Political Farm Planks Are Reported ‘ Ranublieans the farm owner hns no choice trnm Piirrn 11 blit tO liquidate SOHIG Of his (Continued from Page 1) cquity 01 .' R0 out of business farmer*, from taxes paid by con- Farm tenants are even worse sumers, have far from offset off. since they have no com this loss parable investment for inflation INFLATIONARY policies of tp increase in value as their in the administration and its Con- deblcdness inci eases. gress have contributed greatly* THE REPUBLICAN PARTY to increased costs of production, is committed to the concept Using 1958 as a base year with that a sound agricultural ccono an index of 100, prices paid by my is imperative to the nation farmers in 1967 had risen to a al interest. Prosperity, oppor weighted index of 117. whereas tunity, abundance, and efficien the prices they received were at cy in agiiculture benefit every a weighted index of only 104. American From the 1958 index of 100, in terest was up to 259. taxes 178, labor costs 146, and farm ma chinery 130. THE COST-PRICE SQUEEZE has been accompanied by a dan gerous increase in farm debt up.nearly 24 billion dollars in the last seven years In 1967 alone, net debt per farm in creased $1,337 while net income per farm went down $605. While net farm equity has in creased, it is due mainly to in flated land values. WITHOUT ADEQUATE net income to pay off indebtedness, sjiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiib | CUSTOM SPRAYING | | HIGH PRESSURE WASHING | E and = = in all types of poultry houses. E | DISINFECTING | | MAYNARD L. BEITZEL | = Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227 = EimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiim? OPEN HOUSE AT NEBA Aerial View Showing The New Facilities at NEBA SEPTEMBER 19-22 NEBA, the home of such A.I. proven sires os Whirlhill Kingpin, Simpson Form Tidy Gent and Woodacres Master Chief, will hold an open house during t'he period of September 19-22. Highlight of the 4 day affair will be the dedication of our new modern laboratory and bull barn facilities on Saturday, Septem ber 21. We are located 1 mile South of Tunkhannock on Rt. 309 TO PROMOTE the develop ment of American agricultuie, we pledge: —Farm policies and programs which will enable produceis to receive fair prices in relation to the prices they must pay for other pioducts: —Sympathetic consideration of proposals to encourage farm ers, especially small producers, to develop their bargaining posi tion; —Sound economic policies which will brake inflation and reduce the high interest rates; —A truly two-way export-im- Tunkhannock, Penna. Wby not visit us during our OPEN 1 HOUSE port policy which protects American agriculture from tin fair foreign competition while increasing our overseas commo dity dollar sales to the rapidly expanding world population; —Reorganization of the man agement pf the Commodity Credit Corporation’s inventory operations so that the Corpora tion will no longer compete with the marketings of farmers: —lmprove programs for dis tribution of food and milk ,to schools and low-income citizens; —A strengthened progiam to export our food and farm tech nology in keeping with the Re publican-initiated Food For Peace program; —Assistance to faim eoopeia tives including ruial electuc and telephone cooperatives, con sistent with prudent develop ment of our nation’s resources and rural needs; —Greater emphasis on re search for industrial uses of agricultural products, new mar kets, and new methods for cost cutting in pioduction and mar keting techniques; —Revitalization of r ural America through programs em phasizing vocational training, economic incentives for indus trial development, and the de velopment of human resources; —lmprovement of credit pro grams to help finance the heavy capital needs of modern farm ing, recognizing the severe credit problems of young farm families seeking to enter into successful farming; —A more direct voice for the American farmer in shaping his own destiny SERVING YOU IN LANCASTER COUNTY NELSON KREIDER 717-681-6214 717-733-1224 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 14,1968 Democrats (Continued from Page 1) wages rise with productivity. At the same time, market pi ices should continue to reflect sup ply and demand conditions and American farm products must continue to compete effectively in world markets In this way, maikcts at home and abioad will continue to expand beyond the record high levels of recent years. TO THESE ENDS, we shall —Take positive action to raise faim income to full parity level in Older to preserve the effici ent, full time family faim This can be done thiough piesent faim piograms when these pro grams are piopeily funded, but these piograms will be constant ly scrutinized with a view to im provement —Actively seek out and de velop foreign commeicial mar kets, since international trade in agiicultuial products is a major favorable factor in the nation’s balance of payments In expanding our trade, we shall strive to ensure that farmers get adequate compensa tion for their production going into export. —Expand our food assistance programs to America’s poor and our Food For Peace program to help feed the world’s hungry —Establish a strategic food and feed reserve plan wheieby essential commodities such as wheat, corn, and other feed grains, soybeans, storable meat and other products will be stockpiled as a safeguard again st crop failuies, to assist our na tion and other nations in time of famine or disaster, and to en sure adequate supplies for ex port markets, as well as to pro tect our own farm industry This reserve should be insulated fiom the market —Support the right of farm ers to bargain collectively in the market place on a commodity by commodity basis Labor and industry have long enioyed this right to bargain collectively un der existing legislation Protec tive legislation for bargaining should be extended to agucul ture Continue to support and en couiage agncultuial coopera tives by expanded and hbeial credit, and to protect them from punitive taxation —Suppoit private or public credit on reasonable teims to voung faimeis to enable them AVAILABLE NOW FOR FALL SEEDING • Cert. DuPuits • Ceit. Cayuga Alfalfa • Cert. Ladino Clover • Ceit. Saianac Alfalfa • Cert. Climax Timothy • Ceit. Vernal Alfalfa C> Pennlate Oichard Glass • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa • Pastuies Mixtures • Cert. Pennscott Red Clover ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • Balbo Rye • Cert, Norline Winter Oats • Cert. Redcoat Wheat P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. ' - "I . r * Smoketown, Pa. Phone 397-3539 Pequea FFA Has Truck Use For Activities The Pequea Valiev FFA Chap ter has icceived a Cheviolet x >z ton pick-up truck from Shirk Chevrolet m Piu.uhse The tilick is for use in all FFA acti vities Ralph Iloichler, Vo Ag teach er. reports they have used the truck to take hogs and othei ex hibits to shows, ti anspoi ted pi o jects to and from school and gone to sales to pui chase stu dent’s projects Each year a new model will be given to the school when the used one is letumed They ex pect to use the tiucks about 10.- 000 miles per year Shnk Cheviole also supports Pequea Valley High School with two cais foi their dnvoi turn ing couise Dave Shirk is piesi dent of the Paradise auto deal eis In America, we have the light of free speech, whethei we say anything worth saying or not to purchase farms on long terra, low interest loans. —Support the piesent federal crop insurance program —Reaffirm our support of the rural electrification program, lecogmzing that rural America cannot be revitalized without adequate low-cost electric pow er We pledge continued sup poit of programs to assuie fi nancing to meet the giowmg genei atmg and disti ibutmg power needs of uiral areas We suppoit the rural telephone pio giam —Support a thorough study of the effect of unlimited pay ments to farmers If necessaiy we suggest graduated open-end limitations of payments to ex tremely large coipoiate fauns that paiticipate in government piogiams —Take a positive approach to the public interest in the issue o£ health and tobacco at all levels of the tobacco economy We lecommend a coopeiative effoit in health and tobacco re seal ch by goveinment, industiy and qualified scientific bodies, to ascertain lelationships be tween human health and tobac co giowth, cuiing storage, and manufacturing techniques, as well as specific medical aspects of tobacco smoke constituents • Cert. Maik II Alfalfa • Cert. Pennrad Bailey 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers