Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 14, 1968, Image 13
Clifford Hollowoy Jr. Eloetod Grongt Mottor Fulton Grange #6B met In regular session September 0 with Clifford W. Holloway Jr.. Master, presiding, ihe Grange golirc Sunday sales. kWlklk ONE OF PORK ON ONLY 2.9 FEED ...with F Gro-Pork Talk about fast gains ... on less feed per pound of pork! Let us tell you how hogs fed Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pork 45 and ground corn—lo weeks to market—can produce a lb. of gain on only 2.9 ibs. feed. Extra feeding efficiency —extra pork from each lon of feed—can make a big difference in your GRUBB SUPPLY COMPANY Elizabethtown Harold H. Good Terre Hill MODEL F GLEANER The Model F Gleaner combine is new and bigger this year so that you will profit more. • Bigger cylinder—37% inches. . • Bigger separating area. 6,875 sq. in. (with walkers extended) • Bigger cleaning capacity—3,44l sq. in. • Bigger wing-type grain bin—77 bushels. • Bigger capacity elevator. • AND bigger operator platform, bigger engine, bigger tires, bigger axles, bigger cab, larger wheel base. • More crop combine versatility than all the others: 13'—15—17' Grain Headers. I Corn Heads: 2-row 40", 3-row 40", 4-row 40"; 4-row 35"; 4-row 30", 3-row 30": 6-row 20" Here’s where you get top combine performance. Financing tailor made for you. Roy H. Buck, Inc. Ephrata, R. D. 2 Allen H. Molrx Form Equipment New Holland < -4 £ ] \ . Nisslfey Farm Service Washington Boro, Pa.. went on record opposing all ton recommendations of Governor Shafer's Special Liquor Codo Ad visory Committee to make It easier to sell liquor In Pennsyl vania, one of them being to lc- r JA ***** V -A NiWMli net returns. Get the extra efficiency of Ful-O- Pep Gro-Pork 45—for top feed conversion at low cost. Come in. Check the record on Ful-O-Pep Gro- Pork 45. It could be the most profitable 10 minutes you’ve spent this year! And we’ll be happy to visit with you. L. H. Brubaker Grumelii Farm Service Lancaster, Pa. Quarryville, Pa. Th« following officers wore elected for a one-yoor term: Mas ter—Clifford W. Holloway Jr.; Overseer Richard Holloway; Lecturer Mrs. Wood: Steward James Huber; As- sistant Steward Stanley Stauf- r T > » \ •* * Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens and Leola ALLIS-CHALMERS N. G. Myers & Sen Rheems, Pa.-' L. H. Brubaker Lititz, Pa. for Jr.: Chaplain John Gal breath: Treasurer R. Clair Murphy: Secretary ~ Mrs Charles McSparran; Gatekeeper Earl Smoker; Ceres Mrs Richard Holloway: Pomona Miss Elaine Galbrcath; Flora Mrs. Ira Wclk; Lady Assistant Steward Mrs. Stanley Stauf fer Jr: Pianist—Miss Mary Lou Wesley: Librarian Mrs Owen Groff; Flower Committee—Mrs Philip Gifling and Mis Ralph Armstrong: Purchasini! Agent— C G McSparran: Junior Matron Mrs Jacob Fan tom. Hospitali zation Secretary Mrs Robert McSparran: Trustee Gyles Brown: Scout Representative Charles Tindall Sr, Elected for thiee year terms weie Execu tive Committee member Nor man Wood; Finance Committee member Leßoy Stumpf and Tiustees J Robeit Reed and Thomas Galbreath. These offi cers will be installed at the Oc tober 14 meeting. y "■'l The Grange voted a $5 00 do nation to the Pa State Grange Contest Winners Fund The following were appointed to secure Fifth Degiee appli cants- Norman Wood, Mrs Vir ginia Beck and Mrs Thomas Galbreath. Mr. and Mrs Jesse Wood were elected alternate del egates to the Pa State Grange convention which will meet in Butler Oct 21-24 Mrs Jesse Wood, Lecturer, conducted games, for everyone at the meeting and gave read ings “Definition Of A Dnt Farm er” and “What Is A Grandmoth er ” Clifford Holloway Jr and son Clifford presented a comic leading “Say Dad” The next meeting, September 23, will be the annual Booster Night with the Little Britain Sewettes 4-H Club presenting the program The piogram will be preceded by a covered dish supper at 7 pm. to which all Grangers are urged to attend and bring then friends and the 4 H Club members and their families aie extended a special invitation The following will be in charge of the dinner Mi & Mrs Marion Eckman, Mr & Mis Ellis Sheetz, Mr & Mrs Norman Wood, Mr & Mrs Haiold Gray beal, Mi & Mrs Robert McSpai ran and Donald Eckman Every- ■e Something NEW at the BLACK & WHITE HOLSTEIN FARM SHOW SALE at the Cow Sale Pavilion along Rt. 230 Bypass directly across from the Comet Out door Theatre, just west of Lancaster. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1968 7:30 P.M. Ribbons & trophies to the top 13 cows; 6 Ribbons & Trophies to the 6 top cows 3 years old & younger; 6 ribbons & trophies to the 6 top cows 3 years old and over. Grand Champion Cow Ribbon and trophy TOTAL 70 HEAD Recoids up to 20,000 lbs milk, 900 lbs fat, 6 cows classified Veiy Good 50 hand picked show cows from 6 states to impiove your show herd . , Top bloodlines Maiquis, Osboindale Ivanhoe, Whulhill King pin, Ceiling Rockman. Wis Achievement daughters Lot of top cows not classified but will classify vei y high 2 yeais credit teims. Credit can be an anged piior to sale. , CHARLES C. MYERS, Owner Lancaster Farming. Saturday. September 14.1968--1 Farmers Use Convenience Foods More The old image ol Hie fum ta ble groaning under the burden ol home cooked goodies has ie ceivcd .1 shalleimg blow liom a study of the inci eased use of * convenience ’ foods by the US. Department of Agnculluie The study seems to say that those harvest of heap'll# tiays of tiled chicken, foui or (he hometown vegetables and scveial vaneties of homemade pies, cookies and lakes aie some thing of a nostalgic memoiy The USD\ study computes the use of convenience foods m 1955 and 1965 fiom data gather ed on all foods used in a one wcek peuod in each of these yeais And believe it or not, it was found that faim families increas ed then use of convenience foods in money value terms by 61 peicent between 1955 and 1965 Howevei, if it is any consola tion, the money value of these foods used per person per week was still less for faim families ($1 98) than the average for the US ($2 47) The average inciease for all households in the 10-year penod was 34 percent, with low-income households having a 47 peicent inciease and high-income house holds, 28 peicent • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) 2 00 p m —Babv Beef Judging 8 00 p m —Chord-a-Liers Fiiday, Septembei 20 Solanco Fair 10 00 am —Baby Parade 2 00 pm —Fat Hog and Baby Beef Sale 6 30 p m —Parade 8 30 p m —Ruial Youth Awaids one should bung a meat dish, anothei dish and then own place setting Tablecloth, i oils, butter and drink will be furnished 3