VOL. 13 NO. 36 PLOWING CHAMPIONS WITH THE QUEEN OF THE FURROW. Miss Lynn Heistand, Manheim R 4, the Lancaster County Qrreerrofthe Furrowrpresented the- trophies to the winning plowing champions Geni Hiestand Is Selected To Represent County Poultry Assn. A brand new poultry queen was selected Thursday night at the meeting of the Lancaster County Poultry Association di rectors regular monthly meet ing. She is Gem Hiestand, 20- > ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L Hiestand, Marietta K 1 Geni Hiestand Farm Calendar Monday, Aug. 5 —5-7, 4-H State Days, Penn State University 10 30 a.m.—lnterstate Milk Pro ducers Picnic, Lenape Park, Chester County. 8 00 p m.—Lancaster County Soil and Water District Directors Meet, Farm and Home Center Wednesday, August 7 10.30 a.m. Atlantic Breeders tContinued on Page 8) ■ at the contest held Monday at the Tony Grumelli farm near Nine Points. (Left to right) Ivan Yost, Miss Heistand, Merle Groff and John C. Campbell. Miss Hiestand, a gray-eyed, 120-pound, 5’6” brunette, will vie for the state poultry queen title during the Pennsylvania Dutch Days at Hershey, Aug 20 to 25 The Hiestands are in the egg business, and Gem has had ex perience in gathering and grad ing eggs and blood-testing breed- ers Her father is president of Hiestand, Inc, and has been ac tive in the county poultry associ ation foi the past 25 years 'Since high school days (she graduated from E’town High School in 1966), Miss Hiestand has had considerable success with various art forms—ranging from Pa. Dutch painting to weld - on Page 9) 767 Co. Pork Producers Asked By Letter For Program Support In a Mter to 767 swine pro ducers this week, the Lancaster County Swne Association ask ,ed for “serious consideration” i for the support of the “Nickels for Profit” program established I January 1, 1968 by the National Pork Producers Council. They also asked for support by be coming a member of the local organization for the annual fee of $2 00 The letter said in part “ Swine industry leaders start ed the checkoff program be cause of the awareness that then-product has been decreas ing in per-capita consumption for sometime. This decreas’e is due to “prejudices” from sever al segments of our society plus, yes, lack of concern of many poik producers in developing a meatier animal that yields the type of product the housewife desires. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 3,1968 Guernsey Field Day Is Aug. 13 The Lancaster County Guern sey Association will hold then annual Field Da' 7 Tuesday, Aug ust 13, at the K D Linde Farm, nine miles south of Quarryville on Route 472 The morning judging contest will begin at 10 00 am with Donald Brown, owner of Apple brook Guernseys as judge Secretary Elmer Lapp re poits that slides will be shown in the afternoon program and lunch will be available for $l5O All interested persons are asked to make lunch reserva tions with Lapp, Linde or Ar thur Breneman by August 10 The phone numbers to call are 768-8177. 464-3950 or 529 2513 “This program, free of gov ernment control, is designed to be a self-help program where the individual pork producers systematically contribute 5c per market hog through a voluntary checkoff at market time On a $50.00 hog, the voluntary check (Continued on Page 16) Crossbred Gilts Win At FFA Swine Show A pair of crossbred gilts went on to the grand and reserve grand championship Tuesday morning, at the FFA Swine Show held at the Lancaster Union Stock Yards. Moving up from the champion ship in the crossbred class was (Continued on Page 7) . _ Merle Groff Has Best Score In County Plowing Ivan Yost Wins Again And John C. Campbell Is Top Big Plowman In the battle of mole boards and furrows, Monday, at the Lan caster County Plowing Contest held this year at the farm of Tony Grumelli, near Nine Points, Merle Groff, Lancaster R 4, won the Level Land Division with the top score of the day—s3l points It was Groff’s fourth attempt at the annual contest and his first win plowing with three 16” bottoms Winning the Contour Division was last year’s plowing champ, Ivan Yost, Christiana R 1 Yost had 487 points and also plowed with three 16” bottoms He is a member of the Garden Spot Young Farmers Association These (wo plowmen along with John C. Campbell, Box 56, New Holland, (highest scoring big plow in the contest) will rep resent Lancaster County at the state plowing contest to be held in Hershey, Aug. 27. The state winners will then compete the next two days for the national championship at the same place. L. F. Photo Richard Groff, Lititz R 3, was second in level land with 468 Lolita Cow Tops First County Holstein Show An upstanding, well-uddered aged cow took the grand cham pion honors Thursday, at the first Lancaster County Holstein Show held at the Guernsey Sales Pavilion. Fultonway Ivanhoe Lolita, an Ivanhoe daughter shown by J. Mowery Frey Jr., 401 Beaver Valley Pike, was also senior champion and best udder of the show. BLACK AND WHITE SHOW WINNERS. Grand cham pion of the first County Black and White Show held this week was Fultonway Ivanhoe Lolita (left) for J. Mowery Frey Jr. Junior champion was Sunny Craft Peg Captain, for Clarence Stauffer. _ L. E. Photo $2.00 Per Year points and Willis Kiantz, Qua' ryville R 1 was fourth with 457 points Richard was the cham pion in 1963 and 1964 Following Yost in the contour contest was Marvin Zimmerman, East Earl R 2, and John E. Camp bell. New Holland Zimmerman was the County champion in 1965 and 1966 Trophies for the plowing champions were presented by (Continued on Page 8) Risser & Houser Elected Tester Assn. Officers Two of the Lancaster Coun ty Red Rose DHIA milk testers have been elected to offices in the Pennsylvania State Associ ation of milk testers recently according to an announcement this week by Victor Plastow, Associate County Agent. Jay M. Risser, 564 Lampeter Road, Lancaster, was elected president and Wilbur Houser was elected secretary. The election took place at a meeting at Penn State last month. Reserve grand champion was shown 'by Robert Kauffman, Elizabethtown Rl, with his firsi place three - year - old, Penn Springs Pioneer Peggy Peggy is a Mooseheart Pioneer daughter and was also best udder in her class. The junior champion title went to the first place senior yearling shown by Sunny Craft Farm, (OoniMnued on Page 16)
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