(»—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 14'.' 1968 Hondurans Are Starving (Continued from Faye 5) preach it is possible to multiply ~ . , , rapidly the teaching efforts of Eighty pci cent of the people 1C agricultural missionary. By (T Honduras are engaged in ag- i!ny a small group of 30 iicultmc so the agrirulnulist people who return to their vil too has plenty ol activities to or- [, anc j teach their neighbors ganuc As example, he organizes j( (v> possible to have one spa : committee to build a model C i a iists teaching efforts reach latrine in tillage that hate net- jooo ant j niolo people wither er had a toilet Other groups are jj lan (he 35 or 40 as with the ciganued to conduct campaigns carawim. and wo.kshops toi 1) the control of bed bugs • . .. and Other vermin found in the Thcs « " e s ° me of the houses. 2) the conttol of the ar * «8««ul urnl missionary does large, leaf eating ant that is ca- f E ‘ ,ch h " ,ts own special pable of completely defoliating a acluinta " es All S*ve the pei ; tiee in one night, 3) the treat- * onal . r f" f f d of he, P in S othei,s ment of all cattle in the area to t 0 bettei eradicate serious cattle grub in festations, 4) the vaccination of all chickens in the village against cholera, 5) planting corn variety and fertilizer demonstra tion plots, and 6) the distribu tion of new and improved vari eties of vegetable seeds A second approach fiequently used by an agncultural mission ed y to reach and teach groups of people is through workshops Most of the woikshops conduct ed lasted one week Typically, things taught dm mg these one, week woikshops include the following depending upon' local interest vegetable gaiden-' mg. poultry laismg, swine oi' tattle management, or corn pio < ruction i These workshops are attend ed by 35 to 40 men interested rn learntng about the subject being taught They are interested' They walk 4 and 5 days to attend one of the workshops, this being their only means of transporta tion and the villages being that widely scattered At these work shops statements such as, “Let me use that shovel for the teaeh ti, I have never seen or used a shovel before in my life and I want to make sure I am using it i.ght,” and “Let me plant that seed for the teacher, I have nev e- planted a vegetable seed be fore in my life Let me plant it so I know that I am doing it light” were frequently heaid These things weie being said by mature men who weie phv smal ls pushing each othei out of the way to get the opportunity to plant seeds and use the shovels loi the first time They were eager to le?>m and they all did gat the oppoitunity to team The Caiavans and the woik shops aie thought of as duect approaches to teaching whei e an agncultural missionaiy teaches the persons who will actually use the infoimation A thud appioach that is often ised that is a bit diffeient than tne fiist two is an indnect ap pioach to teaching In this case the agucultural missionaij con ducts leadeiship training woik shops wheie he teaches people to teach otheis With this ap O FFA Boys (Continued fiom Page 1) New Hampshne and Maine If Newcomer wins the public speaking contest he will go on to the national contest at Kans , s City, Mo Octobei 1417 For the otheis it is the end of the line In addition to the judging, these four membeis have been selected to lepresent Pennsyl v ama in the mass youth parade They will cany the official Pennsylvania State Flag and banneis, and were selected for this honor over 12 othei Penn sylvania participants based on their geneial appearance, pei sonahty and cooperativeness Gailand Gingench, Vo-Ag teachei fiom Penn Hanoi will be accompanying them Autos kill 2Va million dogs reaped well that which you sown”. Ask any farmer what he thinks about land security. No one more than he has greater respect for the value and economic security of land. On the whole, land never depreciates. Its value continues upward. No wonder those who work closest exhibit the most profound love and confidence for “the good land.” Here is what we’re leading up to ... A HIGH-GRADE INVESTMENT BACKED BY AMERICA’S GREATEST COMMODITY We’re offering an exclusive arrangement that will pay you a total of 9% on your investment. This investment is in land debenture. 9% is a remarkable return! Where can you better find so safe an investment with so great a return? Place whatever amount you wish (maximum S 20,000) in our investment plan and receive 6Yz7o per annum. Allow the investment to mature and receive an additional 2 x h% return with an obvious built-in capital gains tax advantage. Like the hard-working farmers who invest - long hours of sweat and toil in their land, you too can benefit from this same kind of security. • Family Another business enterprise ball. And when their dad sug* mnnt in.m/i i•, the Burkharts are taking on is a jested that after this interview (continued uom rage i) scrles of wlnter Saturduy nlght they should start prac Uce Rickey caster County Poultry Assoda- programs in partnership with said he had a 4-H news report to tion. Harold thinks there is still Robert Montgomery, local radio get out and Rhonda said she had a place in the poultry business personality, where big-name mu- school lessons to do. for individual farmers if they sir personalities from Nashville, n... usua ii v thev like to orac arc eflU-icnt ami keep their Tenn. and Wheeling, West Va. tice And af {e,. a u ij ke all pro . chickens healthy, Ho thought will be featured along with lo- f oSS i o nals they know that when there was not much relationship talent at the Gucinscy Sales inn have Dart in a nroeram voui between the higher egg pnges. Pavilion. They will be able to p lay youl . pjrt _ ie}? ardless. icporled in the last few weeks scat 1000 people and after the Anc j the . (]o and the price of broilers except interest shown at Long Park last J maybe lo put some of the hatch- week, they are hopeful oi a sue- „„ ing eggs on the table egg mar- ccssful ventuie The first pio- “ people living in the U.S. kel. He pointed out that while gram Wl il be held Octobei 19 at in traileis weie gathered in one the egg once had risen to 50 8.00 pm i^, c - they wol 'W comprise our cents per dozen the bio.ler price H ow do the Burkhart children thftd , geSt T* curing the same time had fallen ~ „ „ .. ~ . , several cents oer oound He did ke li tke pr “ tice 11 takes t 0 On the average winter day, 6 seveial cents pei pound He did- Kee p their professional touch 1 ’ trillion of our population are m n t think, however, breeder hens They admit that sometimes they capacitated by some injury or were in over supply at this time would rather ride bike or play ]H ness “The good land. You’ve NOW! REAP A 9% INVESTMENT-RETURN BACKED BY THE SAME "GOOD LAND" Representative James E. Milien Akron, Penna. Telephone 859-2200 Farmers have a natural instinct for something good. They are among our best customers. Act now, send in the coupon below or call us collect at area code 717 - 859-2200. r“— n I THIS IS A VERY ATTRACTIVE OFFER I PLEASE GIVE ME MORE INFORMATION I MAILING ADDRESS IS Ii UNITED LAND DEBENTURES James E. Millen, Representative I Akron, Pennsylvania ■ NAME | ADDRESS I CITY | TELEPHONE * * STATE
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