—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 14.1968 14 PUBLIC HORSE SALE MONDAY EVE, SEPT. 23 AT 6:00 P.M. MARTIN'S SALE STABLES Blue Ball, Pa. along Route .£23 Load of N.Y. Slate standard-breds and a load from New England Stales. Standard-breds and Saddle horses. We sell on commission. PAUL Z. MARTIN Ph. (717) 354-6671 Pony and Horse Sale October 7 PB GUERNSEY NIGHT SALE Thursday, Sept. 19th 7:30 P.M. At the Ass'n. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Penna, 45 HEAD This sale offerx fresh cows ot heavy springers selected from Pelin.i, Conn , Mrt , and Ohio herds While tlurc Is a heavy schedule of blp dispersals at the pres ent lime, in these sal«t there is always a limited number of cows tresh or due soon This sale has uhat >ou like, pood records, pood t> pe Breeders that back up their consignments A few i>r<>specti\e consignors changed their mind to enter ani mals In this sale, feeling the prices would be too low because of these other sales. They mla\ just oe right, so if >ou want to get some at bargain prices plan to lie there SABB KAXAQBD BT: PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N. P.O. Box 458 Camp Kill, Fa., 17011 HEAD 2000 HEAD (STATE GRADED) VIRGINIA FEEDER CALVES THDRS. SEPT. 26, 7 P. M. FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE INCORPORATED MARSHALL, VIRGINIA J. G. Simpson, Mgr. Sponsored by: Marshall Feeder Cattle Assn. All calves will be vaccinated with Rea-Plex and two doses of Pasteurella. Heifers vaccinated with strain 19 for brucellosis and guaranteed open. All calves ori ginate in counties free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. a LU UJ z < UJ a a UJ < p < o O UJ CO (/I o u LU </* z o s o SH°K,:3S < IUES. SEPT. 17-7 p.m. 2nd Hereford Steer Sale at the Ab ingdon Livestock Market, Inc., Abingdon, Virginia. THURS. SEPT. 19 7:30 p.m. PB Guernsey Night Sale at the Ass’n, Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Penna. FRI. SEPT. 20 7:30 p.m. Spe cial sale of all kinds of cattle, Yearlings, Two year olds and Calves, Horny Cattle, Bulls, off breeds, Several Purebred Angus bulls at the South Branch Stock yards, Inc., Moorefield, W.Va. Kent R. Ferrell, Jr. AUCTIONEERS John H. O'Neill PUBLIC AUCTION COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 70 Head NIGHT SALE 70 Head The undersigned, discontinuing the Dairy Business, will sell their complete herd of Grade Holstein Dairy Cows at Public Auction in the DAIRY SALE PAVILION at ABERDEEN SALES COMPANY CHURCHVILiLE, MARYLAND on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 20th, 1968 7:30 P.M. (Located on ltd. Rts. #B3 G mllaa Esst of BEL AIX and 6 miles W»at of AKERSES* in CKITRCHVILLB, Harford County, Maryland) 70 HEAD or GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY COWS: SO head fresh, within on* month or clot* springing and th* balance in full How ox tn«v. This is a young herd showing type* conformation and milk pro- Suction. Artificial breeding and registered bulls from top dama haTe been need exclusively. This dlepereal sale afford* the rare opportunity for additional and replacement cowi of rood quality. TERMS CASH Aberdeen Sales Co., Sales Mgr. Hassell A. Weaver and Burden Preston, Jr, clerk Roy D. Warfield, Jr. - Owners nvm-11 Tashier Forewt Hill, Marj land Nan« Ferrell, Cashier S3S-4334 S3B-72U TRACTORS SPECIAL! New Allis Chalmers Dl7, last years model Used AC 190, Dl7, and WD Farmall 806, 706, 560, 450 and others JD 4020, 4010, 630, 70 Kool’s recutter for high moisture com New and Used hopper and