—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 31. 1968 16 Near-Perfect Xmas Trees Goal Of Long-Range Plan Improved varieties of near perfect Christmas trees, ready lor market sooner than the wild species now used, are the goal of the Pennsylvania Christmas Tiee Growers' Association and ihe School of Forest Resources .it Penn Stale University. Long-range plans for such a joal were announced iccenlly luring the National Christmas Hee Growers’ Convention held n Indiana, Pa. The Groweis' As -ociation is organizing the proj ect. Research to develop new va * reties will be carried out by Penn State. Once developed, such bees should require veiy little shearing and should icsist dam age by insects, diseases, and lunate. As announced at the conven i'on, the plan will seek the co •peration of tree growers, nurs ivmen. and geneticists to spot he best trees, test them, and nake them available for Penn -j Ivania growers. Dr Henry D Serhold, associate professor of orest genetics at Penn State, said Pennsylvania giowers now narket Christmas trees worth iome $4,000,000 annually. Some genetically superior Christmas tree varieties should be in the hands of growers with in 10 years after the program- No comparison Shotzberger's Elm 665-2141 Wenger Implement Co. Landis Bros. Inc. Buck 284-4467 Lancaster 393-3906 M. S. Yeorsley & Sons A. B. C. Groff, Inc. West Chester 609-2990 New Holland 354-4191 starts, Dr. Gerhold claimed. As sisting with the Penn State re search is Edgar 11. Palpant, re search assistant‘in the School of Forest Resources. The program will concentrate on Scotch pine and Douglas fir trees the two most important Christmas tree species grown in the Commonwealth. The plan will help growers and nuisery men make better use of varieties that aie available now. while cre ating genetically improved van elies for the future. The best available seed sourc es will be selected and recom mended to participating nursery men The best seedlings and transplants, for sale by membei nurserymen, will be recommend ed to growers. Still Time to Plant Some Vegetables Late August is still planting time for a few home garden ci ops, such as endive, kale, and Chinese cabbage, says James 0 Dutt, extension vegetable ciops specialist at Penn State. Even September 1 is not too late for spinach, lettuce, and early-ma turing radishes. Dutt suggests sowing the seed thinly, and thin again when the plants come up, if necessary. John Deere 34 Forage Harvester sets the standard for fow-cost silage-makers It's understandable when you add vp the facts that corp pickups have exclusive rubber gathering belts for plug-free feeding; that changing attachments is the fastest and easiest around; that there's a cylinder cutterhead and built-in knife sharpener. See why it's the leader* Look one over soon. NO MORE SPOTLIGHTING OF RIG GAME The Pennsylvania Gnme Com mission this week reminded the public tluil the spotlighting of bis game will be illegal In the slate between midnight and sun rise beginning Sept, 1. /* Stf*? - w 4m 3Ss*.«- :‘h X-i *"****"' I / «sw? !% v ' 3&- ■§s*}? *'%***'*■*& i t . vv‘V» • •>&>» ">.***>*■ - > SEE THE MEW MINI - DOZER With the Mmi-Dozer you can build your own lawn right from scratch, from levelling through seeding. It’ll save you money at home and help you make money doing jobs outside. Or, build and maintain your own driveway. Used on small farms or gardens, the Mini-Dozer with attachments will plow, disc, seed and fertilize, harrow, and cultivate your crops. Contrac tors use the Dozer in tight loca tions, for backfilling founda tions or ditches, smoothing basement gravel, or anywhere hand labor is too expensive. Spotlighting of deer it a pop- A motorist suddenly confront ular practice in the state, being cd with a deer darting into the enjoyed by the non-hunting pub- 0 f j,is ve i,( c i e i s no t affect lie as well as sportsmen. Effect- , . ... . . . ... . ivo Sept. 1. the sport may still bo ec an ’ 110 t^c "* )er * enjoyed during the evening, but tdc practice of spotlighting big the practice will be curtailed af- B»me animals aftei midnight will ter midnight. 1,(5 illegal. 0%. "V’ r i, ’Jlls V if i i v 4«£ - ,' <• —jT i ' .A _. 'v' i „V?.,f£ -" 'V , " c ” ••’' «• w / I* * './** ** ', >* ¥*; '* <:ur * , . . FEATURES IN USE 1. Turns on a dime (instant re verse) 2. Takes abuse 3. Has the ultimate in traction goes practically anywhere (nothing less than a $3OOO dozer can touch its performance’) 4. Offers self-cleaning tracks (open and close movement cleans track as it travels around wheel at each end) 5. No frills just Raw Power! ELI F. KING Pond Rood, Ronks R.D. 1 (2 miles northwest of Intercourse) >^&S^ .. r ai S' T x x - * ' > r