Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 20, 1968, Image 4

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    —Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 20,1968
From Where We Stand ...
Farm Safety
You can name an almost endless variety
of ways to get hurt on the farm. For our
Amish neighbors a run-away horse might
be the problem. And we know tractor acci
dents kill more than a thousand people in
the U.S. each year, mostly from overturns.
Several years ago, Leland Bull, Pa. Sec
retary of Agriculture, gave eight rules for
safe tractor driving that we think are worth
1. Drive slowly for safety and for
greater efficiency. Tractors are designed
for power, not speed.
2. Drive cautiously, A hidden hump or
ditch can flip the machine over or pitch the
operator off,
3. Drive on public highways only when
absolutely necessary, and then preferably
when traffic is lighter.
4. Use extra caution on slopes. Avoid
those that are too steep.
5. Climb steep grades in reverse to avoid
flipping the machine over backward. Going
down grade keep the machine in gear, but
don’t try to handle heavy loads.
6. Pull only from the drawbar. A load
hitched to the axle or seat bracket can pull
the tractor over backward.
7. When pulling really heavy loads, add
front end weights to keep the tractor bal
8. If the tractor wheels stick in a ditch or
deep mudhole get help. Something must
turn when power is applied. If the wheels
can’t, the rest of the tractor will.
Another common problem on many farms
is clutter. Lots of us are collectors. We can
not bear to part with old newspapers, tat
tered magazines and books, broken tools,
worn out tires, punctured innertubes, empty
grease cans, bottles and jugs.
A few days work, reorganization of stor
age, a bonfire and a couple trips to a dump
would do wonders for the appearance, con
venience and safety of many farms.
Farm fires cost 500 lives and $2OO million
in property damage each year. Fire pre
vention is especially important in consider
ing ways to make your farm more safe.
Burn rubbish at a safe distance from build
ings and when the wind is calm. Check your
electrical system and make needed repairs.
Watch smoking in buildings. Check daily
the temperature of newly stored hay.
And watch firearms. The story is told of
several boys who were playing with a gun
they found one pretending to be a sol
dier and the other the enemy. The little sol
dier aimed at the enemy, not thinking the
gun might be loaded.
For some reason the enemy shied away
and askeT,' the other boy not to point it at
him. Fortu>-tely, the soldier swung around
and sighted an old hen nearby. Unfortunate
ly for her. he pulled the trigger and the
sharp crack and flurry of feathers instantly
told them what had almost happened.
Many a barn, shed, garage, back porch
Farm News This Week
4-H Youths Win District
Demonstrations Page 1
Newcomer Now Tri-State
Speech Champ Page 1
Wheat Agreement Spells more
Trouble for Farmers Page 1
Lancaster County’s Own Farm Weekly
P 0 Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17543
Office 22 E Mam St, Lititz, Pa 17543
Phone Lancastei 3943047 or Lititz 626-2191
Everett R Nev r swanger, Editor
Robert G Campbell, Advei Using Director
Subscnp’ ion pi ice S 2 per year in Lancaster
County. S 3 eisewhei e
November 4,1955
Pub ish n d every Saluiday by Lancaster
Farming Litdz Pa
Second C‘ Postage paid at Lititz, Pa.
Member of Newspaper Farm Editors Asm,
and basement is cluttered by little-used
chemicals and containers: pesticides, fer
tilizers, cleaning agents, solvents, medi
cants. etc. You should provide safe storage'
areas for all these. And "safe" means be
yond access of children and animals, pre
ferably locked up.
Just this week, a report came across our
desk about the dairy farmer in Western
Maryland who began at 7:45 a.m. to spray
41 heifers due to calve this fall with an un
labeled liquid purchased a year ago at a
farm auction. At 10:00 a.m., all 41 heifers
were dead.
The farmer had not used the liquid when
he bought it because he did not know what
it was. This year he wasn’t as cautious.
The extension veterinarian at the Univer
sity of Maryland identified the liquid as
methyl parathion, a chemical that is a high
ly toxic organic phosphate insecticide.
So. don’t take a chance by using any
chemical in an unlabeled container.
And you could go on and on with ladders,
hand and power tools, silo gases and you
name the hazard. The real thing to remem
ber is that accidents can be prevented. They
don’t Just happen; they are caused!
where we stand this Farm Safety Week,
July 21-27.
Just A Thief
An issue of the FBI Law Enforcement
Bulletin included an article that tells in con
siderable detail about a breed of criminals
that prey on every honest consumer and re
tail distributor the shoplifter. Shoplifting
is big business, and shoplifters unlike other
law violators . . come in a wide range of
ages and represent every walk of life. They
use dozens of techniques to steal merchan
dise from stores varying in size from the
small corner bar to items with price tags
in the thousands of dollars.”
According to the Bulletin, theft in the re
tail industry has been estimated in billions
of dollars per year. Retailers in one city
with a population of nearly a million esti
mated shoplifting losses at a million dollars
a month. Since many stores, notably large
volume supermarkets, operate on a slim
one percent of net profit, a dollar lost to
shoplifting means that $lOO in sales must be
rung up to offset the loss. It takes no expert
to figure out that with shoplifting running
into the billions of dollars annually retail
distributors have no choice but to cover part
of the loss with higher prices.
Through some weird mental process,
shoplifters do not consider themselves
thieves. In the words of the FBL Bulletin,
shoplifting is considered by many, other
wise well intentioned people, as something
other than larceny, sneak thievery, steal
ing, or a criminal violation. Perhaps the
best way to curb shoplifting would be to
brand a practitioner of the art in the eyes
of society for what he is a thief.