table blowers HARVESTERS Used NH 717, 616, 818 Used AC 780, New and Used Ford harvesters Gehl, McCormick, John Deere 3O corn pickers Mounted, Pull Type and Self Propelled Self unloading wagons new Gehl - Kaston - Grove - Rex Large selection of used parts for late model tractors and equipment Wenger's Farm Machinery, Inc. South Race St., Myerstown, Pa. 717-866-2138 Q o <3 0 P SS'OmS 00 ppgmo QQ|ffiMQQ *”3 & i—j |—t »- 5 h-j Sole Register i n Ci CO H 2* M 3 in f< . u Hi » 4)i! C 3) O 3 O 3 C w a e fcj Oh -4J O s3^ wu< O g X t • tS - 1 i-i a> . co <o Hj -o pJdS tu s & CO p 0) Ph a Si •c p® EH ® 3 I < ° § m W 5? y S o w 5^ V o QZ Sole Register FRI. SEPT. 20 - 7:30 p.m. Pub lic Auction of complete Disper sal Sale of Holstein Dairy Cattle in the Dairy Sales Pavilion at Aberdeen Sales Company, Ciiurchvillc, Maryland. Hassell A. Weaver and Roy D. Warfield, Jf., Owners. FRI. SEPT. 20, 7:30 p.m. Black & White Holstein Farm Show Sale, at the cow sale pavilion along Rt. 230 Bypass directly across from the Comet Outdoor Theatre, just west of Lancaster. Terms by Charles C, Myers, owner. ‘S o IS rC C O 0) O <ll i>- cti o b 2 PiK 0 Oi op 0) a) CO £>flx J oii^O ft! o 2 < eg a lo t—H rH &pq ra « fa qq •-j Hi Mail Box Market For Sale—Kenmore Bottled Gas Range, white, good condition, $25.00. Phone 464-3940. Wanted Registered Holstein Bull, service age Phone 665- 4239. For Sale 10.000 pullets, ready to lay. Call 626-6544. SAT. SEPT. 21 - 2 P M. Public Sale of two Clay Twp. Farms (adjoining) of Peter and Susan Henly, a short distance S of Mt. Airy School on Indian Lake Road, leading from Clay and Durloch to Indian Lake. Terms by Susan M. Henly and the Ex ecutors of Peter B. Henly Es tate. MON. EVE. SEPT. 23-6 p.m. Horse Sale. Martin's Sale Sta bles, Blue Ball, Pa. TUES. SEPT. 24 7 p.m. 3rd Steer Sale (Angus) at Abingdon Livestock Market, Inc., Abing don, Va. TUES. SEPT. 24 1:00 p.m. Feeder Calf Sale located in Or ange, Virginia, 1200 head Angus, Hereford, Steers, Heifers WED SEPT. 25 Feeder Calf Sale located in Charlottesville, Virginia, 1600 head Angus, Here ford, Steers, Heifers WED. SEPT. 25—1 p.m. Pa. National State Jersey Club An nual Consignment Sale at the Farm Show Building, Harris burg, Pa THURS. SEPT 26—7 p.m 2000 head of state graded Virginia Feeder Calves at the Fauquier Livestock Exchange, Inc. Mar shall, Virginia. FRI. SEPT 27 - 1 30 P.M. Pub lic Sale of Valuable Farm, locat ed approx. Vi mi N of Rt 272, 3 mi. E of Wakefield in Little Britain Twp., Lancaster County, Pa Terms by Fannie L. K. Wal ton MON SEPT 30 10:30 am. Public Auction of 38 Hohitein Cows and Farm Equipment, lo cated 1 mile south of US 13 Ss 40, DuPont Highway, New Cas tle, Del. SAT. OCT 5 1 30 p m Feeder Pig Sale, located 2% miles S of Bethel from U S 22 and 6 miles north of Myerstown, Pa. along U.S. 501. Sale by Norman M. Martin MON OCT 7 1968 Pony and Horse Sale' Martin’s Sale Sta bles, Blue Ball Ponies at 4 p m.. Horses at 8 p m TUBS OCT 8 1 00 pm. ISth Annual Fall Feeder Cattle Sale at Four States Livestock Sales, Inc, Hagerstown, Maryland by the Maryland Beef Cattle PlO - Inc Oh Ph t/3 C/3 ® W H p£] «g • _ -s < boo • g £ JPQCQ g pi cl " I . 0 Ph <3 t: sßiiSs gg a 222 ~ sa lJ An ■ k A •* 1 , > ON * -o « o Z 0 I'D “ BS C CIJ 51 1 U c I >OO on * ft* w M 1 . Q| <S * ► . o *■ Y 0 J.csl "S-c ® *s* g 1 ® » 2 a o t/i O UL ei" <3 = * I I I f. o 0> V W H Z 33 Ed . gp °* O O g <1 UJ . o o C£ s § z o « u! **■ rT | ■* M Wffi 5h fa E OS § oq m c H-3 55 I * be Sale Register s ■
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