: Weekly Ppiiltry Report 1 Eastern Pennsylvania Fogelsville And New Jersey Prices «f light type hens con- (Prices paid dock weights, cents tlnues unchanged. Demand per lb., except where noted) good. Offerings continue light Hens, Light Type 7-9%, most as producers hold for currently ly 7% -8; Hens. Heavy Type 8- good egg prices, unless forced 17%, mostly 10-14; Pullets 21- to sell in order to refill with 36, mostly 26-30; Roasters 12- replacement pullets. Demand 33%, mostly 23-28; Ducks 11-27; good for very limited offerings Drakes 11-49, mostly 35-45; of heavy type hens. Buyers in- Geese 18-35, mostly 30-34; Tur teiest centered on holiday items keys. Hens 25-35%: Rabbits 28- with limited movement of 49, mostly 38-43: Guineas 60- capons at 25c less gradeouts, 73%, mostly 64-72; Pigeons (per geese at 30c. Offerings of roast- pair) 90-2.50, mostly 90-1.20. ers ample for available process- Total cOO sold; 1307 . ing time with a good assort ment of sizes reported. Prices paid at farm: Light types hens 7-9%; Heavy type # Chicago hens Tfewr. (Continued from Page 2) Eastern Shore Exchange Broiler and fryer live prices on Wednesday, Mixed High averaged 14.41 cents a pound Choice and Prime 1150-1350 lbs. this week. Prices paid ranged 29.00-30.00, Choice 950-1350 lbs. from a high of 15.7 cents a Yield Grade 2 to 4 27.75-29.00, pound on Monday to a low of 28 00. 15.4 cents a pound on Wednes- Mixed Good and Cho j ce 27 00- day. Total sales for the week SLAU GHTER HEIFERS were 497,000 head up 171,200 High Choice and Prime 950-1025 head from last week. lbs yield Grade 3 and 4 27.25- 27.75, Choice 825-1025 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 26.25-27.25, Mixed Good and Choice 25.50-26 25. Try A Classified Ad 2,788 lbs. of pork to market from one litter in 156 days That’s the performance story of a litter of 13 pigs raised at Ful-O* Pep Research Farm You can prob ably match or top this record by Jellowmg the precision, maximum efficiency Ful-O-Pep program on your farm. ful-O-Pap proving ground Here’s’ tiow the 13-pig litter pro* pressed. Litter was weaned at 3 weeks.’ At 4 weeks the pigs aver aged 23 lbs each. Weighed again at 58 days of age, they averaged SO lbs.' At 155 days of age they lopped the market averaging 215 tbs. per pig for a total of 2,788 lbs. Good hogmen and swine nutrition* lets know that such fast g-owth is 1 necessary for maximum feed ef ficiency and profits. Grubb Supply Company Elizabethtown Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Leola November 19, 1968 SLAUGHTER STEERS Prime 1225-1350 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 30.00-30.50, load 1440 lbs. Yield Grade 4 30.65 Maximum .fllci.ncy feeding program Ful-O-Pep research has both the maximum efficiency feeds and feeding recommendations hogmen need these days for top profits. Here's the normal weaning plan: 6th day to 3 wks. use 3 lbs. Ful-O-Pep Gro Pig Pre-Starter per head. 3 wks. to 6 wks. use 12 to 15 lbs. CtGro Pig Starter Bracerperpig. 6 wks to 10 wks. feed SO to 60 lbs. Gro Pig Grower per head. 10 wks. to market use Gro Pork 280 and figure 270 to 290 lbs. feed per 100 lbs. of gam. For early weaning, the Gro Pig Pre-Starter is fed longer, from 6th S. H. Hiestand & Company Salunga Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Harold H. Good • Auction (Continued from Page 2) 00-25.33; Cutter and low-Utillty 20.50-22.25. FEEDER STEERS Part load Choice and Prime with Good to iow-Choice slaughter finish 800 lbs. $27.00; Choice 900-1025 lbs. 24.75-26,00, VEALERS 108 Steady to mostly $l.OO lower. VEALERS Choice 42.00- 44.50; Good 39.50-42.50: Stand ard 36.00-39.50; Utility 30.00-36.- 00; Cull 95-125 lbs. 26.00-31.00, 70-90 lbs. 21.00-25.00. HOGS 401 Barrows and gilts 50c lower. