Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 31, 1968, Image 17

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    • For The Form Wife
(Continued from Pago 14)
Cook eggplant and onion In un
salted water until eggplant is
tender, about 7 minutes, drain.
Combine all ingredients, except
5 A cup cheese; mix well. Pour
into a greased 1-quart casseioic.
Bake uncovered at 350 degrees
for 25 minutes. Sprinkle with ic
maming cheese and bake 5 min
utes longer. 6 servings
* # * *
l n /i cup trimmed fresh green
beans or frozen beans
I*4 cups boiling water
2' 2 cups cooked, diced turkey
V,k cups mushroom sauce (or
10 J ,4 oz. can condensed
cream of mushroom soup)
1 1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon black pepper or a
dash of cayenne
1 cup packaged precooked rice
1 3‘/2-oz. can French fried
onion rings
6 tomato slices
Cook green beans in boiling
water 5 minutes. Preheat oven
to 400 degrees Add turkey,
sauce, and seasonings to green
beans; simmer 2 minutes Stii
Livestock Equipment
t 8 Models all steel welded farm and feedlot gates
• 2 Models all steel welded head catch gate
• All weather salt and mineral feeder/face fly control
• Ail steel hay and silage bunks
• Grain troughs 4 models
• Pickup stockracks
• Lifetime free stalls: "unequalled in quality"
• Ritchie Woterers and Behlen Steel Buildings
For prices, contact: Fred Frey, Mgr.
786-2235 ,7,7, gRQg
R. D. #2
Quarryvilie, Penna. 17566
What's New in Feeding Cattle?
Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement
An entirely new concept in cattle nutrition opens up new profit pos
sibilities for cattlemen everywhere. Based on a whole new principle in
feeding, Ful-O-Pep Cattle-izer Beef Supplement changes the proportions
of organic acids produced in the rumen. As a result, up to 20% more
energy is available to the animal, as compared to the same amount of
regular feed without the new concept.
This extra energy means faster gains, less feeding time to market,- and
considerable lower feeding costs. For thousands of cattlemen, it means
extra profits.
Ful-O-Pep ® ee * SuppSemert
Stevens Feed Mill, Ine.
Stevens and Leola
Pesticides Research Lab
Opened At Penn State
New facilities wcie opened ic
conllv at The Pennsylvania Stale
L'nivcisity lor one of the most
complete pesticide research lab
o> atones m the nation The
building will enable Pcn.i State
to expand its reseat ch piogiam
dealing with the ielation-dnp ol
pesticides to plant and animal
ecology and human health
Located one mile east of the
campus, the building is named
the Pesticides Research Labora
tory and Graduate Study Center
It brings together many small
laboiatones, makeshift offices
and facilities shaied with other
depaitments aiound the campus
Built on two floors, each 50 feet
in the nee and half of the onion
rings Pour into a 2quait cas
serole Top with remaining onion
nngs and tomato slices. Bake 20
to 25 minutes Makes a satisfy
ing dinner for 6 Calones pei
seiving About 420
Try the new concept soon.
wide by 1(37 feel long the stale-
Uno has a total (looi space oi
about 1.5,000 squaie feet
Slate and Fcdcial legislation
making this laeilitv possible is
aimed at studying the least tom
chemicals, at developing biologi
cal eonliol of pests, and at an
alyymg plant and animal piod
ucts for pesticide residues When
fully equipped, the laboratoiv
will cost over SBOO 000 'Fedeial
funds woe made available un
der Public Law 88 74, which le
quned matching State funds
Administered by the Agncul
linal Expei iment Station at
Penn Slate, the facility is opei
ated within the Depai tment oi
Entomology Laboiatoiy duectoi
is Dr Donald E H Fieai, pio
fc-ssoi of chemical pesticides
Additional special puipose
looms and laboi atones include
a mass spoctiometei loom, an
insect cultuie loom, a bioassay
laboiatoiy, a Luge cold loom
Grubb Supply Co.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 31,1968
Letter To Editor
(Continued from Page 13)
to me was the sheep dog tuals,
wood chopping contests and cnc
l:ct playing I have nevei seen a
spoil wheic matuic men put any
g’eatei phvsical elloit into it
than the wood chopping contests
They can chop 12 inch logs in
hall in a halt minute laving on
the giound Then they have con
tests on chopping standing tices
and then 12 to 15 Icot oft the
gi ound as they would in topping
t ecs Most of the contestants
aie not even woodsmen but take
it up as a spoil Some of the
best vvcie policemen, I was told
I have accepted a job as sales
man foi a livestock feed com
pany and will be covenng one of
the best faiming aieas m Aus
liaha It is known as the Dai-
Img Downs and is about 100
miles inland fiom Busbane It is
a fine giam giownng aiea and
also noted for hogs and cattle
They laise consideiable amounts
ol wheat, bailey, milo and some
and Ireezei for sample stoiage,
a “hot” laboiatoiy to synthesize
and use radioactive compounds,
and a sample piepaiation loom.
lUse a Jerky Ratchet Replace our Sate
instead of SMOOTH B Heavy Duty Outfeed
WORM DRIVE mm Apron with a danger
ous auger.
3 Use common beater in place of our Spiral
beater which peels off the material. No
Bunching No Plugging
4 - Skimp on a Plain open Jaw transmission in place
of our Protectively enclosed unit.
5 - Replace our Positive expensive worm drive with
open gears on our Lower Beater Drive.
6 - Use ordinary soft wood for our main Stringer and
Cross pieces instead of Strong Oak.
We won't skimp We know how valuable
Formers' time is in the Harvest.
Lamco is Safe Smooth and Trouble free
14 Foot Standard Box
Kinzer Equipment Co.
Box 23, Kinzers, Pa.
mare (com). It is a huge plateau
of 270,000 acics which is very
(lat with deep, black soil as deep
as 30 feet, I am told They also
laise Lucerne (allalla) and usu
ally get about seven cuttings
each season Tins aiea would
have about the highest puce land
in \uslialia at about .>2OO to
Jjii.iO pei aue
Most ot the f.umeis heic aie
lust slatting to use feilili/er.
Some aieas show good iespouse
and olhei aieas piacticallv no
tesponse The feeding of giam
to dany and beef cattle is al
most a new thing Their pi educ
tion is fai less than in the U S.
-\s the population glows and the
demand for a bettei quality meat
auses, they will inciease giam
feeding, I am sine
The cost ot living seems al
most as high as in the Slates but
meat is some cheapei, also milk
and biead
The duving on the left side
ol the highway has been a bit
confusing but it is becoming ac
ceptable alieady.
Kindest legal ds,
Amos Huely
133 Chalk St, Flat 4 6
Queensland Austialia
F. 0.8. $995.00
Phone 442-4186