'B—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, September 7.1968 THE PICK-UP on Walter’s new tobacco harvesting ma chine runs under the wilted tobacco stalks and lifts them up to begin the movement over the spear onto the lath. Tobacco Completed By Local Inventor Machine (Continued from P"?f 1) fast as am man wants to take , * , t .the lath away on the speai until the next mill • „ .7. The tobacco must be wilted is chopped in p'ace ana the lust ~ , , . , , ~ , ~ , , , , noimalh and leif and stalk smik on the lath releases it leakage is veiy small a gem The empty lath aie manually tobacco giow°is in Kentucky fed into a slot by the dmei as and has tiaieled theie to ex the tiactoi moves slowly along plain the machine to them hoiking through tlnee to five ~T ~ . , lath per minute A platfoim The Halters nave mcorporat can be installed on back of the ed tn«r fanrnv mto Waltei Har hactoi for a man to pick off the \ est f Co . Inc anc aie ieady to filled lath and hand them oier al?lt Producing the machine, to a lacldei wagon pulled beside Ross es timated the cost will be the ti actor The inventoi le- a ?P J oximateij 52,000 ports the machine will woik as So what people said couldn’t Harvesting Walter has been contacted by ROSS WALTER shows the area from This chain moves only when a stalk is in pick-up to lath where,the stalks are moved position. L. F. Photo by a chain with fingers that grab the butts. L. F. Photo THE SPEARING AND FILLED-LATH vesting machine. A tractor with a wide ejection mechanism is carried under the front-end and 20 inches clearance s need tractor on Ross Walter’s new tobacco har- ed. L. F Photo be done, has been And Ross Walter’s hoboy which he admits has become quite expensive i about leady to help faimeis mechanize a county faira choie that foi yeais has had tanners sweating on hot August daj s • Farm Calendar (Continued fiom Page 1) Tuesday, Sept. 10 7 30 pm —Elizabethtown- Done gal 4-H Club meet, Richaid Yunginger. Wednesday, Sept. 11 4 30 p.m —Ag teachers meet, Warwick The carnivorous Venus flytrap grows naturally near the Noith CaroHi . , * YOUR SERVfCE i!!g| HEADQUARTERS For top-notch service on Xv Briggs & Stratton engines. • Original Parts • Trained Mechanics • Modern Shop • Fair Prices Cl I C |AI Mr Pond Road, Ronks R. D. 1 ELI IVIRm 2 miles Northwest of Intercourse i F * * Jf : > „ <, i *