Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 07, 1968, Image 1
VOL. 13 NO. 41 International Delegation To Visit Pa. All-American Twenty-c"? nations repre senting the largest international dt legation to any dairy show in the ilnited States will visit the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show Di it gates to the second World Holslem - Friesian Conference will attend final day activities at the All-American, which will be held in the -Farm Show Build ing. Sept. 23-27. Fcrmal ’sessions of the World Conference will be held at the Penn Harris Motor Inn. adjacent to Harrisburg. Sent 22-23 These will fee followed by inspection touit of Holstein breeding farms in sm rounding counties and at tendance at the All-American Show Representation at the Confer ence is limited to three mem bers from each country. The 21 countries including the U S aic Canada, Mexico, Colum bia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Ar gentina, Brazil, England, ■ Swed- en, Danmark, Luxemburg, West Germany, France, Switzerland Italy, Israel, New Zealand, Aus- tralia and Japan. Flags of each of the v.siting nations will lie displayed in the large arena of the Farm Show Building during the judging of the Eastern National Holstein Show being held in conjunction WjtK the All American Robert H Rumler, secretary of the Holstein-Friesian Associa tion of America, Brattleboro, Vt, said the delegation will ar- Deadline Nears For ASC Committee Election Vote Fanners woie reminded this week that Monday, September 16, a, the last date for turning in a ballot in the election of com munity ASC roramitteemen. Fred <l. Seldomndge, Chairman, Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation County Committee, explained that ballots were mail ed recently to eligible voters of record; they must be returned to the county ASCS office by mail or in person not later than September 16, 1968. Farm Calendar Sunday, Sept. 8 12:36 p m.—Ephrata Adult Fam ily Picnic, Reamstown Me morial -Park Monday, Sept. 9 9-11—Pennsylvania Florist Convention, Marriott Motor Hotel, Philadelphia. 6 30 p.m —Lancaster Co. Bee Keepers meet, Samuel B. Bawel’s Home —Garden Spot Community 4-h Club tour of Lancaster News paper Bldg. on Page 8) rive in Canada Sept. 19 for a tvvodav visit, and travel fiom Niagara Falls, N.Y, to Harris burg on the 22nd The first World Holstem-Fne sian Comeience was held in Amsterdam, Holland, four years ago. Holland is the ouginal home of the Holstein breed Akers Cow Tops DHIA Report A Holstein cow owned bv Cur tis E Akers, Quanyville R 2. completed the highest 305 da'- lactation in the Lancastei Coun tv DHIA in July according to the monthly report Iva produc ed 19 591 lbs of milk. 885 lbs of butterfat with a 45% test Second high lactation was com pleted by a Registered Holstein cow owned by J Mowery Frey Jr, 401 Beaver Valley Pike Lam paster. Monica produced fat with a 3 5% test in 305 days. The herd" of Dr. Paul S Schantz. Ephrata Rl, had the highest daily butterfat average This herd of 17 0 cows averaged 44 6 lbs of milk, 187 lbs of but terfat with a 42% test The herd of Red Rose Research Center, 226 Pitney Road, Lancaster, placed second This herd of 25 4 Registered Holstein -cows aver aged 50 9 lbs of milk, 181 lbs of butteifat with a 36% test Qualified voteis in the election aie all farmers who are eligible to take part in one or more of the faim piograms which the committee administers Lists of eligible vofeis in each commun ity are available for public in spection in the ASCS county of fice Anyone w’ho believes that he is eligible to vote but who has not received a ballot is urged to get in touch with the county AS CS office immediately Eligibility to vote is not restricted by rea son of sex, race, color, religion, oi national origin For each community where an election is being held, three reg ular committee members and two alternates will be elected. The chairman, vice chairman, and third regular member of the elected community ASC commit tee will serve as delegates to the county convention, where farm ers will be elected to fill vacan cies on the county ASC commit tee and wheie the committee’s chan man and vice chairman will be chosen for the coming year The county convention will be held at 7 30 pm, Sept 27 in the Farm & Home Center (Continued on Page 11) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 