Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 20, 1968, Image 14

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    H—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 20.1968
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• Auction
(Continued from Page 2)
26.10; Utility and Commercial
23 00-24 75, few 25 00-26.00.
CALVES 128 Vealers $l.-
00-2 00 lower.
VEALERS Choice 37 00-
40 00; Good 3450 37 00; Stand
ard 33.00-35 00, Utility 30 50-
32 50; Cull 95-120 lbs 26 00-30.-
00. 70-90 lbs 22.00-27 50.
HOGS 316 Barrows and
gilts 50-75 c lower.
2, 210-240 lbs 23 00-23.50; one
lot US 1-2 198 lbs. 24 00; US 2-3
For Sale AKC Registered
Weimaraners Male, 4 years
old, female, 5 years old, and
male, 7 months old. Excellent
hunters. Excellent retrievers.
Mail Box Market
For Sale Celeiy Plants Foid
hook Wholesale & retail bv the
thousands or any amount. Elam
Z. Zimmeiman, Lititz R 4, IVz
mi NW of Lincoln 733-4466
For Sale M-H 12’ #B2 Com
bine 81,985 00, I-H 10’ rpl4l
with Coi n Head $1 285 00, 871
Ford Diesel, fully equipped,
original tires $1,500 00 Ph. Her
shey 534-1253
For Sale 1 ton Rollei, new mo
toi and new di ive chain—A 1
condition E P. Spotts Phone
215 273-3958
For Sale Big Dutchman Egg
Cooler Excellent Condition
Almost like new Reason
able Price Phone Palmyra 838
For Sale Geiman Shepherd
Pups, not registered, 6 wk old,
for $3O 00 Call 665-3159.
For Sale: Beautiful collie pup
pies. Phone 687-6010
Robert Oohrer
Bulldozing - Grading
Pafz Sales & Service
Barn Cleaners - Silo
Unloaders - Cattle Feeders
Quarryville, R. D. 1
Hensel 548-2559
195-260 lbs. 22.25-22.75; US 3, SHEEP 21 Few head Good
240-260 Ibbs. 22.10; one lot US 3, 60-100 lb. spring slaughter
280 lbs. 20 60. lambs steady at 23.50-25.00.
sugar loaf farm Complete Dispersal
b m., 1961, AHDOOLO, by Shadows Start-Dieselong,'by Whiskalong. . „„ T _ >T _ . . Tr _ _,. ,
Winner of 9 races and $11,303, and sister to 10 winners. Out of half-sister to SW BOLD GALLANT. Believed to
be in foal to * FILISTEO 2nd.
bm, 1962, ARMADOLL, by Armageddon-Shake it Up, by Snark . , „ _ .
Winner at 3 Half-sister to Shake Up (28 wins). Second dam, stakes placed FIVE TO ONE, dam of 7 winners.
Believed to be in foal to 'TYWYDD TEG.
b m , 1961, DANISH QUEEN, by Cosmic Bomb-Mary Lawler, by Priam 2nd „ t tam
Out of a half-sister to 4 winners including So. The family of AMERIGO’S FANCY and IRISH REBELLION.
Believed to be in foal to TYWYDD TEG.
b m., 1957, FLASHY FRILLS, by 'Tudor Minstrel-’’Sister in law, by Brantome. . , , . . , .
Out of a winning half-sister to 4 winners including the SW in France, ELEGANT. Believed to be in foal to
br. m, 1962, HYATTSTOWN MISS, by Top Brass-Debby D , by Johns Joy _ A „ _ TT
Out of a winning half-sister to 8 winners From the family of SW s FLORADORA, STAR PILOT and NORTH
SOUTH GAL. Believed to be in foal to FILISTEO 2nd
br m, 1961, JANNA, by Cosmic Bomb-Diamond Ciown by "Half Crown TTnTIT) , r ,„ , mIJ
A half-sister to the winner Golden Tornado From the family of the SW s JERRY S GEM and ADORABLE
SUE Believed to be in foal to TYWYDD TEG.
bm, 1951, MISS BARCLAY, by Roman-Old Duff, by Shut Out „ . ..
