Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 20, 1968, Image 6
•r ““ 6—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 20,1968 Imitation Orange Juice Crack Down uiouicnimr Leland H. Bull said the illegal HARRISBURG Imitation pnict [ ce was spotted by Depart orange Juice and other so-called men t food inspectors who re orange products nrt> being sold ccivcd substitutes although for the real thing in some eating orange juice was listed on the places in Pennsylvania, the menus NEW WHEAT In The Market Daily For Top Prices Coll NELSON WEAVER GRAIN [ Lime Rock Lititz, RD 2 I 626-8538 [ WEAVER GRAIN, Inc [ New Providence 786-3427 * Grain Dryer Immediate Payment > Pneumatic Truck Dump | We Store Producer Xoan Wheat Blight’s out There’s only one sure way to fight blight. Keep your potato plants covered "with an effective fungicide. A protec tive coating that will prevent blight spores from germinat ing and entering the plant. . DIFOLATAN 80 Wettable has shown, in test after test, that it can do the job Excellent protection against both early and late blight. Particularly effective against tuber rot. DIFOLATAN sticks and stays on the plant, resists weathering from ram or sprinkler irrigation That means you can maintain your schedule of applications, without worrying about weather or irrigation schedules. Made with its own wetting agent, so you don’t have to add a spreader-sticker in the spray tank Relatively low hazaid to livestock and humans, and since there is no resi due in the hai vested potato crop you can use it right up to haivest without concern over residues. Protection against tuber rot is outstanding When you put potatoes in storage, you’ll never know how well vou did in the blight fight until you’ve shipped the last of them. Fields may look reasonably healthy before harvest, but if you put infected tubers into storage, you can find yourself with a costly, heavy cull out of late blight tuber rot infec tion DIFOLATAN woiks to give you greater yields of healthy potatoes And bigger, healthier profits When you fight blight the right way, everything is bughter. DIFOLATAN 80 Wettable Ortho Chtuon Difolatan Resictered Tiademarks On All Chemical'- Read Cautions and Eurections Befoie Use P.LROHRER & BRO., IHC. Smoketown, Pa. 397-3539 ‘ Slate Department of Agriculture has announced. State Agriculture Secretary CHEVRON CHEMICAL COMPANY ORTHO DIVISION San Fianeiseo, California 94120 Fait of the great group of Chen on companies DISTRIBUTED BY . Secretary Bull said listing Fresh orange Juice, packaged “Davy Jones’ Locker orange juice on menus and then orange juice and frozen orange The term, "Davy Jones’ furnishing a substitute is a vlo- j u | ce concentrate reconstituted c^"' * s usei * *° f 18 4" t ' ie 1 inftAn Af (ha stated food lows. , .. . . of those who die st see. insiteS inspectorrto c?ack w,th water are considered bona Jones is a term for the spi. down on violators. * lido orange Juice, Bull said. the sea, usually an evil spli Surge Milking Parlor Facilities FEATURING • Surge 4-Stall Diagonal Parlor • Surge Pipeline with 2” glass line • Surge Electric Pulsation • Surge Automatic Feed Handling • Thermopane Picture Windows • Free Stalls • Girton 600 gal. Bulk Tank • Lely liquid manure handling (demonstration) Various Company Representatives will be on hand for your questions. Babson Bros. Co. (Surge) Lely Manufacturing Co. Harold R. Brandt (Surge) Mistbiower Duster Combinatio * LIQUID * POWDER *DUST * GRANULAR CHEMICAL MH 30, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, soil sterilants, lawn and tree dyes and aquatic chemicals. Engine: 4 h.p. at 7,100 rpm 14% oz. fuel consumption per hr. Air Speed at nozzle —328 ft.p.see —225 mph Air volume 320 cu ft./min. Coverage—2s to 33 feet vertical, 33 to 40 feet horizontal J.C. EHRLICH Chemical Co., Inc. 736 East Chestnut St. ATTENTION! OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1968 YOU ARE INVITED TO INSPECT THE NEW George 1600 Summet Drive, Lancaster (near Silver Sjprings) DIRECTIONS TO FARM From Silver Springs turn on Summet Drive, 2nd Farm on Right. You are welcome any time during the day, including milking time. The Most Powerful Knapsack Ever Built! With the Kiekens Mist Blower you con apply: SPRAY or DUST Tobacco, trees, shrubs, vegetables, rec reation areas, industrial areas, lakes or ponds. Technical data for Model 77 TT Kiekens Mist Blower Versatile use same tank for liquid, dusts or granules, no extra at tachments needed. Chemical tank capacity 3.5 gal. (twin tanks) 2 cycle ON THE Baltozer Farm Girton Manufacturing Co. Wolgemuth Bros. (Feed) Refreshments USE Weight of complete sprayer empty 23 lbs. Recoil starter. SALES & SERVICE Area Code 717 Phone 397-3721 Others models available. Call today for demonstration. Lancaster, Penna. 17604 gl Di