Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 10, 1968, Image 16

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    11—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 10.196 fr
Grange Compliments Milk
Marketing Board Measure
Pennsylvania’s dairy industry by milk dealers in reporting
"will be strengthened" under sales, profits and losses.
the Milk Marketing Board meas- Scott sald the Grange hM sup .
ure enacted by the Legislature ported milk price con trol from
,’nd signed into law on Monday inception of the original act
by Governor Shafer, the Penn- in 1937 That laW| he added “has
>ylvania State Grange declared proved as sounds basic leg
.his week. islation. It corrected chaotic
John W. Scott, state master of pacing and marketing con
■he Grange, commended both ditionS( gave stability to this im
he General Assembly and the po rtant industry, safeguarded the
.overnor for changes to the agricultural economy, and pro
bate’s “milk control” statue that tected consumers,
be said will benefit both pro- . . , . .
Jucer and consumer. Dairying, he ex^ a ‘" e^..
~ . .. „ , . counts for nearly $4OO million
The Milk Marketing Board is f cas j, j ncome for Pennsylvania
a new name for the former Milk . ch vear or about 40
Control Commission, and better percent o£ their total gross earn .
describes its function. Sc tt j ngs income not only de
sald’ termines largely the success of
ci eased dealei license fees, dou- Pennsy i van i a > s total farm pro
cled dealer bonds to assure pay- am but serves a i so as a stabil
raents to farmers, and a mandat- f. .. .. . „„
ed uniform accounting system to lzm S influence on the state s en
be devised by the board for use tire economy.”
Two important things
when borrowing money
Vou need a sharp pencil plus the specialized financial advice
Of Farm Credit to determine how your financial needs can
.best be served. Farm production must be maintained, even
I Increased if possible. Providing the financing to insure this is
Farm Credit’s job. Farm Credit loans are available now for any
•ound farm need. And, at realistic rates. Farm
Credit interest is based on the unpaid balance
of the loan. That saves you money.
Farm Credit
<OIW. Roseville Ed., Lancaster Agway Building, Lebanon
Pb. 393-3921 Ph. 273-4506
• If Smrii To Mo shop* have a commercial apray
(Continued Iron. P«. IS)
enough. Hard flnithed worsted* and imoo'ther *eam linca.
may need additional pounding white vinegar can give aome
with a "spanker" or pounding crease retiatant cottons a smooth
block before they lie flat. cr finish. Run a small brush dip-
Fabrics with low melting th *
* . , line; then steam press. Be sure
points, such as acetate, can §lase Ind test thl , flrsli for the vlnegar
and shine if pressed from the can change the color of some
right side. Embroidered fabrics
retain their depth longer when
pressed from the wrong side. The final garment pressing
Most fabrics are crease resist- sll °w s y° ur “J* 11 . 1 “* 1
ant in varying degrees. This « r - Sle ®ves should have no crease
crease resistance keeps clothes d ° wn f ente^‘
looking fresh but it can present pressed over a rounded pad
a pressing problem. Many fabric the end of the ironing board to
2.9 L
Talk about fast gains ... on less feed per
pound of pork! Let us tell you how hogs fed
Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pork 45 and ground corn—lo
weeks to market—can produce a lb. of gain
on only 2.9 fbs. feed.
Extra feeding efficiency—extra pork from each
ton of feed —can make a big difference in your
Grubb Supply Co.
APRIL 1, 1969
Ready For Immediate Delivery
1305 Manheim Pike
Finance Charges Waived until April 1, 1969, on these New Combines.
#55 w/12' platform
#95 w/13 # platform
Cabs on Both Models
k«ep the carved dupe of the
Preaa collar* from the outer*
point* to the center so there will
be no small wrlnklea at the seam
line. Hie collar aeam and facing
aeams are rolled under allghtly
ao no aeam ahowa on the right
aide of the garment. The akirt
hem in today's fashion Is lightly
pressed rather than having a
sharp crease.
Pressing is an art. On some
fabrics and for some styles you. ,
may find yourself spending as
much time pressing as sewing. ..
Don’t neglect it if you want.a
professional-looking garment!
net returns. Gel the extra efficiency of Fos*o
- Gro-Pork 45—for top feed conversion at ■£££
low cost,
Come in. Check the record on Ful-O-Pep Gro*
Pork 45. It could be the most profitable 10
minutes you’ve spent this yearl And we’ll be -l
happy to visit with you.
Stevens Feed Mill, fne.
Stevens and Leola
Lancaster, Pa.
S *« *