Experts Warn Turkey Supply Should Not Exceed '6B Level Predicting a 5% increase in 1969 turkey production, the Poultry Survey Committee warned that 1969 turkey sup plies (storage stock plus new crop) must be in line with 1968 levels if returns to growers are to be materially improved. The Committee, composed of Sve leading college economists and sponsored by the American Feed Manufacturers Association and the National Turkey Federa tion, also predicted that “Octo ber-December nine city broiler prices may average about 24 cents, 1 cent per pound higher than a year earlier January- June, 1969 prices may average 26 to 26,5 cents, 1 to 1 5 cents below prices foi the first half of 1968. “U.S. farm egg prices for the 32 months beginning October 1 are expected to average about 5 cents a dozen above the pieced- 7 K * *, Fulton Auto loans Save You Money You’ll have reason to smile when you finance your next car with a low-cost auto loan from the Fulton National Bank. Fulton Auto Loans save you money... and thatfs something everyone likes to do. An auto loan can be yours in about the time it takes a Fulton loan officer to say "yes". And "yes" is the favorite word in their vocabulary. Actually, a Fulton Auto Loan is just like a new car—fast, smooth and easy to handle. Stop in for your auto loan at any of the nine Fulton offices. You’ll come away smiling. FULTON » BANK /AFULIN SERVICE Vmnk/ PENH SQUARE • LINCOLN PLAZA • McGOVERN AVE. • S. DUKE ST#' AKRON • EAST PETERSBURG • GAP • MANHEEM • MOUNTVIULB ing 12 months. The hatch of egg type chicks during the last half of 1968 and the first half of 1969 is expected to bo about 11% above a year earlier Egg prices in late 1989 and during 1970 would be depressed by a hatch ol this magnitude.” Membeis of the committee are Dr. Ralph L Baker, Ohio State University, Dr. Olan D. Foiker, Cornell University; Dr William R Henry, North Caro lina State University; Dr. Henry Larzelere, Michigan State Uni versity; and Dr. Jerome Siebert, Univeisity of California Econo mists from mdusliy and USDA serve ex-officio. The complete repoit of the Poultry Survey ComnuHee is as follows: U S farm turkey prices dur ing September-December 1968 will average around 22 cents, v ‘ \ £ OF LANCASTER MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SVSTEM/F.D.I.C, TURKEYS about 3 cents above the same pe riod of 1967. Prices me expect ed to itreng‘hcn in December Turkey disappearance during Septcmbcr-Docember 1968 will likely be 10% under the same period of the year earlier How ever. the current low level of activity in retail promotion and featuring of turkeys provides a basis for unccitainty in this es timate Cold storage stocks on Janu ary 1, 1969 will be between 225 and 275 million pounds, about the same level as on January 1, 1967, but 25 to 40% below the slocks of January 1, 1968 Current indicators point to ward a 5% increase in turkey pioduction in 1969. Continued high economic activity and us ing consumer incomes aie ex pected to provide strength to the demand for turkey meat dining the heavy marketing pe- Lancaster Farminif. Snltirtiav. October 12.1968 - riod of 1969. Total turkey sup plies (January 1 storage slocks plus new crop) during 1069 will need to be in line with 1968 lev els if returns to gioweis arc to be materially improved. Feed costs during the main feeding period will likely be the same to slightly lower in 1969 than in 1968. BROILERS Broiler prices (nine city aver age) will average about 24 cents per pound for the fourth quar ter of 1968, about 1 cent above a year earlier Fiist quarter 1969 prices will likely average 26 5 cents, about 1 cent undei year earlier Second quai ter 1969 prices are expected to average 25 5 to 26 5 cents, about 1 to 2 cents below the same months of 1968. These prices are based on fodrth quaiter 1963 supplies at levels 3% gieater than year eai her, (list quaiter 1969 supplies 3 to 4% greater than year emh er, and second quarter 1969 sup plies 4 to 6% above the same months of 1968 Compared to a year ago de mand for broilers will be sup ported by higher led meat and turkey prices duung fourth quarter 1968 While tuikey sup plies are expected to be less than year earlier levels, dm mg the first half of 1969, red meat Robert K.Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Pofz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Uuloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarryville. R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 F Boosts your silage output... 50% OR MOM! Secrets to the unmatched discharge rates j —WJejL/ S of the Starline Model 70 Silo Unloader Mr —(f \ are faster-than-ever auger and impeller 1 p 535 speeds, plus a new concept in auger (fm ajM==jr—to design. ★ Auger turns 4-times faster than ''nW°l on ordinary unloaders. ★ Impeller rotor spins at actual motor speed (1725 R.P.M.J. ★ Auger diameter steps up in size be neath the impeller to increase silage ve locity 50-perceat as it enters the rotor. More details in our store stop in soon or calL L. H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike Lancaster. Pa 397-5179 Meliinger Tire Service ~ 525 W. Mam st Harold Brandt New Holland, Pa. E Hugh St 354-2391 Elisabethtown, Pa. 367-1221 L H. Brubaker R D #3 Lititz, Pa 626-7766 supplies will probably be gieat- hVed costs of pi educing readv to cook bioileis will piob.ibv awrage one-hall cent per pom <1 loss Ilian yeai eailiei lor the s month period beginning Octolnr IP6B EGGS Egg pi ices foi the 12 monlns beginning October 1, 1908. a.o expected to aveiage about .1 cents a dO/ien above the pieced inj.’ 12 months During the Octobei-December 1968 quai ter, U S bum egg pur er are expected to avciage 40-1 cents, about 10 cents above Oc tober December 1967 In the first quarter oi 1969, these puc es will likelv avciage 38 M> cents, about 8 cents above the same quarter of a year eailicr. Duung Aptil June 1969, puces aie expected to ave> age 33 cen s a do/eu about 4 cents above the same months of 1968 The puces of the July-S jntember qiuulir (Continued on Page 22) FOR FAST ON-THE-FARM SERVICE SWEIGART FIRESTONE 329 VV. High St.. Manheim, Pa. Phone 665*2258 SILO. Direct drive increases threw power. Exclusive ouser desifn in* creases capacity. Ralph Zeager S Church St Quarryville, Pa. 786-7225 Lancaster Silo Co. 2436 Creek Hill Rd Lancaster Pa 17 ra*;