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 195-220 lbs. 20.50-21.00 US 2, 200-245 lbs 19.25-19.50 US 2-3 195-270 lbs. 18.50-19.10. SHEEP 40 Wooled lambs and slaughter ewes steady. WOOLED LAMBS Good 75-100 lbs. 22.00-24.50. SLAUGHTER EWES Uti lity and Good 4.50-6.00. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) 44 50; Good 39 50 42 50; Stand ard 35 50-40.00; Utility 31.00-36 - 50; Cull 95-120 lbs. 26.50-31.00, 70-90 lbs. 22.00-27.50. HOGS 388 Barrows and gilts mostly steady. BARROWS AND GILTS day urllil pigs consume 10 lbs. each . . . then continue them on the feeding program above. Fin ishing on Gro Pork 280 has often produced gams of 2.1 lbs. per head per day when fed to thrifty pigs from 60 lbs. on to marketing. The precision of Ful-O-Pep pro gramming gives pigs the right bal. ance of nutrients when they need it. Ful-O-Pep aims to meet the absolute needs of pork producers who figure exact costs and profits from every phase of theiroperaUon.J Ful-O-Pep feeder reports 2.35 converaion One lowa hogman tested the Ful» O-Pep program on a lot of 62 pigs. His detailed records show a feed conversion for the entire program from birth to market of only 2 33 lbs feed per pound of gam You may do even better... and collect a $5 dividend for trying these fine hog feeds. LAST CHANCE! .... ---I Kcsx $5 DIVIDEND Your Ful-0 P«p dealer will pti* f* 1 tent you with a crisp new $5 l|j bill If you bring this coupon K along and order your first ton of Gro Plf Pre Starter, Starter f| Bracer, Grower, Grower Supp or any combination of these feeds for prompt delivery This offer y. expires November 30* 19W end [I is limited to one certificate V*. rebate per customer. > I Stevens Terre Hill Lancaster Farming. Saturday, November 23,1968 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, November 18th to Friday, November 22nd Mon. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 46-47 Fey. Large 46 Fey. Mediums 424 Fey. Pullets 35 Fey. Peewees 26 Standards 42 Checks 284 BROWN Fey. Large 471-2 Fey. Mediums 42 Vz Fey. Pullets 35 Fey. Peewees 26 Trend Extra Large and Jumbo are slow to clear and dis counted. Large, Medium and Small are generally in good balance. Copyright 1968 by Urner Barry Publications US 1-2 200-220 lbs. 20 00-20 85 US 2, 200-230 lbs. 19 50-19 85 US 2-3 190-250 lbs. 18 50-19 25 US 3, 230-265 lbs. 18.00-18 35. SOWS US 1-3 360-510 lbs 1400-15.00. SHEEP 77 Wooled lambs steady to Sl.OO higher; Ewe« mostly steady. WOOLED LAMBS Choice 70-95 lbs 28 50-30 00 few Prime 30 50-32 00; Good 24 00-26 00. SLAUGHTER EWES Uti litv and Good 5.00-7.50, few Cull 3 50-5 00 CRIB FILLER 1969 Vk, For complete details on the profit potential from See your local Crib Filler dealer below FARMERS SUPPLY CO. Lancaster MUSSER’S MILL The Buck KIRKWOOD FEED & GRAIN Kirkwood MARTIN’S FEED MILL. INC, R. D. Ephrata GERMAN FEED MILL, INC. Denver Elm LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO., INC. Quarryville STANFORD SEED CO. Box 230, Plymouth Meeting, Pa. 19462 Toes Wed. 46 -45 Va -46 45-46 45-46 46 46 46 46 424 424 424 424 37 38 39 39 27 28 29 27 42 284 42 284 474 48 49 49 424 43 44 44 37 38 39 39 27 28 29 27 • New Hollnnd (Continued from Page 2) Heavyweights 18-19; Shoats 8.50- 14; Sows 12-15 75 CALVES November 18, 1968 Receipts of 148 calves sold $l - lower. Choice and Prime 38- 44; Good and L Choice 32-37; Standard 26-31 50; Common 15- 25. Money makes us comfoi-table, but it doesn’t always make us happy Crib Filler F. M. BROWN S SONS, INC. Sinking Spring WEAVER’S FIX-IT SHOP R D. New Holland E. H. KEEN & SON ' Parkesburg H. H. GOOD MILL Fivepomtville DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. Mt Airy BOMBERGER’S STORE 3 Frl Thurs. 42 42 284 284