At least that’s the way it looks from
where we stand.
Across The Fence Row
Little boy with report card: “I was the
highest of all who flunked.”
Beware of free gifts: a mouse can al
ways find free cheese in a trap, but often is
not too happy over the results.
Local Weather Forecast
(Fr< i, the U. S. Weather Bureau at the
xiarrisburg State Airport)
The five-day forecast for the period Sat
urday through next Wednesday calls for
temperatures to average below normal with
daytime highs in the 80’s and over-night
lows in the 60’s. Seasonal temperature
through Monday and cooler Tuesday and
Rain may total one inch with showers
likely Monday or Tuesday.
% any on* I* In Christ, he 1*
•w creation". (2 Corinthians
Taitomt ip*
lut is It possible? Can men
a new heart* or is this mere*
iom* misty ideal? "Nol* say
je who have observed that
..ople seldom change, that even
their own attempts to change
have been fruitless exercise* In
futility. These are the people who
"give up smoking forever* at
least once a month, who have
despaired of bathroom scales
that keep going up and never
down. Like H. G. Wells, they
have observed that, though man
is an animal who can Jump a,
.hundred miles, see through brick
Several years ago on one of walls, bombard the atom and
those Sunday afternoon panel* analyze the stars, he nevertheless
interview television programs, continues to "behave Ilk* ths
a newsman asked a physician quarrelsome ape he used to be.*
IT he thought It would ever be Yet people can change; Ezekiel
Eossible to transplant the himself experienced that. A priest
umtn heart The unequivocal ]q the Jerusalem temple, he had
answer he re* had to re-evaluate his vocation
ceived was "No, when he arrived a captive in
definitely not!* Chaldea. What would a Hebrew
Today.of course, priest do there? The function of
there is no a priest Is to serve in the temples
longer a ques* but it had been destroyed and
tion of impossl- there was nothing to replace lb
bility. It has We do not know what he did at
already been first, but at the end of five year*
done and is there he embarked upon an en*
_ .... likely to be done firdy new vocation as a prophet,
nev. Aitnouse aga i n and again, it was a difficult change to make*
I Kill! miIfUHT
LeMonfor July 21* 1968
rr *l --- J 'MHmEi*U*l II:3I.1MI
Prrrtwl total SltlO-17.
A new spirit but he made it.
It is wonderful that today the BUI Sands was a prisoner In
human physical heart can be re- San Quentin some years ago. He
placed by a transplant How was marked asan "incorrigible*
much more wonderful if we could and no one thought he would
transplant the spiritual heart as ever change. No one, but Warden
well. Just as that amazing muscu- Clinton Duffy who managed to
lar pump transplanted from one communicate to Bill ttiat.he cmred
body to another can bring it new ne( * J? “m. Toda y
life, so new life could enter the Bill Sands is a free man, a re
sold of man if he could find the spected citizen, who is spending
means of getting himsdf a new his life helping other convicts to
spiritual heart. get a new heart" One of the
This is precisely what Ezekiel things he teaches them is that
proposed to the people of Judah when they return to the "outside
in their Chaldean exile: "Cast world,” it wiU be flie same tough
away from you all the transgres- world fliey left behind. If they are
sions which you hive committed going to find a place in it, they
against me, and get yourselves a arc ones who will have to do
new heart and a new spirit”. The the changing. '
people of Judah are like a pUe of We might wish that the wo|ld
whitened bones, but if they wiU were different but it isn t. If it is
get themselves a new heart, the ever to be improved, we mpst
dry bones can live and rise change first and then fee world
again. "Why will you die, 0 may _ begin to change too. It be
house of Israel? For I have no 6* llB 118 a naw heart. •
pleasure in the death of anyone, th«DjvWoi»
says the Lord God; so turn and •* Ch f ,,ha " Mmi Council out.,
five” (Ezekiel 18:31, '3lb, 32 U ’ *
KuV) i_ • v jh ■»
There ii the key:"... so turn
and live”! The people of Judah . ,
needed to change. This is what Attend The Church Of
Jesus' told" Nicodemus: that he .’ i
and all men would have to be Your Choice Sundoy
born anew. There are frequent
New Testament references to the
need for rebirth, renewal, and
conversion. There is. also Paul,
To Prepare for New Seedlngs
Late summer seedings of al
falfa or permanent pasture takes
time and planning. The first step
is to run a complete soil test on
the soil Alfalfa should be seed
ed early in August and the new
pasture seedings made the first
week in September. The lime
and ferilizer needed should be
worked into the soil during the
preparing process; a fine, firm
seedbed free of weeds should
be the objective.
To Purchase Top Herd Sires
During the summer months
many hog and sheep producers
will be buying new sues. To get
a ram or boar good enough for
the money wanted to spend is
very difficult; many producers
will not be willing to pay the
extra price for a purebred sire,
or one with good background.
By Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
Since the sire will have an in
fluence on every offspring, he
should be the best that is avail
able and one that v/ill produce
desirable market animals in a
short period of tune Perform
ance testing and understanding
of pedigree and bloodlines
should be a guide.
To Feed Wheat
The decreased market value of
wheat this summer reduces the
value of this small grain as a
good cash crop. Since wheat has
consideiahle feed value, we’d
suggest that all livestock produc
ers (except horsemen) consider
the feeding of some wheat' in
their rations. When fed as part
of the grain ration (up to 25%)
wheat may be used to replace
corn pound for pound. Introduce
the ground or cracked wheat
(not whole) into the ration
1 i