7,1968 TOBACCO HARVESTING MACHINE Ross Walter, a construction worker from Willow Street has made a workable ma -chme to-spear_tobacco. He has worked Perfected By Everett Ncwswanger Lancaster Farming Editor ‘"lnstead of having a horse or a boat as a hobby. I work on my tobacco harvester,” said Ross Walter, a Willow Street construction worker by trade And Walter’s hobby is about to pay off It all started nine years ago when Ross was put to work spearing tobacco to ,- pay for his dinner” one day after being a way fiom the work for 20 years It wasn’t long before he decided there had to be an easiei way They have mecha nized everything else so ’ (See Other Photos on Page 8) Peonle said it couldn t be done but Walter savs, Tf I get an idea in mv head I am na tured to stick to it until it woiks” And there has been a lot of “sticking-to-it” to be done The local inventor had nothing to start with like they did when the first baler -was invented The idea of a knotter could be taken from the old binder and the hay rake could be convert ed to a hay pick-uo Walter had to start from the beginning idea Also, the season for test ing the machine is very short maybe six weeks each sum mer in the tobacco cutting sea son He had to find the flaws each summer and work on them over winter But Walter persisted and this reporter saw the new tobacco harvester demonstrated at the Oliver Kibler Fai’m. at Wash ington Boro Rl. Wednesday af ternoon The harvester is mounted with five - bolts on any wide front-end tractor that has 20 inches cleaiance from the It Works nine years on the invention and has now established a family corporation to begin the manufacturing process. L. F. Photo By Local Inventor ground to axle The pick-up that is hydraulically raised and low ered is mounted on front and the spearing and filled-lath ejection mechanism is earned under the tractor In working position the pick up is lowered to the point where the thiee orongs on Pont are running in the ground about six inches The baits pick up the stalks and cany them up to a chain with fingers that giab the butts and stait the stalks on their way back ovei the speai and onto the lath Of special interest (because it was a special problem worked on by Penn State engmeei s and has a special patent) is the elec tric control that runs the hy- Fair Season Schedule With the cooler evenings and shorter day light hours of the month of September, local minds turn to the soon coming County Fair season. Solanco Fair opens the sea son as usual on Wednesday, September 18 through Friday, September 20. The next week brings two fairs to tov.n. West Lampeter Community Fair is listed for Wednesday, September 25 through Friday, September 27. Ephrata Fair runs from the 25th through Saturday, Septem ber 28. The first week in October, Wednesday the 2nd through Saturday the sth is New Hol land Fair. And the final one, Manheim Community Fair is scheduled for Wednesday. October 9 through Friday the 11th, See you at the Fairs! $2.00 Per Year draulic motoi to move the stalks towaid the spear The pick-up moves constantly but the feed chain moves only when, a stalk is in position. Walter has obtained another special patent on his idea of holding the spear with a mag net Each time a lath is full and released laterally unto the ejec tor belt lunmng backward un dei the ti actor the magnet falls (Continued on Page 8) Pa. Price Level Down 3 Percent Prices icceived tn Pennsylva nia fanners in mid-August for Agricultural products declined. 3 percent from the previous mid month according to the Pennsyl vania Crop Reporting Service Contributing most to the decline were lower pi ices for all crops except fruit which was unchang ed Partially offsetting the de dine were higher prices for dairy and poultry products Eggs, selling foi 37 cents a dozen were one cent above the previous month and four cents above a year ago Turkeys were up a cent, while broilers were down a cent The preliminary es timate of August milk price at $5 85 was 15 cents over the previ ous month and 10 cents above August last year Field crop prices were all low er except for barley which was unchanged Oats led the decline with a mid-month price of 65 cents, it was 13 cents below the previous month Corn at 1.14 was down 2 cents, wheat at 1.10 was down 1 cent and rye at 94 (Continued on Page 19)