usual book which we know as
"Fear not, "he says, addressing
the seven churches in Asia Minor.
(Revelation 1:17) He does not
mean that they have nothing
about which to be concerned.
That would be dishonest counsel
for he knew that there was lots
of trouble ahead for them. He
recognized the problems and
forsaw the dangers, so that his
"Fear not” was not an assurance
that these were not real, but that
the vindication of God was even
more real. The churches would
not be spared their dark days,
but they would be given the
power to be victorious in them.
Thus, Revelation is a com
munication of hope to Christians
who are, like ourselves, sur
rounded by hostile, challenging
forces. It is written for those who
scan the horizon of the future for
some sign of encouragement, of
promise, of hope. And their hope,
he say, is in Christ who in God’s
own good time will conquer. "I
am coming soon; hold fast what
you have, so that no one may
seize your crown”. (Revelations
3:11 RSV) The dark days of
those to whom Revelation was
first addressed are so similar
to our own. And their hope is
our hope too: the victorious
((*t*H *n auHinu c**yrijhl*J by Hi* Divisiwi
•f Christian E*>eati*n, N*li*n*l Council •' th*
Churches *f Christ m Hi* 0. S. A. (t*lm*H by
Community Pr*ss Sftivic*.) J
By Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
daily, there may be twenty
times that many around the
pxeimses Not only do they eat
feed and gram but damage and
waste much more, they can
cany diseases and infections of
all kinds A good program of
sanitation along with concietmg
all nesting places and a poison
bait effort should keep them un
der conti ol Don’t try to live or
farm with lats and mice as
To have a standby generator
Modern farming methods de
pend upon automation and the
gieat use of electric poiyei All
p> oducers are urged to invest in
a standby generator to be used
in case of power failuie This
is good management and good
insuiance against serious piob
lems and the loss of animals
and income