Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 31, 1968, Image 6

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    •—Lancaster Farmin:
About 108 miles of mulcrscns
cable must be laid for every 100
miles of distance covered, to al
low for the irregularities of the
ocean door.
Available now at
Ph. 397-3539
9 |9^9
Available from jour local
Armour Dealer
Saturday. August 31, 1968
• Frank Yost
(Continued from Page 1)
quality is generally good. Baylor
Rolling Rock Farms cntiics
also won three firsts in heat cui
cd competition; first cutting al
falfa. later cutting alfalfa, and
mixed grass.
Earl R, Lentz, of Latrobe Rl.
a former district hay show win
ner, walked off with six first
places in the field cured section.
This included alfalfa-grass mix
ed, clover, birdsfoot trefoil mix
ed. second cutting, grass, and
mixed hay.
Other local placings included:
Alfalfa Grass Mixed (later cut
ting) 1, Mahlon H. Shenk, Holt
wood R 2, Alfalfa (later cutting)
1, Yost, grand champion; 4,
Shenk; Alfalfa (first cutting) 3,
Yost; Alfalfa (first cutting—heat
dried) 3, Roy Mentzer, New Hol
land R 2, Summer Annual, 1,
Galen Crouse, Stevens Rl, Clov
er, 2, Crouse; Grass (second cut
ting) Crouse; Mixed Hay (most
ly legume) 4, Queameade Farms,
Mixed Hay (mostly grass) 1, Al
fred Wanner, Narvon R 2; 3, Jes
se G. Balmer, Lititz R 4.
National FFA
President At
Plow Contest
Hershey - Greg Bamford, na
tional president of the Future
Farmers of America, termed ac- ron. Quarryville R 1 showed his
tivities at the National Plowing intermediate calf, Lynmoures
Contest “the most elaborate seen Fashion Gail, to the top position
anywhere in the United States m the Jersey show Balmer is a
this year” member of the Warwick Chap-
Bamford, who lives on a 5,- tf r and Aaron is a member of
400-acre wheat and cattle ranch Polanco Chapter.
at Huxton, Colo, came East to
represent the 454,000-member
organization at the National
Plowing Contest
The FFA president pointed
out that the educational events
and activities conducted here
this week make it especially val
uable to the agricultural seg
ments of our society
Bamford will go to Washing
ton, DC, next week to testify
on present farm safety standards
and assist in devising ways of
improving existing ones
He intenupted his studies at
Colorado State University to ful
fill his duties as national officer
Some men are driven to dunk
Others manage to walk to the
nearest watering hole
Remember fertilizer is our only business
O Bagged fertilizer
• Bulk Spreading
• Bulk pick-up at plant
• Bulk spreaders (no charge for use)
For Best Results Use Farmers’ Fertilizers
Pulverized or Granular
At Reasonable Prices
It Pays! Ask Your Neighbor Who
Uses Our Fertilizer
Call Us or Your Local
WORKS For the Farmer
Quality Fertilizers Since 1904
These local FFA youths had the best ani
mal in their breed at the Southeastern
Region FFA Dairy Show held Wednesday
at the Farm Show Building in Harrisburg.
• Bolmer & Aaron
(Continued fiom Page 1)
Reserve gi and champion
Guernsey was the junior cham
pion, a junior calf, shown by
Robert H Good, York County
Reserve grand champion Jer
sey was a senior Yearling shown
bi Geoige Yakubowski also of
Yoik county
Balmei also showed the second
p'ace entry in the junior yeai
ling class and the senior yeai
hng class
Leon 8011, Warwick Chapter,
had the first place Ayrshire sen
ior calf The grand champion
Ayrshire was an entiy by John
E Ocker 111 from Cumberland
In the Holstein show, Flory
dale Tessie, a two-yeai-old, was
the grand champion foi Richard
Tioutman Jr from Beiks Coun
Ph. AC 717 367-1211
ty Reserve grand champion was Earl Stauffer, Cloister; Senior
shown by Kenneth Sellers, Leb- Yearling, 3, Earl Stauffer, 9,
anon County Raymond Bollinger, Cloister;
Nelson Wenger, Manheim Senior Calf, 4, Glenn Kreider and
Chapter, had the f. st place sen- 5, Carl Kreider, both of Solan
lor calf and James High, Garden co; Intermediate Calf, 3, Dale
Spot Chapter, showed the first Bollinger, Solanco, 4, Dale Herr,
place intermediate calf Grassland, 5, Thomas Bollinger,
Other County blue ribbon plac- Cloister, Junior Calf, 4, Jay Zim
ings include Two-year-old, 2, merman. Cloister
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They are (left) Jesse Balmer, Lititz R
with the champion Guernsey and (right)
Thomas Aaron, Quarryville R 1 with the
champion Jersey. L. F. Photo
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