Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 07, 1968, Image 12
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 7.1968 12 TEACHER WELCOMED by Vo-Ag students at Lampeter- Strasburg High School. Walter McDanel is greeted by Clair Esbenshade, chapter president. David Rohrer, chapter treasurer is at left and Donald Herr, chapter vice president is 3rd from left. L. F. Photo New Ag Teacher Welcomed By Lampeter-Strasburg FFA Boys The FFA students at Lam petei-Strasburg have welcomed their new Vocational Agncul ture teachei this week and WiU ei McDanel told Lancastei Farming Thursdav moinmg he is well pleased with the recep tion “They have given me the ‘ red carpet” ti eatment both here at the school and in trm fai m visits m the community ” he said McDanel staitcd woik at the local school on Monday The new teachei giev up on a general faim in Beavei Coun t\ and giaduated fiom New Brighton High School FoUow ing this, he em oiled at Penn State University and became a member of the Alph Gamma Rho Fraternity and giaduated a' a Vo-\° >n 10^1 f Leadership in [ High Predisstog fsmm £nm & xjf I nn.^ I I jjfeffwgt V t • Hoffman pioneeied in test mg and selecting the varieties that are now pioducing bettei paving harvests for silage gieen chop, hay and haylage We’ve concentrated upon a complete up-to date line of heavv-yieldinj varieties . and backed it ut with a piogram of rigid quality conti ols Contact the Hoftma, Seed Man neaiest you foi de tailed infotmahon on the fou foiags ci ops listed below or otheis in the Hoffman line 9 Funk's 78 Th' 1 sorghum su dan glass hjbnd with built in highei yield potential • Piomor New heavv yielding last glowing, haiav wilt re sistant allaifa e BPS Formulas !3 SDecialu ed m!\tiues co\_.’ng c\ei hay, pa~tmc , nd s'idie it qiuiement Funk's Gl ; \b’ul Coin Fc highei vields on hig’i ID' siiage pens! A H HOFFMAN SEEDS INC I! ,| (Lure t ter Cdun j * V- F l | *%} L.rdroiNle Po fHoffman FARM SEEDS OeOEWAStE FOR FAYIW3 CBOPS SINCE I»** His first teaching positior was at Boveitown in Beik c Countv and aftei several ’ em he was employed as Assistant Oiganizational Dnectoi for the Pennsylvania Fainvns Associs tion Latei he was in charge of Noith Eastern Pennsjlvama foi PFA being transferred to Bei wick in Luzerne County Following his organizational work with PFA, McDanel be came geneial managei of Champion Di illing a watei w ell and pump business and in Au gust of this jeai, he went back to Penn State to get his mastei ; degree in Ag Education He has served as the piesi dent of the Berwick Jaycees A SPECIAL RCA CHRISTMAS and recently was installed into Alpha Tau Alpha. mentary teacher at Be the national honorary fraternity Walter is married to the form- They have two children, a for agricultural teachers, the er Rosemary Lignelli, on Ele- 6 and a girl 2, GET BETTER MILKING FOR YOUR COWS - WITH What’s So Different About Bou-Matic Milkers? The Answer Is RESULTS. * DARI-KOOL BULK TAKKS * DARI-KOOL INFLATIONS for most milkers POSEY S GARDEN CENTER Rear 49 North Broad Street, Lititz, Pa Let us explain our system. Pipelines Parlors or Buckets We will make Money for you. LAZARUS PRODUCTS Bouvadine Super San Dimate losan Dine Garden & Lawn Power Equipment Gravely Ariens Lawnboy SALES and SERVICE (Bob Pose}) This quality 12" LP RCA Victor album of Christ- mas carols and classics performed by 12 leading artists is available only at Fulton National Bank. Get one for yourself and more for gifts (particularly suit able because the bank's name does not appear on it). deposit $lO.OO or more in a new or existing savings ac count. Or purchase a 5% Certificate of Deposit ($5OO Phone: 626-2343 Area 717 irwi >