Weekly Poultry Report Eottorn Psnnsylronio And New Jersey Prices held unchanged nn type hens. Dcmnnd con tinued good for limited offer ings for Immediate mov»m n nt. Some offerings for October pickup scheduled where re placement pullets available. Of ferings of heavy hens barely adequate for a good d«m»nd. Limited new trading noted at Prices paid at farm: Light Type 7-8% M 7‘,4-8. Heavy lype TFEWR. TURKEYS Trading spotty and generally limited to small lots for the for thcoming Hebrew Holidays. Other than contractual, move ment too limited to quote prices. .*AR Wholesale 21.35-21 60; Heavy v'eights 19-21 25; Sows 14-16 75; _ Boars 12 50 15 50. Eostern Shore CA ,. VES Exchange September 16,1968 Broiler and t r y er hve p.lcea ™pS «*«. averaged 1121 cents a pound 47; Good and L Choice 37 50-41; Ibis week. Prices paid langed standard 33 50 36, Common 20- 3i ora a high of 13.3 cents a 33. pound on Monday to a low of 10 cents a pound on Wednesday Of course, hurricanes bear and Thursday. Sales for the girls’ names; whoever heaid of a week totaled 724,500 head down mala blowhard doing any dam -8.100 head from last week. a S e ’ 5400 HEAD IN FOUR FEEDER CALF SALES LOCATED IN CENTRAL VIRGINIA "Where Quality is Outstanding" Angus Hereford Steers Heifers 300 • 700 Pounds Orange September 24 1200 Head Charlottesville September 25 1600 Head Culpeper September 26 1400 Head Staunton September 27 1200 Head All Sales Start at 1:00 P.M. (EDST) Health requirements and all qualifications conform to the high standards of the Virginia Feeder Cattle Association. Second Series of Sales Oct. 29 - Nov. 1, 1968 For further information Contact: ROY HELTZEL, County Extension Agent Culpeper, Va., Telephone: Culpeper 825-2281 Fogelsviilt September 17, 1068 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb., except where noted.) Light Hens 6-9, mostly 6-7; Heavy Hens 7Vi-18, mostly 8-13; Pullets 20-36, mostly 25-30; Roas ters 12-29 Vi, mostly 20-26 Vi; Ducks 21-35 Vi; Drakes 12-39 Vi. mostly 38-39 Vi; Geese 30-31 Vi; Rabbits 14Vi-35, mostly 20-28; Guineas 46-59, mostly 54-56; Pi geons (per pair) 95-2.25; Jumbo Squab 95. Total coops sold 737. • New Hollond (Continued from Page 2) • Chicago (Continued from Page 2> cent slaughter steers. 23 per cent heifers and the balance mainly cows. Overall finish of slaughter steers was not much different than a week ago and with 14 percent Prime and 73 percent Choice. This compares with 15 percent Prime and 73 percent Choice last week and 14 percent Prime and 74 percent Choice a vear ago. Average cost and weight of slaughter steers estimated at 28.40. highest since April 1966 and 1150 lbs. com pared with 28.26 and 1159 lbs. last week and 27 38 and 1165 lbs. a year ago. Heifer supply most ly High Good to Low Prime weighing 825-1000 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Monday, two loads Prime 1275- 1325 lbs. 31 00, within 10 cents of the 1968 high paid in mid March. On Wednesday, Prime 1250-1375 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 29 50-30 25, Load 30 50, Mixed High Choice and Prime 1150- 1350 lbs 28 50-2950, Choice 1100-1350 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 27.50 28 75 Choice 950-1150 lbs 27 25-28 00, Mixed Good and Choice 26 75-27 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Throughout the week, Mixed High Choice and Prime 900-1025 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 26 50- 27 25, Choice 825-1000 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 25 50-26 50, Mixed Good and Choice 24 75-25 50 l9O-250 lbs 2210 22 60, US 2-4 If the wife greets you with a 190-255 lbs 2110-21 85 kiss and your slippers in hand— check the house number. 0^ ALLIS-CHfIIMERS ONE-SEVENTY and ONE-EIGHTY (53-HP) • Best performance and com fort features of the hot One- Ninety XT, in the low-profile One-Seventy, full platform One-Eighty! • Automatic TRACTION Booster! • Hydrostatic power steering! • Triple hydraulics, optional! See them now at... Allen H. Motz Farm Equipment New Holland Nissley Farm Service N. G, Myers & Son Washington Boro, Pa. Rheems, Pa. Grumelli Farm Service L. H. Brubaker Quarryville, Pa. Lititz, Pa. L. H. Brubaker Roy H. Buck, Inc. , Lancastex, Pa. Ephrata, R. D. 2 Lancaster Farnflng/Saturday, September 21.1968 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday. September 16th to Finlay, Sept 20th Mon. Tucs Wed. Thurs. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 58 Fey. Large 54 Fey. Med. 46 Fey. Pullet 32 Pecwees 20 BROWN Fey. Large 54 55 55 55 55 Fey. Med. 46 48 49 50 50 Fey. Pullet 32 32-33 36 37 Peewees 20 20 20 21 22 Standards 44 44 44-45 44-45 44-45 Checks 27 28 28 28 28V 2 Trend; Market inegular on Laige under cutback in buying, Smaller sizes are firm Copyright 1968 by Urner Barry Publications • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) 25. Cutter and low-Ulility 2125 22 25 CALVES 650 Vealeis $l-2 higher VEALERS Choice 43 50- 45 50, Good 40 44 Standard 36- 40 50, Utility 3136. Cull 95 120 lbs 26 31, 70 90 lbs 23 50-28 HOGS 238 Bauovvs and gilts 50-$l higher BARROWS & GILTS US 1 2 200-225 lbs 22.85 23; US 2-3 SHEEP 32 Spimg lambs $l-2 higher Ewes strong to $2 (63* H P) \ ALUS-CHALMERS •Mfr s estimated PTO h#* highei SPRING LAMBS Choice and Fume 70-90 lbs 29 50 32 50; Good 23-27 50 SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good 5 50 10 In Ameiica we have the light of fiee speech, whethei we say anj thing woith saying or not Being able to lemam chee'ful vhile the boss giumbles is a tu nmph of mind ovei muttei THEIR THIRST COMES FIRST AUTOMATIC LIVESTOCK FOUNTAINS Lowest cost, sparkling water-# pipeline cool in summer, warmed in winter for maximum consumption...fastest gams. Quick recovery, positive, action temperature control, completely automatic. 70 styles, 26 mod els. See or call . Lester A. Singer “Lancaster County’s Onlv Dealer Specializing In Spiayev Sales and Seivice” Ronks, Pa 3 Frl. 50-57 53 ".-54 50 37 22 687 6712