Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 28, 1968, Image 8

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    P—LancasterFarming. Saturday. September 28.1968
• Hess & Breneman
(Continued from Page 1)
J. Mowery Frey Jr,. 401 Beav
er Valley Pike took both ends
of the Junior championship
awards with a senior yearling
and a senior calf.
. In the Guernsey show. U was
the 14-year-old, Village Crest
Violet that won for Larry
breneman Strasburg Rl. Judge
Witmer liked Violet’s maturity.
Reserve grand champion was
'"iladview T. Marge, the recently
-urchased four-year-old entry
:i Robert Breneman.
The placings are as follows;
Junior calf, 1, Ernest Wolf.
Senior calf, 1. Donald Brene
rnan: 2, Cindy Breneman.
Junior yeailing, 1, Arthur
Ei eneman.
Two year old, 1 Larry Brene
man; 2, Donald Breneman.
Three year old, 1, Arthur
Breneman; 2, Cindy Breneman;
n, Marvin Miller.
Four year old, 1, Robert Bren
f'rnan; 2, Ed Breneman.
• Farm Calendar
(Contmued-from Page 1)
Wednesday, Oct. 2
2-s—New Holland Fair (see
schedule below)
Thursday, Oct. 3
4.3 o—Ag teachers meet, Eliza
bethtown High School.
"8 00 p m —Lancaster County
Poultry Directors meet, Farm,
and Home Center.
Friday, Oct. 4
4-s—Foiestry Field Dajs,
Tow and a Aiiport
Wednesday, October 2
t n«. —Corn, tobacco & Hay Show
7 00 pm—Street Paiade.
Thursday, October 3
1 00 p.m.—Baby Beef Show, sale
*vill follow the show,
pm—Swine Show
Friday, October 4
2 00 p m —Swine Sale
7 30 p m —Pet Parade
Saturday, October 5
GO pm —Baby Parade
That Comes ||MM
Doing A Mp
Good lob Of ■
It’s a great feeling to know that you are the
master of your farmlands . . . that when you
treat your soil right, it will treat you right.
Liming is one of the most important factors in
keeping your soil in the highest productive
range. By raising the pH from a level below 6.0
to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest as
much as 5 more bushels of corn per acre, with
similar increases for all other forage and cash
Order Now For Fall Spreading
Blue Ball, Pa. 354-2112 Gap, Pa. 442-4148
Five year old, 1, Larry Brene
man: 2, Arthur Breneman.
Bull calf, 1, Jay Landis; 2, El
vin Hess Jr.
Junior calf, 1, Jewel Hess; 2.
Gregory Landis; 3, John Har
nish: 4. Susan Frey; 5. Kim Hess;
6. Elvin Hess Jr.; 7, Jeff Grelder.
Intermediate calf, 1, Sandra
Frey; 2, Bruce Landis: 3, James
High; 4, John Harnish; 5. Ricky
Hess; 6, Jan Hess; 7, Jeff Har
Senior calf, 1, J. Mowery Frey
Ji.; 2, Greg Greider; 3, Robbie
Hess; 4, Debbie Hess; 5. Bill
Landis; 6, James High; 7, Curt
Junior yearling, 1, James
High: 2. Robert Greider.
Senior yearling, 1, J. Mowery
Ficy Jr.; 2, Kim Hess; 3, James
Junior get of sire, 1, J. Mow
ery Frey Jr; 2, John Harnish.
Two year old, 1, Elvin Hess
Jr.; 2, Frey; 3, Ricky Hess; 4,
James High; 5, Jack Hess.
Three year old, 1, Ricky Hess;
2. Frey: 3, Jan Hess.
Four year old, 1, Richard Hess;
2. C Robert Greider Jr.; 3, Ed
Hess; 4, Cindy Hess; 5, Frey; 6,
Maivin Miller.
Aged cow, 1. Elvin Hess Jr ;
2 Hess Jr.; 3, Jeff Hess; 4. Frey;
5, Miller; 6, Ira Welk; 7, Robert
Hess; 8, Richard Hess.
• Hess Shows
(Continued from Page 1)
Reba Nissley, 1902 Millport
Road; 10, Dennis Landis, Willow
Street Rl; 11, Gregory Greider,
Columbia R 2; 12, James Greider,
Columbia R 2, 13, Dennis Rohrer,
Lititz R 2; 14, Janice Wenger,
Rockvale Road; 15, Susan Herr,
840 Penn Grant Road, 16, Tom
Houser, Lampeter; 17, Dennis
Brubaker, Running Pump Road;
18 Ricky Hess, Stiasburg Rl;
19, Douglas Landis, Willow
Street Rl.
1, Lauy Herr, 840 Penn Grant
Road, Lancaster, 2, Donna Hess,
Sti asburg Rl; 3, Cindy Hess,
Strasburg Rl
Junior division, 1, Randy Hess,
2 Curtis Hess; 3, Susan Herr
Senior division, 1, Sheryl Biu
baker, 2, Dale Bushong.
Larry Breneman, Strasburg Rl, was the
grand champion Guernsey at the Lam
fe- * *
> *> "•
MOO HAVEN GINY I, the first place Holstein at the Lampeter Fair Thursday
four-year-old shown by Richard Hess, afternoon. L F. Photo
Strasburg Rl, was the grand champion
"GEORGE”, the grand champion the 11-year-old son of Mr. arid Mrs. Eivin.
hereiord at the Lampeter Fair Wednesday Hess Jr., Strasburg Rl. L. F. Photo
night is shown by Randy Hess. Randy is _
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A v'
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peter Fair Dairy Show Thursday. Vxalel
is 14-years-old, L. F. Photo
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