Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 21, 1968, Image 11

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    O m .i, Silage". Robert Steele, Live-
Vlcuuen upoi slock and Dairy Specialist for
VT7 Qs'lia/Jiila Agway, will have the subject,
I r OCnCCIUIC “Liquid Protein Supplement
Protein Meet Pl ' oBr 7*”
The Garden Spot Young Farm- Lo t cnl ,a ™ 6 ”
ers have scheduled a protein "« Weaver, New Holland
supplement and substitute in- R1 *. a be , ef farmal ’ wbo w ?. dc ‘
formation meeting for Tuesday. scr ! ba h,s us( r ?/ urcn *" s ' lagc
Sept. 24 at 7:30 p m in the high nnd Ra . vmond lloovar ’ Gap Rl.
school Vo-Ag department, at a * an l farmci. who will d*
New Holland scllbe his use of llcluld piotein
Speakers will include two pro- supplements,
fcssionals and two farmers Dr.* A question and answer period
Culton, Nutritionist for Miller will follow, and the meeting will
and Bushong Inc., will speak on feature a protein supplement
the subject, ‘‘Feeding Value of identification contest. The meet-
Standard Supplements and the ing is open to any interested
use of Urea Additives to Corn faimer.
of LANCASTER FARMING to your friends or business
associates. Just write their names and addi esses below
Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always
easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and
perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with
our weekly service.
We’ll be glad to send, without charge, several copies
(You’ll be doing both them and us a favor')
Street Addiess Sc R D
Stieet Addiess Sc R D
(You are not limited to two names Use
separate sheet for additional names )
Your Name
Address . .
i Q Check here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues)
GIFT subscription for ?2 each ($3 each outside of Lan
caster County) to your friends listed above If so
$ ... enclosed, or
4 □ Bin me later.
Please mail this form to:
Whafs New in Feeding Cattle?
Fui-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement
An entirely new concept in cattle nutrition opens up new profit pos
sibilities for cattlemen everywhere. Based on a whole new principle in
feeding, Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement changes the proportions
of organic, acids produced in the rumen. As a result, up to 20% more
energy is available to the animal, as compared to the same amount of
regular feed without the new concept.
This extra energy means'faster gains, less feeding time to market, and
considerable lower feeding costs. For thousands of cattlemen, it means
erttra profits.
Ful-O-Pep Beef Supplement
Stevens feed Mill, Inc.
Stevens and Leola
Try the new concept soon.
Farm Center
Directors Meet
The board of directors for the
Lancaster County Farm and
Home Foundation met Tuesday
night in the Farm and Home
Center. Farm Center business
manager Howard Campbell, re
ported estimated total rentals
from meeting rooms for the
year will be $3,327. There are
49 meetings set for September.
At the conclusion of Campbell’s
report, Amos Funk suggested a
vote of commendation for the
business manager on his fine re
cord keeping and the board rose
for the confidence vote.
Board President Snavely Gar
ber named Funk, Dr. E. I. Ro
bertson, Melvin Stoltzfus, For
ney Longenecker and Everett
Kreider to a committee to study
Foundation - sponsored educa
tional meetings at the Center.
M. M. Smith was named as an
advisor to the committee.
The board was also informed
that Sen Joseph S. Clark will
make a short visit to the Cen
ter next week enroute to speak
at Millersville State College. A
representative group of farm
ers and Farm and Home Foun
dation directors will be on hand
to tour the building with the
senator It was stressed that the
meeting will not be political.
• Auction
(Continued from Page 2)
Commsicial 22 75-24 85, few 25 -
00 25 75 Cutter and low-Utility
20 50 23 00
CALVES 115 Vealers
steady to strong
VEALERS Choice 43 CO
-45 00: Good 39 00 43 50, Stand
ard 35 50-40 00; Utility 31 00-36 -
00; Cull 95-120 lbs 26.50-31.00,
70-90 lbs 23 00-27 00.
HOGS 309 Barrows and
gilts strong to 25c higher.
US 1-2 200-210 lbs. 23.00-23 50.
US 2-3 200-230 lbs 22 50-22.75.
US 2-4 195-235 lbs 21 35-22.00.
US 3-4 265-270 lbs 20 00-20 50.
SHEEP 21 No Market Test.
• Farm Calendar
(Continued from Page 1)
Wednesday, Sept. 25
25-27 West Lampeter Com
munity Fair, Lampeter (See
schedule starting page 17)
25-28 Ephrata Fair, Ephrata.
(See schedule starting p 17)
* k njjF
Grubb Supply Co.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 21,196 ft
Regulated Shooting
Ground* Seaton
Opened September 16
The hunting season for regu
lated shooting grounds in Penn
sylvania began one-half hour be
fore sunrise last Monday. Sep
tember 16.
Hunting on regulated shooting
grounds may continue until sun
set on March 31, 1066
Regulated shooting grounds
are operated under permits is
sued by the Game Commission,
and are either private or com
mercial in nature.
Pheasants, quail and chukar
partridges propagated (or pur
chased) and released on the reg-
Feed your cattle mechanically right in their stalls with revolu
tionary new Badger Self-Propelled Feeder. Distributes chopped hay,
silage, gram or mixed feeds evenly, quickly, quietly the entire length
of the manger. It's a Badger first now available to you!
No feed separation Badger's new Self-Propelled Feeder distributes
all types of feeds evenly. No separation of fine and coarse feeds.
Versatile New Badger principle lets you feed rations individually,
mixed together or one over the other—the entire length of the manger.
Lower operating costs Lower power Input (only Vz to 1 tip) greatly
reduces operating costs, maintenance needed.
Plan now to reduce your feeding costs, see us. Ask about convenient
Badger financing.
Colebrook Rd., Fontana
Grumelli Form Service
■ ... „ Quarryville
Isaac W. Hurst
Blue Ball .. _ . , , .
R. M. Brubaker & Son
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1968
Yearling Steers and Heifers
Also Steer and Heifer Calves
Any Grade, Any Breed, Large or Small
You can have them State Graded, or you can sell them in
groups to their self It’s up to you.
Staunton Union Stock Yards
New Hope Road
ulaled shooting grounds may be
taken during the September 16-
March 31 season without regard
to sex or age, or daily or season
bag limits so long as the opera
lor of the facility, during the
shooting season, does not exceed
specified percentages of birds re
leased on the grounds.
Captive-reared mallard ducks
(with the hind toe removed from
the right fool) released on Uie
grounds may also be taken dur
ing the September 16-March 31
period without regard to daily or
possession limits or sex or age.
What with inflation and one
tiling and another, our salary is
right in fashion—minipay.
Staunton, Virginia