Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 31, 1968, Image 12

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 31, 1968
Income Parity For Farmers
Urged By EUis At Hershey
Hershey - A program assuring competitors Wednesday, and to
American farmers "a parity of Charles "Monty” Stamp, of Rock
income and the right to negoti- Stream, N.Y.. the runner-up
ate for it" was urged here today Awards also were presented to
by Clyde T Ellis, of Washing- conservation winncis •
ton. a special consultant to U.S. Wednesday’s attendance was
Societary of Agriculture Orville estimated at 20.000, the same as>
L Freeman on opening day.
Speaking at the award cere
mony at the 1968 National Plow
ing .Contest. Conservation Ex
position and Forage Pi ogress
Days. Elus said the "greatest
single need” of agiicultuie and
rural America is parity of in
"The farmer, though he has
made the greatest progiess of
any industry, is not sharing ade
quately in this, the longest peri
od of sustained prosperity in our
nation’s history,” Ellis said
“Our millions of farmers scat
tered over 50 states are too dis
ci ganized, too fragmented in
their interests and organiza
tions, to bargain effectively for
their production items and for
their sales prices. So they are
constantly squeezed from both
sides, always buying and selling
at the other fellows’ prices.”
Ellis pointed out that the right
of labor to negotiate for wages:
and working conditions was rec
ognized long ago.
“The time has come, I believe, I
for our government to do no less
foi aguculture,” Ellis declared
Ellis was accompanied here by
Byron G “Barney” Allen,
cial assistant to Secietary Free
The Pennsylvania State Police
rodeo thrilled a ciowd of more
than 6,000 that filled the Her
shey Stadium stands for the
Following that, awards were
presented to Ned Rhoads, of
Gieenville R 5, Ohio, who cap
tured the national contour plow
ing championship fiom seven
Land Judging Winners
Heishey - A 4 H member fiom
Union County and an FFA mem
bei fiom Northampton County
walked off with championships
in the land judging contest held
as pait of the National Plowing
Contest, Conseivation Exposi
tion, and Forage Piogiess Dajs
James Sandeis, of Millmont
R 1 was named champion in the
FFA division He teceived a
cash piize of $lO apd an niseiib
ed plaque Winning a similar
award in the 4H dmsion was
Riehaid Diehl, of 580 A Mos
vale Road, Easton
Youths enteied in the contest
were judged on then ability to
classify soil accoiding to depth,
drainage, textuie, stoniness, and
oi game matter content
They also judged the soil on
its pioductive capabilities
Second place in the FFA dm
sion went to Stephen Showaltei
ot Millmont Rl, Union Co , and
third to Llojd Welk, of Quarrj
ville R 3.
In the 4 H du ision, second
place was won by Clark Stauffer
of Ephrata R 1 and thud by Ken
neth Ebeisole of Lebanon R 5
The delegates of International
Flying Faimeis in session at
Hamilton, Ontauo, Can , on Aug
22 elected L L Logan W a st
C h estei Pa to a tv.o-yeai leim
as a membei of the Boaid ot Di
lectois of this oigamzation of 9,-
000 membei s Mi Logan had
suved loi 10 yeais as a Duecloi
f. om 1936 to 1960
David Mai tens, Fan view, OUa
homa, was elected International
Piesident Phyllis Diake, Choa
die, Albeita, Can . won the IFF
Queen contest Linda Rolhen
bergei, Lansdale. Pa, was chos
en Intel national Flying Farmer
Teen Faimeiette.
Thursday’s competition was in
level land plowing The small
plow classes began at 9-30 a.m.,
with large plow matches starting
at noon Award presentations
were scheduled to follow the
State Police Rodeo which began
a* 3:30 p.m. in the Hershey
READY FOR MARKET... in record time!
Is another feed you should try for your
steers. Just add it to your corn or other
grains to pioduce well finished steers.
RED ROSE BOOKING PROGRAM. You do not obligate yourself for any fixed
amount of supplement you take what you need and pay the low price for what
you take.
These Red Rose Dealers will furnish all of your feed needs
Walter Binkley & Son
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa,
L. T. Geib Estate
I Reel Rose I lip
Visitors Art Niidd
Throughout Lone. Co.
The Friendly Visitor program
began in Lancaster County in
1068 and continues to grow.
There will bq publicity on radio
and television and I • the news
papers in the coming weeks ask
ing for volunteers.
"The Friendly Visitor is a man
or woman who cares enough
about his neighbors, across the
street oi on the other side of
town, to give of himself in the
urea of human companionship.
Frequency of visits isn't indicat
ed by a schedule, but by need.”
The preceding paragraph tells
us what a Friendly Visitor is. Be
cause this service is an express
ston of interest in the needs of.
others and is given individually
and voluntarily it can and should
•nrlch the lives of both the vis*
itor and the vlsltee.
In September and October
there will bo two meetings at
the Health and Welfare Center
for those who volunteer. Includ
ed in these meetings will be
Alms showing Friendly Visitors
in action and discussions about
the responsibilities of a Friend
ly Visitor. Both will give the
Friendly Visitor a general idea
of the sort of situations he might
meet and the ways in which he
can help. Part of the program
will be devoted to explanations
ol the various agencies cooperat
ing in this program and whose
responsibility it will be to assign
Friendly Visitors to those in
need. At the conclusion of the
meetings, the Friendly Visitor
SURE you want Jo get your steers to market
fast. Here is where Red Rose Cattle Supple
ments can help you. Mixed with your home
grown grains these supplements will furnish the
proteins necessary for proper balance and better
I. 6. Graybill & Son
Refton Strasburg
E. Musser Heisey & Son Mountville Feed Service
K. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Mountville
Heistand Bros.
A. L. Herr & Bro.
David 6. Hurst
Red Rose
32 Beef Cattle Supplement
Use this supplement as a mixing ration for
home grains or use it as a protein supple
ment to balance the feeding of low protein
50 Beef Cattle Supplement
This supplement is in mash form. Feed it
at the rate of one pound per head per day.
Martin's Feed Mill, Inc.
K. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa,
Musser Farms, Inc.
Chas. E. Satider & Sons
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
can chooM thd agency he prefer*
and to whom he will then be re.
iponilblo. Each particlpalintc
agency will have someone in
charge of the Friendly Visitor
program to whom the visitor can
turn if a need arises.
A special Registration Day
will be held Wednesday, Sept, is
from 8:30 to 5 p.m. at the Vol.
untccr Bureau, Room 0-109, 630
Janet Ave., Lancaster. However,
anyone interested in information
on this program can contact the
Volunteer Service Bureau be
tween September 3 and 20, B:3U
to 5 p.m. Monday through Fn.
day, telephone 397-7791.
Ice in the North Atlantic ice
bergs may have been part of the
Greenland icecap for millions of
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
E. P. Spofts, Inc.
Honey Brook