Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 17, 1968, Image 15

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    Plaids are big fashion news
for fall. Some of them are so
beautiful that it’s easy to buy
without fully realizing the prob
lems involved in cutting and
matching. And, some plaids re
quire much more thought and
planning than others
The easiest plaid to work with
is the “even” or balanced plaid
with the same design on both
sides of a center stripe, both
crosswise and lengthwise. To de
E and E
= in all types of poultry houses. =
S Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7227
Finance Your
Feeder Cattle
9 East Main St.
termine if the plaid is even or
uneven, fold the fabric at the
center of any repeat of the de
sign both lengthwise and cross
wise. If the spaces and colors
overlap exactly, it’s a balanced
plaid. If not, it’s an unbalanced
or uneven plaid.
An unbalanced plaid may be
uneven vertically, horizontally
or in both directions If the un
balanced plaid is the same on
the wrong side, reverse the fab
ric for easier matching. Fabrics
with a twill weave (most wools),
a napped surface or a printed
design will show a definite
wrong side.
You may need extra fabric for
matching an uneven plaid be
cause you must cut all the tops
of pattern pieces in the same di
rection Follow yardage require
ments and layout guide for “fab
ric with nap ” If the plaid has a
large repeat, you may need extra
Member FJD.I C.
yardage for an even plaid, too.
This will vary, but often you can
allow at least one extra repeat
for each fabric length you cut.
Choose the right style for your
fabric; show off the beauty of the
fabric \Vith a simple design. Also,
few seam lines mean fewer
matching problems. Diagonal
darts or diagonal seaming de
tail will distort the plaid. Curved
or eased seams, or seams which
join but are cut on a different
slant, rarely match exactly.
Match the plaid at,,the most
obvious seams; usually this
means matching from the hem
line up. Plan for a specific
lengthwise line to hit the center
of the body both front and back
This vertical stripe should match
through skirt, bodice, collar.
A bold crosswise stripe will
call attention to that part of the
figure. Be careful where you
place it. If our pattern has set
in sleeves, the same crosswise
stripe should cncle the body at
the armhole notches
When pinning pattern to fab
ric, use the notches on the pat
tern as your matching guides
Line up corresponding notches
on the same fabric stripe. How
ever, matching should be
planned for stitching lines rath
er than cutting lines
Plaids on the bias can be used
for interesting effects, but this
is usually more satisfactory on
an even plaid
Each plaid problem is differ
ent since it depends on the fab
ric, your pattern and your fig
ure Plaids can be fun if you en
joy the planning required, but
if your time and patience are
limited, better stick to a small
check or a plain fabiic.
Election Day has been the
first Tuesday after the first Mon
day in November since 1845
when President Tyler signed the
bill as one of his last acts in of
fice Before that each state held
elections when it was close.
Save Rite
743 S. BROAD ST.
Lancaster Shopping
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 17.1968 -
For the
Farm Wife and Family
Ladies, Have You Heard?...
By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist
Tips On Bliying Lettuce
If you're bugmg ibbbferg lettuce, look for
a head that’s firm but not too solid maybe
even a little loose Hard heads may be over
mature and bitter. Lbok also for heads with
green outer leaves the greener the leaves,
the gi eater the vitamin content
Pressing Essential To Making
Quality Garments
To keep a garment from having the home
made look, pi ess after each step is completed
Pressing dining construction is different
from nomng or pressing the completed gar
Piessmg is a lifting and lowenng motion
with the iron. THOMAS
honing is a back and foith Press seams along line
movement stitching for a smoothei sea. r-
Always press with the grain of line
the fabuc
Dining construction, press on
the wrong side of the fabric
For top pressing, use a press
cloth between the iron and the
To prevent the imprint of
darts and seams from showing
on the right side, slip a strip of
brown paper between the seam
or dart on the wrong side of the
fabric before applying the iron
Test iron temperature on a
fabnc sciap to prevent scoich
You can use steam on most
fabrics without causing shrink
ing or spotting Some fabrics re
quire a press cloth when steam
i) used
When both seam allowances
aie to be pressed in the same di
rection, fust pi ess the seam
open, then press in the direction
the seam should go to give a
sharper seamline on the right
side of the fabnc
Pi ess edge fiimly before top
stitching to give a neater finish
Do final pressing caiefuFv.
Avoid overpi essing the ngit
side of the garment to elimin
ate “shine ”
Celebrate With Sirloiii
Sirloin is sometimes hard J o
i ecogmze because the bone isn t
always the same It may be sma’l
and round, triangular, or t"e
large pin bone
If the bone is removed, the
meat may be labeled top sirlo n
01 sirloin butt steak
Whatever the name, choose
steak that’s at least one inch
thick foi bi oiling so you cm
serve it juicy and tender
Cook Potatoes With Skins On
Cooking potatoes with De
skins on saves time and vita
mins Just sciub skins well ai d
cook as usual
For crisp skins on baked po
tatoes, puck potatoes with a fo k
and bake in a-modei ate oven ti
ter the usual scrubbing
For soft skins on baked po
tatoes, mb with fat oi wrap a
toil before baking
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