Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 07, 1968, Image 13
£llllllllltillllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllililinilllll!£ A Registered Holstein cow owned by J. Mowery Frey Jr., 401 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, completed the highest 305 day Lactation for October according to the latest report fiom the Penn State University. Ruthie produced 23,616 pounds of milk and 961 pounds of butterfat with a 4.1 percent test. Second high lactation was completed by a Registered Hol stein cow owned by David L. Landis, 1896 Colebrook Road, Lan caster. Rose produced 21,427 pounds of milk, 909 pounds of but teifat with a 42 percent test in 305 days The herds of J Arthur Rohrer & Sons, Paradise R 1 and Hiram S Aungst, Elizabethtown Rl, had the highest daily buttei fat average. The Rohrer held with 45 8 Registered and Grade Holstein cows averaged 47 4 lbs of milk, 1 76 lbs of butterfat with a 3 7% test The Aungst herd with 34 0 Registered Holstein cows averaged 46 1 lbs of milk, 176 lbs of butterfat with a 3 8% test Tne herds of Lloyd Wolf, Quarryville R 2 and Ciutis E Akers, Quarry ville R 2, placed second The Wolf herd with 42 8 Registered & Grade Holstein cows averaged 45 1 lbs of milk 1.75 lbs of buttei fat with a 39% test The Akers herd with 36 2 Re gistei ed and Grade Holstein cows averaged 46 0 lbs of milk, 1 75 lbs of butterfat with a 38% test The first 305 days of lactation with 650 or more lbs of but terfat are as follows Owner - Name Breed Age Days J Mowery Frey Jr, Euthie Dewdrop Louise Beverly David L Landis Rose RH Henry E Kettering Jean RH Honey RH Tess RH Fan RH Jin RH Donald S. Eby Dianne Snowball Suzanne Clyde W. Martin Princes Duchess J. Mowery Frey Mable Butter Harry S. Aungst Janet Pansy Mable John M. Nissley Segis Tiny Dale E. Hiestand Brenda Star Marvin S. Nolt 19' Brinton & Eager Candy Amos B. Lapp Jenny Pella Ivan S. Stoltzfus Pauline RH Nelson H. Hershey Dora RH Hazel RH Harry G. Kreider Raven Lady Harry L Troop Starr RH N Gerhart & L W Nolt 36 GrH Lester M Hawthorne Holly RH Jacob S. Dienner Ann John M. Harnish Topsy Joy Bess Robin Melvin M Groff Betsy Janet Gem Ralph Myer Kitty Dan S. Stoltzfus Barbara 305 297 305 305 RH RH RH RH 6-5 6-9 3-0 6-0 305 305 305 303 305 305 7-1 3-1 6-1 12-9 305 285 302 RH RH RH 7-11 7-11 3-0 305 305 RH RH 6-4 6-2 305 292 6-11 6-0 RH RH 305 305 305 6-10 61 5-10 RH RH RH 305 294 RH RH 10-3 4-8 305 305 RH RH 305 RH 305 RH 4-10 305 265 RH RH 305 305 299 4- 5- 305 305 RH RH 305 305 305 RH 305 RH GrH RH RH 288 305 305 290 4- 5- 5-8 4-1 305 305 305 5-1 5-11 7-5 RH RH GrH 305 RH 305 RH LANCASTER COUNTY DHIA MONTHLY I REPORT Milk Test 41 39 43 42 23,616 18,814 16,937 17.008 21,427 4.0 42 41 46 50 21,998 17,884 17,068 15.110 13,355 40 40 53 21,581 17,733 13,212 22,718 20 466 20,275 16.829 43 47 45 19.455 14.354 14,626 20550 18,535 17.656 15.411 18,509 22,820 21,659 18 906 19,429 18 034 17 086 17,982 17.940 20763 16 632 17,719 20.431 20 953 16 536 17,525 17.742 36 44 40 3.7 17,234 18.826 15.936 4.3 3.7 4.2 21,358 21,901 34 Owner • Name Breed Age Days J Z Nolt Cemrald Lloyd Wolf Sue Spotty J. Rohrer Witmer Nancy Sabina Parke H. Ranck Peggy Robert C Groff Sally Jan Melvin H. Ranck Hazel Andrew G. Miller Barbara 'ohn L Landis Peggy Hiram S Aungst Judy RH Samuel S Stoltzfus Jackie RH Tiilie RH Susan RH iobait W Ulrich & Son Kate GrJ Bess GrJ Fay GiJ \mos H Rutt Hope onas E Zook Judy RH lobert H Kauffman Roseen RH ohn C Gioff Heita Gay 21am P Bollinger Gloria Tay E Landis Sugar Amos E King Jr, 6 14 Albert E. Fry Eclipse Amos B Lantz Shirley Henry B Leaman Montie Fi ed J Ki eider Spotty GrH Wairen S Aungst Jr. Jean RH John M Smucker Hays Tames F Myer Reba Jelson E Martin Gretel Ann Melvin L Sheitzer Rambler John 0 Stoltzfus Dervale Harry H Ranck Jr Fawn Clarence M Murry Daisy Kenneth L Beiler Pixie Ben S Stoltzfus L Ivy Freda Earl L Hershey 114 Ellis D. Kreider R 12 Clair E Kreider Goldena Lester M. Weaver ■ 91 62A John C Metzler Wendy I. Mane Willis M Martin uene RH H. Hostetter & W Eby Arlene RH Mahlon Shoemaker & Son marie GiH Earl Smoker -\OO Fat 961 736 735 715 90S 884 748 693 