20—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. October 26,1968 Max R. Thomas Anthony Poultry Form Has New Sales Manager George M. Anthony & Sons Poultry Farm, Inc, Strausstown, Pa., well-known breeder of An thony White Leghoins, has an rounced the appointment of .Max R. Thomas. Millersburg. Pa, as sales manager. Born and iaised on a Penns>lvama poul !iy faim, Thomas has had a wide range of experience in hatchery operation as well as baby chick and stalled pullet sales, and is well-known to not theastern poul- Irymen While continuing to live in Millersburg with his wife, Jane, and four children, Thomas will be lesponsible for the sale end distribution of Anthony White Leghorn chicks. The local danymen left early last Tuesday morning and re turned home about 11 00 pm, Wednesday night • Hove You Heard? (Continued from Page 19) ize provides extra length and „\tra width Remembei to buy the mat f iess that best fits the needs of •he person who will be using it Precautions To Take To Protect Children From Fire Keep \oung children in con stant sight and mind Nevei eave children alone not even foi a few minutes Be sure babjsitteis have specific msti actions in case of a fne Insti actions include 01- deis to get children outside the instant they discovei smoke 01 gas and how to get in touch with patents fue depaitment, physician, and police Be sure babysitteis know the location of 't least two escape i outes Teach older children how to use and lespect fue They learn best by ’oui example Keep your house tiee of fire ’■'azards have legular inspec :ons Have at least two escape outes from every room and •’ake sure children know these outes Teach them how to get mt of the house to safety in ase of a fire FOR FAST ON-THE-FARM j* SERVICE I IT'' ... '.'prawilirii SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 W. High St.. Manheim, Pa. CWmVfoj&i and save ON YOUR NEW DRYER t % NAME. | ADDRESS. PPW. CUSTOMER NO. OFFER GOOD BETWEEN OCT. 21 & NOV. 16,1968 VOLTAGE: | PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LISHT COMPANY | With wintery weather on its way, it's time to think of protecting yourself and your laundry from rain, mud. wind, sleet and snow. And, as an extra incentive, PP&L is going to pay $lO.OO of the cost of any automatic electric clothes dryer you select. All you have to do is clip this certificate (above) and give it to any participating electric appliance dealer (he'll be displaying the red and blue "Pick a Winner" banner) after you select the electric dryer best suited to your family's needs. He'll deduct the $lO.OO from the cost and bill PP&L Best of all, you’ll have the convenience and comfort of drying the family laundry indoors without one weather worry In the world. 50... save $lO. See your dealer today. OFFER GOOD FROM OCT. 21 TO NOV. 16 AT ANY PARTICIPATING ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER PICK A WINNER with this gift certificate his Certificate Is redeemable on the purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes Dryer from a Participating Appliance Retailer. Fill in 'our name, address and PP&L Customer Number (it appears above r our name on your electric service bill) and take certificate to the ’articipating Appliance Retailer and he will give you a $lO.OO ;redit toward your purchase of a FLAMELESS Electric Clothes Dryer. FOR CUSTOMER USE; FOR RETAILER USE; with a STORE NAME, STORE ADDRESS. CATE OF PURCHASE. MAKE, * • O 120 V D 240 V & AN INVESTOR*OWNED 9 ELECTRIC UTILITV /a IN THE SERVICE \£ . OT THE PUBLIC $ PP*L