14—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 10.1968 For the Farm Wife By Mn. Richard C. Spence. Food Editor Get Up And Go With Fresh Grapefruit Throughout the year and throughout the day, grapefruit is a most refreshing and ver satile fruit. Fresh grapefruit offers light, de lightful eating for meals or snacks, for young or old. Weight watchers look to fresh grape fruit as a treat and not a treatment. One half medium grapefruit contains only 44 calories. When counting calories, it’s important to make each calorie count. One half grapefruit con tains an excellent supply of vitamin C as well as a valuable combination of other important nutrients . . . including calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. You and your family are really missing much if you serve fresh grapefruit for break- fast only. When abided to canned fruits, for salads ’or desserts they add a section grapefruit pver a bowl to fresher than fresh flavor to all reserve the juleps, often psed as the other fruits. Grapefruit-sec- an important ingredient of the tions combine with cottage recipe... or save for dressings, cheese, avocados or other fruits marinades or othpr recipes, and vegetables to make salads * * * * sing. Or try broiling them with just a bit of brown sugar top ping and your guests will give thiee cheers for your thpught- 1 ful. low calorie, but just right dessert 1 Sectioning grapefruit is easy 3 to jto if you follow these direc- 14 tioiis Using a sharp pointed knife, peel each chilled grape- 2 fimt spiral fashion, cutting strip ol peel 'round and ’round, down 14 to qhe “meat” and removing all i /2 outer skin and white membrane 14 To section, run the knife-along _ . the membrane of one side of Grate peel before sectioning each segment to the core, tip the grapefruit, set aside. Work over kmie outward and continue a bowl while sectioning fruit to along membrane of other side reserve % cup juice. Place of the segment, carefully lifting grapefruit sections in bottom of oft the segment Be sure and well-buttered IVz quart casser- WISHFUL THINKING A child may wish to grow up to join the circus, but his parents’ wishes are more practical. That’s why wise parents save legulatly for their young sters’ future. Many find our insured savings ac counts to be safe and worthwhile investments. You’re invited to open an account. ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $15,000 IFIRST FEDERAL 'av/nps and£o,an ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER 25 North Duke St. *i\[\\Vt Phone 393-0601 GRAPEFRUIT CAKE TOP PUDDING graced p qql ’ qifdium grapefruit, peeled, sectioned qggs, separated ,<# s , cm grjipefrplt jqicp or IWgfflßW cup unsifted flour cup sugar cup ipilk ole. Beat egg whites to soft peak stage; gradually add V 4 cup sugar and continue beating until stiff, but not dry. With same beater, bent egg yolks with grapefruit juice and butter. Gradually add a mixture of flour and remain ing % cup sugar; beat until smooth. Blend in milk and grape fruit peel. Fold mixture into beaten whites, in several addi tions, folding carefully but thor oughly. Pour over grapefruit sec tions; set casserole in pan filled with incji hot wa(er. Bake at 325 degrees (or 45 minuses, or until golden brown. se?ye wanp or drilled; pi# pr tqpppd w# whipped cream. 4 to 6 servipgs. FRESH GRAPJEtf'JWJIT REE 3 to 4 grapqfi;uit, pqpled, sec (3 cppsj 1 cup sqgar 3 tablespppns cottar# 2 W % Wfcf 1 8-indi graham crackpr crpst 2 % fcfSPBBSP v «#.? Work a bowl wjuje sec tioning ,’(9 jesfsrye all juice. §et aside 5 to 6 ir\ost per fect sections for garnish. Cut re maining sections in'half; sprin kle with 1 cup of sugar and any juice obtained in preparation.* Let stand 1 hour, then drain well to yield % cup sweetened juice. I 9 saucepan, thoroughly com bine cornstarch and ’ 2 table spoons sugar; gradually add s\veetened juice, then water and egg, stirring until smooth. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stir ring constantly; boil 1 to 2 min utes. Gently stir in halved grapefruit sections; pour into graham cracker crust. Chill 2 hours or longer. Whip cream, adding 2 tablespoons sugar and F ! vanilla. Swirl atop pie and gar- % cup firmly packed brown nlsh with reserved whole grape- *ugar fruit sections. Serve Immediate- 8 pitted dates, sliced ly, V\ cup broken walnuts, pecans or almonds 2 medium to large grapefruit, knife, cut around each section to peeled, sectioned ? lonsen fruU from membrane. 2 quarts torn salad greens Carefully scoop out sections 2to 3 green onions, sliced with a S P°°«: drain * ell - Sc s a P e sto 6 radishes, sliced any remaining membrane from Vt cucumber, peeled, sliced shells, leaving them clean and 1 tablesuoon lemon iuice intact. Beat whites until % ip % qup Frepcfi uresslng add cream of tartar and Coargply ground black pep- J* 63 *- P eak s^a^6, Cradual _ v •' ly add brown sugar and con- Drain grapefruit sections. Re- tinue beating until whites hold serve sto 6 sections for garnish; ® rm P eakB, F ?* d m w , e _|' drai "®4 cut,- in remaining sections in grapefruit pieces, dates and halves. In large bowl, combine nuts! spoon into grapefruit cut grapefruit sections, salad shells. Place on cookie sheet and greens, onion, radishes and cu- bake at 325 deg !;®? 8 *° cumber. Blepd lemon juice with *jtes, or untd lightly browned, salad jessing; popr pyer Serve warm. 4 servings f\ig£edftflts. Sprinkle with grpppp pepper. Toss lightly un til' epated with 'dressing. grapefruit sections pp spcve at opce. 6 t,o 8 gerv- l ipgs. ' % * * « * DATjP MERINGUE l wnte a? i*m & egg whites Va teaspoon cream of tartar Dear Long and Bomberger; I want to go mountain climbing but am afraid of heights. Can you help me? Dear Shaky; Lots of people feel uncomfortable u hen only a few feet above the ground. That’s why we stock only good, firm ladders for climbing. They range from 2 ft. step ladders on up to 32 ft. extension ladders, in wood or aluminum. Maybe you should buy one each in our entire line and practice for awhile. YOUR REMODELING HEADQUARTERS « * * * GRAPEFRUIT TOSSED GREEN SALAD Signed: Yours truly, HOME CENTER 45 N. Broad St. in Lititz Phone: 626-2123. - Cut each grapefruit in half; remove any seeds. With sharp SALMON STEAKS WITH GRAPEFRUIT small onion, thinly sliced cup butter or margarine cup soft bread crumbs (about 3 slices) teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon allspice salmon- steaks, iresb .or (Continued dm Page 19) % % Va Save Save Rite market 743 S. BROAD ST. LITITZ, PENNA. Shaky