A SILO. The new 210 feet long addi tion (right) on the Roland Sharpless Farm located south of Quarryville on Black Burn Road looks like a free stall barn but it isn’t. It is a bunker silo. The 34 ft. wide by BV2 ft. deep silo under roof, is expected to hold 1,500 to 2,000 tons of corn silage and will be fed out from both ends by moveable gates to 250 to 300 ...THE COMPLETE SOU FUMIGANT It takes a complete soil fumigant to protect your tobacco crop from soil pests to insure a healthy start for every plant. Vorlex is the only complete soil fumigant on the market today. Don't fool around with "part-job” fumigants . . . insist on Vorlex—the complete , whole-job soil fumigant—you'll get more pounds of tobacco per acre—more profits too! APPLY VORLEX IN EITHER OF TWO EASY WAYS! Row Fumigate— AH types of nematodes, soil disease, and weeds, can be controlled by Vorlex when it's applied as a row fumigant... and at a cost starting as low as $20.00 per acre! Or Broadcast (overall) Fumigate—Vorlex can also be used as a broadcast fumigant to control nematodes, soil disease, and soil insects. Either method of Vorlex application can provide a healthy stand with even growth; plus uniform maturing and a bigger yield. 'Each year Vorlex fumigate your entire tobacco acreage . . . get more tobacco per acre more profits for you. / \ / is9 ieat,of A I vegeteWes tOO ‘ i \ TRV n\ / •«■ aw* *•* MORTON CHEMICAL COMPANY DIVISION OF MORTON INTERNATIONAL, INC. 110 'NORTH- WACKER DRIVE • CHICAGO, ILLINOIS BOBOS steers. Fifty-one tons of limestone will be used to seal the contents. Sharpless mov ed on the farm in April and has convert ed the dairy operation into a labor-saving beef set-up. 2’ x 2’ pile lasters filled with cement reinforce the inside wall and iron rods were cemented into each row of blocks. 400 yards of concrete were used in the construction. L. F. Photo ANOTHER PEACE OF-MIIID PRODUCT FROM.. Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 14.196 ft NEPPCO Plans Pre-Expo Tour Of Spread Eagle Farms Complex TRENTON, N.J. Spread Ea gle Farms Pennsylvania’s most talked about poultry com plex will be the subject of an all day tour arranged by the Northeastern Poultry Producers Council (NEPPCO) for Oct. 7. The trip precedes the opening of the three-day NEPPCO Ex position in the Farm Show Build ing in Harrisburg, Pa., on Oct 8. Four chartered bus loads of poultry industrymen from the 14 northeastern states are expected to make the trip. Spread Eagle Farms, Inc., is located at Klingerstown, Pa, about 45 miles north of Harris burg. It presently houses more than 200.000 layers, 60,000 of which are brown egg birds All are in cages, in environmental ly-controlled houses The operation includes some 1500 acres of land under cultiva tion mostly in corn to be used as poultry feed Spread Eagle utilizes an ingenious poultry manure disposal system to re duce fertilization costs It also boasts a feed and grain center for processing and storing grain, and for mixing formula feeds Major products of the opera* tion are liquid fresh and frozen eggs, sold principally to the spaghetti and bakery industries. It produces a number of pro cessed convenience food items utilizing eggs, and markets some of its production as shell eggs The tour will be preceded by an audio-visual briefing at the Farm’s main office Following the tour, visitors may take ad vantage of an optional airplane flight to view the’ layout from the air Details and reservations for the tour are being handled at the NEPPCO Office, 10 Rutgers Place, Trenton, N J 08618 The tour is by reservation only and includes lunch, transportation and admission to the exposition Open House At NEB A Northeastern Breeders Associ ation (NEBA) of Tunkhannock, Pa announces plans for an Open House during the period of Sep tember 19-22 A repeat of last year’s successful event, this year’s Open House will place special emphasis on the new fa cilities just completed at NEBA Highlight of the NEBA Open House will be the dedication of the new facilities on Saturday, September 21 Also, on this date a chicken ba.becue will be serv ed Tickets for the baibecue may be obtained fiom NEBA tech nicians or fiom the NEBA of fice in Tunkhannock They must be purchased in advance Throughout the four day peri od employees will be present to greet guests and an swer questions On Saturday, September 21st guided tours will include an inspection of the new modern labor atoij, the new barns, and the sires at NEBA Demonstrations will be given o£ semen collection, processing and freezing procedures Occupying center stage during the Open House will be the NE BA sires Visitors will see not only the A.I. proven sires at NE BA, but the many others in the NEBA sire development pro gram Included will be a number of sires due to enter service dur ing the coming months First Book The first book printed in the American colonies of which copies are still known to us was the Bay Psalm Book ELI F. KING Pond Road Ronks R. D. 1 (2 miles Northwest of Intercourse) 17
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