Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 14, 1968, Image 8

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 14,1968*
the Harlan Keener barn located at 1266
Gypsy Hill Road, as it appeared before the
sun broke through the clouds Thursday
morning. A fire of undertermined origin
raged through the 150-year-old barn late
Wednesday night. The loss was set at 560,-
000. In another barn fire only 8 miles from
Keener’s at 3 a.m. Thursday morning the
56,000 Rural Families
Get $494 Million In
USDA Housing Credit
The Farmers Home Admmis- gram started, Mr Freeman said tailored to individual needs and
1 ration advanced a record $494 Farmers Home Admimstra- f !1 , loan . s aie accompanied by
million in credit assistance, to technical assistance and super
nore than 56,000 mral families tlon houslng loans 31 p made t 0 vision from any one of about
oi the purchase construction oi applicants unable to obtain cied- 1600 local county offices.
mpiovement of their homes
'anng fiscal 1968, Secretary of
agriculture Oiville L Freeman
.nnounced today
‘We are now making substan
hal pi Ogress in our effoits to
mprove lural housing and with
he new housing legislation le
;ently enacted we have set a
,oal of eliminating the some 3
million substandard homes in
iural Ameuca within a decade,”
Secretary Freeman said
Ninety-eight peicent of the
funds advanced undei this pro
giam was piovided by private
mvestois on an insuied basis,
Jir Freeman said
The $494 million in credit as
.istance was used foi vauous
housing piogram
-$4613 million was loaned to
ndividual families, other than
-enior citizens
-$l2 3 million was loaned to
bout 4 350 individual senior cit
zens 62 years and ovei This
piogram was started in 1961
-anothei $l3 2 million went
oi the construction or impiove
nent of rental housing units for
'3OO iural residents, including
bout 965 senioi citizens Since
his piogram was authorized in
-963, moie than $25 8 million
■'as been advanced foi rental
’’ousing in uual aieas
-S7 2 million was advanced for
iie constiuction of low-ient
■ousing foi domestic farm labor
Secretary Freeman said that
■n addition to impioving the
quality of housing in ruial
Ameuca, the present building
■ ate i esultmg fi om the pi ogram
'3 cieating moie than 39,000
nan-years of on-site employ
ment, and most of this is in ar
eas where theie is much unem
ployment and underemployment
Repayments on principal and
interest exceed the amount that
has fallen due Losses on rural
housing loans aie less than two
one-hundi ediths of 1 percent of
the total loaned since the pro-
barn of Arthur Kurtz, New Providence HI
was leveled by fire also of undetermined
origin. Mrs. Kurtz old Lancaster Farming
the barn and contents of hay, straw and
a few pieces of farm equipment was a com
plete loss. Some firemen were called from
the Keener fire to help at the Kurtz fire.
Short-chop your corn with
a GEHL Chop-All
—. *dju gt
proper beveling of knife cutting
edges Available m electric or
gas models.
Chop-All row crop attachments include: 1-or 2-row
com head; narrow row (2-row) corn head.
Chrome-edged knives stay sharp . . . chop more
tons of fine-cut forage.
Select-A-Cut transmission gives you short, medium
or long length forage with the push of a lever.
Easy-Swing drawbar and forward-neutral-reverse
lever controlled from tractor seat. v
Also available: 5-ft. Hay Pick-up, 6-ft. Mower Bar.
Financing available.
('Option*! equipment)
Make us Prove it with a y<TT>¥ HIIIU
Demonstration! vr
R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. Manheim
L. F. Photo
Tibet’s Rainfall
Although rainfall in the Him
alayas often reaches 200 inches
annually during the monsoon
season, the rest of Tibet is one
oi the driest areas in the world,
v ith a precipitation of less than
eight inches per year
it elsewhere. The program is
Large-Scale Food Managers
Urged To Try New Egg Products
Egg* and new egg products meal* daily and are an inipor
received almost $B,OOO worth of tont consumer of eggs.
free promotion in the August is- JnS
~ ... , type of information on eggi and
sue of Institutions magazine, re- ncw e gg products supplied by
ports Dr. L. A. Wilhelm, presi- peNB and, to encourage ui,e of
dent of the Poultry and Egg Na- the products by large-scale food
llonal Board. - operations. Included recipes with
a yield of 50 to 300 serving!!.
A four-page article on "Now New egg products covered in
convenience in Buying Eggs,” elude fresh frozen whole .*ggs,
which included a full-color, full- freeze dried scrambled egg mix,
page photograph of imaginative- frozen hard-cooked diced dgg,
ly decorated hard-cooked eggs, maringue powder, eggnog pow
would have cost the egg indus- dor, egg salad mix. fresh fuwen
try $7,895 if the monthly niaga- egg blend and egg custard mix.
zinc’s regular advertising rates T . . _ .. ... ..
had been eharned he said In closin g- the article ? ald
had Been charged, he said. tnbute to the old-fashioned egg.
The 85,000-circulation maga- It noted: “A long-time favoute,
zine goes to the influential man- the whole hard-cooked egg is
agers of hotels, resorts and res- holding its place despite th-* new
taurants, including managers of egg products that are steadily
chains, and also to officials of invading the scene. Deco* iting
universities, schools, hospitals, ideas, like those pictured .. ,
clubs, airlines and industrial make the whole hard-cooked egg
food sei vices. These mass feed- hard to topple from its seeuie
ing operations serve millions of place on food service menus.”
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Quality Fertilizers Since 1904
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