693 665 868 711 694 863 801 837 652 828 675 654 811 683 797 734 786 779 772 650 768 760 698 758 734 757 Cletus A. Balmer locust RH Jacob L Kurtz Estate Olisa RH H H Haverstick Est Barbara RH Linda RH Furry H Frey 755 754 752 749 725 695 660 Lois Eli M Kauffman Patsy Clair M Holhnger Miss J. C. Pownall Est, 747 699 664 Beauty Mervin Sauder Lucy Josie 746 745 RH 80 305 RH 1M GrH 6 6 304 285 RBrSw 3-3 RG 5-4 305 305 RH 305 RH RH 305 305 GrH 305 RH 305 GrH 305 305 61 10 6 305 305 285 305 305 305 GiH 305 305 305 RH RH 305 305 RH 305 300 RH 4-8 4-10 305 305 RH RH 305 RH RH 305 RH 305 305 305 10 4 305 RH 305 RH RH RH 305 303 4 2 305 GrH 5-11 RH 305 305 RH 305 RH RH 299 RH RH 301 292 305 RH 305 GrH RH 305 RH RH 64 6-6 305 303 4-8 3-11 305 305 RH RH 291 285 305 RH 305 305 305 281 305 68 10-9 RH 305 10-4 RH 305 RH 305 RG 305 GrH GrH 305 305 (Continued on Page 18) Lancaster Farming. Saturday. December 7,1968 SECOND SECTION Milk Test Fat 19,339 19 019 18,588 17.020 12,300 16,183 21 981 16,932 15,702 20,449 23,724 20,376 21,957 17 021 16,034 33 40 42 12 421 11,450 13,737 18 180 19 098 18 565 39 34 18 361 19,783 16 919 16 437 19 025 19.179 18 629 17,539 44 16,295 37 19,112 15,600 21169 16 834 43 44 16 196 15,353 16.116 15.174 19,773 34 20,356 18,213 15.684 14.102 14,969 46 17,303 4.4 15,577 19,910 18,740 3.6 38 18,850 17,623 44 15,719 19,189 17.280 18,782 14.969 18 841 38 43 17,709 15,519 16,833 18,607 17,495 58 12,104 18,820 15.359 744 Facts 741 739 Dairymen Should Know 738 653 734 732 675 By Victor Plastow Associate Agricultural Agent 732 730 Now is the time to tieat cows against lice—treat every animal in the herd with ciodian sus pensions Follow the label and be sure to wet animals complete ’v with a sprayer Use cold water; warm watei will chill the animals Get the ciodion into the ears, under the legs, and under the dewclaws One hoiough treatment ms enough 729 729 727 6T 668 725 69” 677 Worm hejfeis which have been on pastuie Cattle woimer eeds are efficient, no more \pensive and safe Good re ults may be expected if heifers do not eat 01 drink manme ■’ontaminated feed c bedding Examine foi piegnancy all animals bred ovei 45 days which have not been found safe in calf If you know which animals are not in calf at this time of the /ear, you can concentiate on hese animals or sell them, 'ather than boaid them all win ter. 722 721 721 720 63£ 71£ 71f 71: 70' 711 712 Trim cows feet Cows and heifers with long feet at this time of year stand a good chance of becoming cripples by spring. 70S 708 Dehorn the stub-horned cows now. Cows which have been im properly dehorned can do a lot of damage to their herdmates during the wmtei season Use of anesthetic, medication and bandage by your veterinarian lesults in a minimum of dis comfort and production loss. Providing assistance to dairy men with breeding problems. A Using a barn chart 1 Calving interval can be estimated for older cows by noting the last seivice dates each year. Sometimes the problem is not as bad as the dairyman thinks when calving intervals is considered (13 - 13-% months is not good, but it is about average ) 706 703 703 701 682 701 696 695 693 693 691 652 689 2. Interval from last service last year to first service this year Less than 11 months in dicates cows are being bred back too soon after calving. More than 12 months suggest a Faulty heat observation advise daily turn out and close observation 688 688 687 660 685 664 b. Weak or silent heats ad vise checking ration for mineral balance and vitamins. 685 684 c Simply not trying to breed cows soon enough tor 12 month calving mteival 683 681 d Retained corpus luteum (yellow bodv) advise veterin ary assistance If confirmed m more than 10% of herd, check feeding progiam. particularly foi vitamin and minerals 677 676 676 663 3 Service interval (length of heat cycle) normal is consider ed to be 18 to 24 days If ser vice intervals are shorter than normal, it suggests 676 673 a Cystic ovaries advise veterinary assistance and check ration for vitamin level. 673 673 b. Faulty detection of heat advise daily turn out and stress standing heat. 671 667 (Continued on Page 18) 13