i~r jfßfFPfiZ/'V ~p “*" “ f ‘ l * • PICKING CORN IN THE FIELD THAT PRODUCED THE Ist and 2nd place longest eaio at the recent Lampeter Fair. Eugene Hoover, Lititz R 3, has 100 acres of corn and spot weighed this field Wednes day at 183 uushels per acre. Hoover agreed A World Divided by Nelson Newcomer Penn Manor High School Tri-State FFA Public Speaking Winner War, hate, strife, conflict These are the familiar words that stare at us from the head lines of our daily newspapeis They reveal to us a world of dis unity, where man cannot co operate with his fellow man These words tell of a world di vided against itself In this world of disunity, there is one great enemy facing all mankind This enemy hides behind every tree in the jungle and it creeps over the sand dunes of the desert And yes, this bold enemy walks the streets of cities all over the world' This enemy is a merci less killer' Its victims are tor tured until there is nothing left but an emaciated frame The why a Wayne Calf Program is good for your calves . and you too! Calves develop Into sleek, growth/ heifers that develop into herd replacement stock early. The Wayne Calf Program gets calves on dry feed fast with no growth lag after weaning. Lets you sell more milk along the way and cuts your calf raising costs. You develop these rugged heifers with roughage and a complete Wayne calf ration or you can use Wayne concentrate GRUBB SUPPLY CO. WHITE OAK MILL Elizabethtown . R D 4, Manheim HERSHEY BROS Remholds H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa ROHRER’S MILL R D 1, Ronks C. E. SAUDER & SONS R D 1, East Earl PLAN TO ATTEND THE WAYNE BEEF CATTLE FIELD DAY October 25th Starting At‘lo A.M. On The Chris Landis Farm, Located Ronks R. D. 1, At Rohrer’s Mill. SEE YOUR WAYNE DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS t r I*l “ ■3 enemy of which I speak is star vat ion l Wading through the murkv water of a small rice paddy, a man bends to his task All dav long he has labored in his small paddy; his back is aching, his arms are weary, and there is a deep, twisting pain in his stom ach Undei a burning sun he labors, carefully growing the food his family needs so des perately A thousand miles away an other man digs a ditch Through this tiench will flow a niecious liquid a stream of life which, he hopes, will sustain himself and his family for another yeai On another continent, a man turns over the soil in an ancient terrace He woiks me chanically, driven by a deen in stinct, the instinct of self-pre servation At his side are his children, all working wearily, DUTCHMAN FEED MILLS, INC. R D 1, Stevens MILLERSVILLE SUPPLY CO. Millei sville H. M. STAUFFER & SONS, INC. Witmer with other reports coming into Lancaster Farming from around the County that gen erally the corn crop is average. Reports from neighboring counties indicate below average yields in many sections. destined to work m this same ten ace until they die But, the picture is not com plete with just these three per spectives These same pictures can be drawn a thousand times, a million times 5 billion times over In a fantastic number, men all over the world are fighting the enemy stai vation Thus, man fights the enemv. disoiganized and separ ated He learns by experience, the cruel teacher He does not share the knowledge he has gained with his fellow man Be cause man does not cooperate, he cannot stand against the enemv starvation. The gieatest teacnei of all time stated the fact over 2 000 years ago “A house divided against itself can not stand" Until man joins to gether, foiming a common foice he can nevei conti ol stai vation The basic fight before the hu man race then, is not against (Continued on Page 22) Jr* HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn —Ph 964 3444 FOWL’S FEED SERVICE R D 1, Quarryville R D 2. Peach Bottom PARADISE SUPPLY L. F. Photo liii r MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R D 2, Columbia Paradise Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 12.1968 Egg Pricing Problems May Yield To Massive Study Final reports on a massive stiulv of all aspects of the egg pricing problem will be com pleted next year, New Jeisey Secretary of Agriculture Phillip Alampi reported to the anninl convention of the NoilheasU'in Poultry Pioduccrs Council, in Harrisburg this week. He cautioned his audience, however, that **l can foresee no conclusive recommendations for a major alteration in our pre sent egg pricing procedtue" Alampi went on to comment that he felt the industry might well stick with its present pric ing system until it comes up with something better. As chairman of the market ing committee of the National Association of State Dopait ments of Agricultme in li>6o. when plans for the comprehen sive studies were initialed Alampi said that 16 areas of xp search were undertaken When the reports aie com plete he stated, he plans to form a special committee of out SMALL GRAIN SUPREME 5-11-14 A qualify fertilizer designed to help the grower achieve higher grain yields and make more profit. Miller's Small Grain Supreme offers the following extras: Stronger straw to help prevent lodging More uniform crop with fuller kernels Crop will ripen more evenly, Crop is in better condition for overwintering less plants lost. More nutrient value in the harvested crop Is a mineralized granular product Contains RHEOLITE ® Miller’s organic fertilizer lubricant which insures free flow ing qualities. See Your Miller Dealer or Contact Your Miller Representative Today Miller Chemical & Fertilizer Co. EPHRATA, PA standing people (o study and evaluate them "A belter pi icing system foi eggs should come out of these studies." he believed. “Mavbe it will be n modification of the present system. Mavbe it will be an entiielv new approach. The decision, of course, will even tually be made by the indus try.” "My own feeling." he conlinu ed “is that if no clcarcut change is likely to come fiom that studs or industry, we will see produc er pressure refine and change some phases of our existing sys terns I think these changes will be evolutionary in nature, not revolutionary.” “It has been quite well esta blished that when a portion of a commodity exceeds market needs, there will be a depress ing effect on the average price level of that commodity. . . . Therefore, we shouldn’t blame the pricing system as such, but hold down or counteract the de pressing surpluses ” with Rheolite ® 13 Ph. 733-6525