Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 28, 1968, Image 12

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    12—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 28.1968
Try a Classified Ad
In Lancaster Farming
Lowest cost, sparkling water-*
pipeline cool in summer,
warmed in winter for maximum
consumption...fastest gains.
Quick recovery, positive action
temperature control, completely
automatic. 70 styles, 26 mod*
els. See or ca 11...
Lester A. Singer
“Lancaster County’s Only
Dealer Specializing In Sprayer
Sales and Seivice”
Ronks, Pa. * 687-6712
Now’s the time to
seed and feed wheat
Start wheat faster with exact
prescription-analysis in every
drop. That’s why more glowers
aie conveiting to Aicadian SLF
mixed liquid. It doesn’t limit
you to fixe or six grades. We
piescuption-mix N-P-K plus
minor elements in the exact
ratio your wheat ciop needs for
stiong, vigorous growth It con
tains new Poly-N® which gives
you 100% water soluble phos
phorus eni iched with new poly
phosphates. Gets wheat off to a
faster, deep-rooted start And
New Holland RD #1
Broderick Enjoys Show
Lieutenant Governor Raymond
,T. Broderick, following a viilt to
the fifth Pennsylvania All-Amer
ican Dairy Show Wednesday,
September 25, voiced a need
(or Improved Farm Show facili
ties to match “the great shows
we have here.”
Asked about plans now under
consideration for replacing out
moded Farm Show buildings
with modern facilities, Lieuten
ant Governor Broderick said;
“I am committed to this: I
want Pennsylvania to take the
lead in the nation with our Dairy
Show, our Livestock Exposition,
and our Farm Show. We must
continue to improve these shows
in every way possible, including
improvements that are needed
to facilities.”
Obviously interested in every
aspect of the Dairy Show and
knowledgeable about dairy ani
mals, Lieutenant Broderick com
“I was born and raised in
Philadelphia, and most people
call me a city boy. But what they
do not know is that, between the
ages of eight and sixteen, I spent
my summers with relatives on a
Robert K.Rohrer
Bulldozing - Grading
Potz Sales & Service
Barn Cleaners - Silo
Unloaders - Cattle Feeder!
Quarryville, R. D. 1
Hensel 548-2559
you also get three forms of nitro
gen for fast response plus sus
tained feeding. You’ll like the
way Arcadian liquid saves labor
Loading and applying is far
easier and faster than dry mate
rials. All you lift is the end of a
hose. So unless you enjoy lifting
fei tihzer bags, try Arcadian SLF
liquid. The faster, labor-saving,
more profitable way to seed and
feed wheat.
See me now-
dairy farm in the southern part
of New Jersey.
“I learned enough there to ap
preciate and enjoy the fine stock
1 am seeing here today.”
After touring all areas where
cattle are stabled, he stopped in
the small arena where a Jersey
cattle sale was under way, then
went to the large arena where
Ayrshire and Guernsey cattle
were being Judged. "We are go
ing to make this show bigger
and better every year,” he tolcf
spectators, ring officials and ex
Corn For Silage
On The Increase
Production of corn for silige
is enjoying a fast rise in popu
larity, according to Neri A.
Clark, Associate Professor, For
age Crops, University of Mary
land, College Park. The forage
authority spoke recently at the
11th annual Northeast Fertilizer
Conference sponsored by Nation
al Plant Food Institute and
northeastern land-grant univer
Corn silage acreage has near
ly doubled while corn for grain
has decreased by one-fourth
during the last 20 years, he not
Chief among reasons for corn
silage popularity is that on many
soils, said Clark, corn silage pro
duces the most feed energy per
acre at lowest per unit cost.
Also, corn silage is well adapted
to ensiling; the handling opera
tion can be efficiently mechan
ized; high yields are more like
ly with corn than other forage
ciops, and com silage is pala
table and readily eaten by cattle.
One of the factors essential for
efficient corn silage yields, not
ed Clark, is a high level of soil
fertilization. Plant nutrient
needs of corn silage are much
higher than those for corn as
grain alone, since the entire
plant is utilized as silage. Cur
rent recommendations call for
up to 40 pounds more nitrogen,
and 70 pounds more phosphate
and potash per acre than for a
corn grain crop.
What's New in Feeding Cattle?
Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement
An entirely new concept in cattle nutrition opens up new profit pos
sibilities for cattlemen everywhere. Based on a whole new principle in
feeding, Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement changes the proportions
of organic acids produced in the rumen. As a result, up to 20% more
energy is available to the animal, as compared to the same amount of
regular feed without the new concept.-
This extra energy means faster gains, less feeding time to market, and
considerable lower feeding costs. For thousands of cattlemen, it mean#
extra profits.
Ful-O-Pep Beef Supplement
Grubb Supply Co.
Buying Cheese by Grade
Whether to use in a casserole
or to nibble on, you want the
Cheddar cheese you buy to be of
high quality. Packages carrying
the USDA grade shield give you
this assurance, says Harold E.
Neigh, Penn Sla*e extension
consumer economics specialist.
The shield means that the Ched
dar cheese has been inspected
and graded by an experienced
and trained government grader.
It also means that the cheese
was produced in a U.S. Depart
ment of Agriculture inspected
and approved plant, under sani-
Two gutters .. . four gutters ... angles .. . odd shapes ...
in all sorts of barns, every day more than 20,000 Badger Barn
Cleaners do their job. And each day the number grows.
There are two reasons why the Badger Barn Cleaner is No. 1:
1. Unbeatable barn cleaning. 2. Badger dealer service.
Good reasons why you should install the No. 1 Bam Cleaner,
the Badger.
R. M. Brubaker & Son
■ Isaac W. Hurst Grumelli Farm Service
Blue Ball Quarryville
Try the new concept soon.
Right Needle • Thread Important
With the right needle and the
right thread, women can do a
better hand-sewing job. Mrs.
Ruth Ann Wilson, Penn State
extension clothing specialist,
suggests a needle as small as
possible for the thread being
used. Women who dislike a
small needle because they have
difficulty threading the eye can
use a small crewel needle
the long-eyed type.
tary conditions. The shield is
your guarantee of consistent
and dependable quality.
Carl L. Shirk
Colebrook Rd., Fontana
Stevens & Leola
Horofd H. Good
Terre Hill