—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 30,1968 2 At Lancaster Yards ' Weekly Review Auction Only November 29,1968 November 27, 1968 CATTLE 715 Compared to CATTLE 2400 Compared r , AT ,_ T _ last Tuesday, slaughter steers to last week’s close slaughter 1 , 7 compared to 25 to mostly 50c higher; cows steers strong to 25 higher, in- Monday slaughter steers steady wea j i: to 50c lower; bulls uneven, stances 50 higher, cows steady t° strong; cows steady to 50 Good aJld choice mostly steady, to 25 lower, Good and Choice higher; bulls steady with Mon- utility and Commercial 50-1.00 Sbulls steady, Utility and Com- days decline. Supply include 20 i ower Supply included 28 per mercial steady to $lOO lower; percent cows. C ent cows, feeder steers fully steady Sup- SLAUGHTER STEERS: - SLAUGHTER STEERS - ply included 30 peieent slaugh- High choice and Prime 1100- High-Choice and Prime 975- h!mfwft S h 2 thP^afa n ncrm S amlv 1325 lb $29-50 ' 3035; Choice 950 ‘ 1300 lbs - 29-35-30.25; Choice ■bulls with the balance mainly 1425 lb $27.50-29 60; high Good-900- 1350 lbs 28.00-29.50; high- IrATrrwTiri? ctffr q aRd low Choiee $27 25-28 00; Good and low-Choice 27.50-26.25; H,gh pftoe 1101 M 25 S i , " d "' 1 “ d ?“?• 26 . 8 SS^^ t^ted 1325 lb $29.50 30 35; Choice 950- 1 °^,1 23 5 °’ 25 25 ‘ low-Good 22 85-25 50. 1425 lb $27 50-29 60, high Good SLAUGHTER HEIFERS COWS Utility and high and low Choice $27 25-28 00: Good and Choice 700-950 lb dressing Cutter 16 00-17.50, few Good $25 35-27 35, Standard and $22 00-24.35, Standard $l9 00- is 00-18 75; Cutter 15.25-17 00; low Good $23 50-25 25 22 50. Canner and low-Cutter 14 00- SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Two loads Choice 1000 lb $24- 50, Good and Choice 700-950 lb $22 00 24 35, Standard $l9 00- 22 50 COWS Utility and high thessmg Cotter $l6 50-17 25. few $l7 50-17 75, Cutter $l5 00 16 50, Conner and low Cutter $l3 50 15 00 BULLS Choice $25 00 26- 00, couple $26 25, Good $23 25- 25 00. Utility and Commercial $22 00-24 25, few $24 25-25 25 FEEDER STEERS Choice 805-885 lb 527 00-27 85, mixed Good and Choice 850-950 lb $25 25-25 50, Good 660-675 lb $24 50-25 25, Good 880-980 lb $23 00 24 50 CALVES 400 Vealers un- February 27.15 even, Utility to Choice mostly steady, Cull $5 00-6 00 lower March Slaughter calves mostly steady -—— VEALERS Choice $4400- Apm 45 00, Good $4O 00-44 00; Stand aid $35 50 4100, Utility $3O 00- 36 00, Cull 100 120 lb $2O 00-24 - j une 00, 85-95 lb $lB 00-20 50; 70-80 lb $l6 00-19 00 SLAUGHTER CALVES Good 250-380 lb $24 00-27 00 HOGS 1200 Barrows and gilts steady to 50 higher Sows SALES BARROWS TREND Cattle are stronger; Hogs are steady; and Potatoes AND GILTS US 1-2 195-205 are £tronger ' lb $2125 US 2 200-230 lb $2O.- , - > 00 20 50 US 2 3 200-265 lb $l9 - ----- --- -- - -~ - 60-19 85 | | SHEEP 200 Wooled slaugh ter lambs steady Slaughtei ewes weak to $lOO lower OFFERS YOU COMPLETE LINE OF TOP-YIELDING SINGLE CROSSES! (and every one of them YIELD WARRANTED) YW Hybrids are the champ ions of the single crosses and now foui new ones have been added to meet the challenge of today s high, population, narrow row planting and harvesting requirements Test them on your own farm without risk ing a penny of your seed investment Ask about our quantity discount and these top yielding YW HYBRIDS SX 362, SX 42A, SX 44 SX 47, SX 54, SX 67 SX 64, SX 92, SX 96 Willis B. Krantz R D 1 Quarryville, Penna 17566 Phone 548-2427 MARKET NEWS REPORT COWS Utility and high- 15 25. dressing Cutter $l6 50-17.25, Bulls Choice 25 60-26.00; couple $l7 