—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 10.1968 18 ► KOOKIE KOOKS The Penn Manor Kookic Kooks held their annual roundup at Stehman’s Church Pavilion on Thursday, last week. Each of the first year girls bi ought a snack tray and the other girls brought an unfrosted layer of cake. These were judged by Miss Althea Engle, a Home Economics Teacher, and Mrs. Edgar Porter. The program presented to the mothers consisted of musical se lections by Terri Brenner and Linda Leaman, a demonstration b> Linda Porter and Connie Stehman and several home mov ies and cartoons by Ellyce Jean Engle. At the conclusion of the pro gram refreshments were served to the 10 mothers, 15 club mem Certified Seed Meet BARLEY High quality with good germination 10 High producing Alfalfas REIST SEED CO. MT. JOY, PA. QUALITY SEEDS (SINCE 1925) bcrs and the Judges. The club leaders for this year were Linda Porter end Connie Stohman and the junior leader was Ellyce Jean Engle. r« #. The 322 Snackers 4-H Club met August 6 at the home of Mrs. Robert Gregory, club leader. Susan Wonders called the meeting to order. The new business was 4-H Round-up Day and Farm Women Association. The meeting was adjourned and the members made pizzas and punch and played games. DID YOU KNOW—The Divi sion of Hydrography, operated under the Department of For ests and Waters in cooperation with the U. S. Geolpgical Sur vey, operates a network of 233 stream-gauging stations. (Dept, of Forests & Waters) 323 SNACKERS HI HIUTI-ll M H# MAINTENANi COSTS HAVE BEEN ZERO IN THE FIVE YEARS SING! u/F MnnFRN Vi l inuuuin IAIITU FI FAT iii in CLFvi RACFRAADA uHv LDUnIUI With electric baseboard heat there are no moving parts except in the thermostats so there is little that can go wrong. And most people’s ex perience has been that nothing goes wrong. There’s a lot of comfort in knowing you can meet cold weather without meeting big maintenance bills and service charges. And com fort in electric heat’s constant, evenly-distributed warmth. Plan to modernize now. Call PP&L today for more information and the name of a Reddy Kilowatt Recommended Electric Home Heat ing Dealer to-give you an estimate. No obligation, of course. JUST ONE OF THE REASONS 10,500 PP&L CUSTOMER FAMILIES HAVE MODERNIZED WITH FLAMELESS ELECTRIC HEAT AND 22,500 HAVE BOUGHT NEW ELECTRICALLY HEATED HOMES PENNSYLVANIA POWER & LIGI