Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 14, 1968, Image 16

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. September 14.1968
Broiler Diet Research
Shows Meat & Bone Meal
Economical And Effective
Adding up to 10 percent meat
and bone meal to broiler diets is
both economical and effective.
Recent research by Thomas D.
Runnels, associate professor in
the department of animal sci
ence and agricultural biochemis
ts at the University of Dela
ware, shows it can be used at
higher levels than previously be
At the present time, most com
mercial bi oiler feeds contain
less than five percent meat and
bone meal. Nutritionists recom
mended such low levels because
they believed higher calcium
levels supplied by meat and
bone meal might have a depress
ing effect on broiler growth and
their use of feed
In a previous study by Sathe
and Clymont (1964), high calci
um levels tended to depress
growth when small amounts of
meat and bone meal were used
in the total protein supplement
However, this growth depiessing
effect of calcium was not observ
ed when meat and bone meal
was the majoi source of diet pro
tein Runnels believes this sug
gests that other dietary sources
of calcium may have been re
sponsible foi the giowth depres
Runnels’ study showed con
clusively that the high level of
calcium and phosphorus contrib
uted by meat and bone meal has
no ill effects on broilei weight
gain and feed utilization if diet
ereigy and essential ainino acid
lev els-are maintained
Broiler quality remained high
when meat and bone meal was
used, according to Runnels Ob
servations on live buds showed
no diffeience in grade, peiosis,
bieasl blisters 01 other condi
Substituting fish meal, distill
ei s dark grains or meat and bone
meal in the basic corn-soybean
diet improved broiler growth
On 7 5 percent meat and bone
meal, broilers average weight
was 4 64 pounds in nine weeks
compaied to 424 pounds foi a
coin-soybean meal diet With
thiee peicent fish meal added
weights averaged 442 pounds,
on 10 percent distilleis daik
giains, they aveiaged 456
Thus, the greatest gains were
observed with broilers receiving
the largest peicentages of meat
and bone meal in their diets
Runnels points out that this is
particularly important since the
cost of this ration was the low
est of any tested Least cost com
puter diets containing up to 10
percent meat and bone meal re
duced the feed ingredient costs
from $1 to $2 50 per ton com
pared to other feed costs at the
same nutrient levels
Approximately four billion
pounds of high protein meals aie
produced annually from animal
by-products in the United States
Despite the extreme variability
in raw material used for produc
ing these meals (fat trimmings,
waste fat, bone, packing-house
oftal, fallen animals, etc), the
finished product has a reason
ably uniform composition Close
process control and the relative
ly low temperature to which the
product is exposed—24o-degrees
F or less in most plants—helps
prevent any significant loss In
nutritive quality from heat dam
age to the essential amino acids
The high protein meals aie ex
cellent sources of calcium and
phosphorous as well as some of
the water soluble vitamins
Runnels conducted four ex-
periments to evaluate'meat and
bone meal in bi oiler diets. The
.chicks used in all four tests were
white broiler crosses bought
from the same commercial
hatchery. In the firrt experiment
they were sexed cockerels; in
the other three experiments,
th-y were sexed, but both sexes
were used
Chicks were thoroughly ran'
READY FOR MARKET... in record time!
Red jj^&RosE
Is another feed you should try for your
steers Just add it to your corn or other
grains to produce well finished steers.
RED ROSE BOOKING PROGRAM, You do not obligate yourself for any fixed
amount of supplement you take what you need and pay the low price for what
you take.
These Red Rose Dealers will furnish all of your feed needs
Walter Sinkley & Son
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Eiverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
Red Rose
domized at tho time they were
introduced into the battery com*
parfments or floor pent; this was
done to eliminate ony possible
bias from the source of chicks.
This precaution was in addition
to obtaining all chicks for each
test from the same breeder
Chicks were kept in tjie start
ing batteries for the first four to
five weeks and then transferred
to growing batteries for the rest
of the test period. Starter feed
was provided for all chicks for
the first four to five weeks. At
this time, the chicks were weigh*
ed, starter feeds removed and
finishing feeds provided. These
finishing diets were similar but
were computed to a lower amino
acid level and contained approx-
imately 2.5 percent less protein
than the startor feeds.
Formulas for the first two ex
periments were prepared with a
computer, ail based on the same
nutrient requirements. In the
first experiment, fish meal, dis
tillers dark grains and meat and
bone meal were used; in the sec
ond, fish meal and meat and
bone meal were, used. Commer
cial broiler feeds were used for
the remaining two experiments.
All feeds were reduced to a uni
form feed mix to prevent chicks
selectively choosing ingredients.
Runnels states that broiler di
ets containing up to 1.3 percent
calcium and 1.0 percent phos
phorus, mostly from bone in the
meat and bone meal, produced
results equal in all respects to
those from diets containing low-
SURE you want to get your steers to market
fast. Here is where Red Rose Cattle Supple*
ments can help you. Mixed with your home*
grown grains these supplements will furnish the
proteins necessary for proper balance and better
I. B. Groybiil & Son
Refton Strasbarg
E. Musser Heisey & Son Mountyille Feed Service
R. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Mountville
Heistand Bros.
A. L. Herr & Bro,
David B. Hursf
32 Beef Cattle Supplement
Use this supplement as a mixing ration for
home grains or use it as a protein supple
ment to balance the feeding of low protein
50 Beef Cattle Supplement
This supplement is in mash form. Feed at
at the rate of one pound per head per day.
Martin's Feed Mill, Inc.
R. D. 3, Ephrata, Fa.
Musser Farms, Inc.
Chas. E. Sauder & Sons
Ammon E. Shelly
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
er levels of .calcium and phos
phorua. Good quality SO percent
‘protein meat and bone meal wa s
proven an economical ingredi
ent for use in broiler diets.
can be used effectively at high?-
levels than is now practiced, ac
cording to Runnels.
Lawns Require Work
Beautiful, lush lawns requite
careful seedbed preparation, tht
right fertilizer, and prop?
choice of seed. Early fall is t
time of the year that mam
homeowners should consider
seeding or renovating their coo;
season grass lawns. If you hav t
doubts about seed selection anc
need other information, contact
your county extension agent
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Terre Hill
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook
. Inc.