12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 17,1968 James Esbenshade • Award (Continued from Page 1) | He will be nominated for a na tional office at the Kansas City Convention Esbenshade, the 21-year-old son of Mr and Mrs Milton A Esbenshade, Quart yVille R 2, graduated fiom Solanco High School in 1965 At that time he started farming and has enter ed into a partnership with his father There were 36 applications from Pennsylvania for the high degree, which is awarded to only one FFA member in 10,- 000. The state has a quota of 10 and two of these are slated for Lancaster County Each prospective candidate must have produced and invest ed at least $lOOO from his own efforts, and shown leadership abilities. Glenn Weber • Guernsey (Continued from Page 1) farming In other countnes in Europe and South America John Blyholder, Pa Guernsey Association, was one of the speakeis and spoke of the new milk control bill as being onlv the old bill with a name change and said it was one all respon sible people would vote for National director Raymond Witmer, Willow Street Rl, re ported Guernsey registrations up. Arthur L Breneman vice piesident of the countv oigam zation, presided The Geld day committee included Bieneman Linde, and Robert Wagnei DID YOU KNOW—Pennsylva nia derives unique advantages from her watei resouiees It is the only State in the Union with ports having access to the At-' lantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the Great Lakes (Depr of Fot ests & Waters) They call 'em disc jockey i be cause most of ’em spend so much time hoi sing around AN ECONOMICAL COMBINATION Ask Your Miller & Bushong Representative About The BENEFITS For You And Your Cattle When UREA Is ASK ABOUT THI He will supply your needs on attractive price for delivery in mid-September, t gasj«ra /^stock^' Your Corn * METHODS * COSTS * SAVINGS SP "FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE" CORN SILAGE Added Silage MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc. Rohrerstown, Pa. 717-392-2145 AND To at J - *