50-17.75; Cutter Good 23 00-23 85, Utility and $l5 00-16 50, Canner and low Commercial 22 10-24 00 Cutter $l4OO-15 00 CALVES 521 Standard to BULLS Good $23 25-23 75, choice vealers steady to $lOO (Continued on page 31 (Continued on Page 3) FUTURES TRADING December May August November VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 1:30 P.M. FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 10 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager AUCTIONS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN MARKETING LIVESTOCK NEW HOLLAND MAKES THE DIFFERENCE IN AUCTIONS Monday —10:00 A.M. Horse Sale 10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls. Cows and Veal Wednesday— 12:30 P.M, Dairy Sale Thursday 12:30 P.M. Fat Steers, Bulls, Cows and Veal New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. • 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager (Closing bids as of Wednesday, November 27,1968) Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago 28.00 26.85 26.85-b 26.85-b a-asked b-bid n-nominal Vintage Auction November 26, 1968 Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago New York 20.20 18.40 18.30 19.60 19.85 There was no sale at New Hol land on Thursday. November 28, 1968, Thanksgiving Day. cows November 27,1968 Receipts of 145 cows, 1 bull and 3 heifers sold stronger. Hol steins 475-1100; Other Breeds 300-425; Heifers 190-275. HORSES November 25,1968 Receipts of 314 'horses sold Chicago Cattle Weekly Review Compared with last Friday, slaughter steers strong to 25 higher,' heifers 25-50 higher, cows steady to 50 higher, bulls unchanged Local receipts 17,- 100 compared with 19,200 last week anl 20,400 last year SLAUGHTER STEER.S Prime 1225-1350 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 30 50-3125, load 1280 lbs 3150, Mixed High Choice and Prime 1150-1425 lbs. 29 50-30 50, Choice 950-1375 lbs Yield Grade 2 4 28 25-29 50 Mix ed Good and Choice 27 50-28 50, Good 26 25-27 50, Standard and Low Good 2400-26 25. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Pmne 975-1125 lbs Yield-Grade 3 and 4 28 00-28.75, Mixed High FOR SALE EQUIPPED DAIRY FARM Grossed $22/000 last year. New 140 ft. barn, 188 Acres. 35 Holstein Dairy Cows. Much more. Deal of a lifetime. $53,000. ,CONTACT; JOHN KROLL R. D. #1 Covington, Pa. Phone: 659-2171 3.05 3.25 3.81 2.40 WHY RE-TIE ANOTHER BALE? The twine with the extra high knot strength mBr*;>. -' i extra 1%853' HOLLAND apjaM ■ BALER TWINE • the ball with the wooden plug • 9,000’ and 10,000’ Made from No. 1 East African fiber The finest available ORDER NOW & PAY NEXT YEAR SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 New Holland Auction steady. Riding horses 85-265; Driving horses 115-395; Pony mares 20-35; Geldings 15-25; Killers 4-5. HOGS November 25,1968 Receipts of 766 hogs and 25 shoats sold steady. Retail 20-22 - 25; Wholesale 19.50-20; Heavy weights 18-19; Sows 13.50-16; Shoats 5-12. CALVES November 25,1968 Receipts of 143 calves sold steady Choice and Prime 39-44 - 50, Good and L. Choice 35-38 50; Standard 31-3450; Common 15- 30. Choice and Prime 950-1075 lbs. 27 50-28 00, Choice 800-1050 lbs. Yield Grade 2-4 26 75-27 75, Mix ed Good and Choice 26 00-27 00, Good 24 50-26 00, Standard and Low Good 22 00-24 50, COWS Commercial 1400- 16 00, few Yield Giade 5 13,00- 14 00, Utility 15 75-16.75, few High Dressing 17 00, Canner and Cutter 14 00-16.50, limited volume lower than average dressing 13 00-14 00. BULLS Utility and Com mercial 21.50-23.50.
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