Winner of 5 races and the dam of the winners Bar clay Miss and Maid of Mirth. A half-sister to the winneis
Michaels Choice, Metric and Sweet Duff From the family of SW HANDY MANDY. Believed to be m foal to
gr m, 1955, MODERN MUSIC, by First Fiddle-Lady Airlie, bv Cable _ ,
Winner of 2 laces A half-sister to 4 winneis Out of half-sister to SW MEL HASH and SPI. Manada s Man. Be
he\ ed to be in foal to SIR RIBOT
ROUGE, by Nooi-Pipette, by Piping Rock . - n-n-. m , - „
Unraced dam of the winner Pankin Out of SW PIPETTE (13 wins, $107,475),.and half-sister to SPI. Tulchan
and Buttevant Fiom the family of SW ROSETOWN. Believed to be in foal to BURNT HILLS,
ch m, 1958, SEMPRA PRIMA, by My Request-Evelyn L., by Half Crown . ,
Winner of 8 laces and $11733 Out of a winner of 8 races and $21,770. A half-sister to 2 winners of 12 laces. Be
lieved to be in foal to BOLD COMMANDER
bm, 1954,
ch m, 1958, SOLAR-FLY, by Solar Lad-Trout Fly, by Challador „
A winning daughter of Tiout Fly, winner of 10 races and $17,995. Out of a half-sister to 7 winners including
Trout Luie Believed to be in foal to FILISTEO 2nd.
ch m, 1964, SUGAR MODEL, by Noureddm-Belmont Milly, by No Wrinkles ■mnnv
A winning half-sister to the winner Big Albee. Out of a half-sister to 4 winners From the family of SW WOOF,
MALS BOY, and NABESNA. Believed to be in foil to TYWYDD TEG.
b c, 4/6/68 -by Dr Eugene J -Ahdoolo
b c, 4/24/68 -by ' Fihsteo 2nd-Armadoll
b c., 4/20/68 -by Fihsteo 2nd-Damsh Queen
b c , 2/14/68 - Dr. Eugene J.-Janna
b c., 6/14/68 - by Bold Commander-Miss Barclay
br. c„ 5/2/68 - by 4 Tamao-Modern Music
ch. f„ 3/28/68 - by Jet Traffie-Sempra Prima
br. f, 1965 - BOLERO MILLY, by Dr. Eugene J -Belmont Milly
br. f, 1966 - SUGAR LADY, by War Jeep-Danish Queen
ch c, 1966 - JET SWEEP, by Jet’s War Date-Mannequin
br., f., 1966 - ROMAN SUGAR, by Chuckabuck-Miss Barclay
br. c, 1966 - QUIZ HOST, by Quiz Show-Patio Party
1 share BOLD COMMANDER b. h. 1960 Bold Ruler-High Voltage
8 shares *FILESTEO 2nd br. h. 1958 Madara-Finesse
DAVE CANNING, Owner P.O. Box 1236, Staunton, Virginia
ruts eymuiUG.w'U.'yivl
JULY 26 -- 7:30 P. M.
-n> oo so.
• New Holland Shoati IMS; Sows 14,60-16.50;
(Continued from Page 2) Boors 18-15.
July 15,1961
Receipts of 837 hogs nnd 17 Receipts of 91 calves sold
Shoots sold steady. Retail 23,75- steady. Choice and Prime 40.50-
24.25; Wholesale, No. 1-3 23.25- 43; Good nnd L. Choice 38.50-40;
23.75; Heavyweights 21-23; Standard 32-38: Common 25-
Sponsors 2 Quality Pork Events
AUGUST 1 AND 2, 1968
Farm Show Bldg., Small Arena, Harrisburg. Penna.
Thursday, August 1, 9:30 A. M.
Live Evaluation certified litter contest.
Cash prizes for Junior and Senior contests.
Program by Penn State University —1:00 P.M.
Friday, August 2,2:00 P. M.
Showing and Judging of Yorkshire Sale Animals.
6:30 P.M.—Sale of Yorkshires
50 Head Bred Gilts—l 2 Littermatc
Pairs of Open Gilts—ls Boars
4:00 to 8:00 P.M. Barbecue by Pennsylvania
Livestock and Allied Industries
Judges: Dan Baker and Vefti/Hazlett
For catalog write or call:
Wellington A. Hiester, Sr., Sec’y--Treas. v .
R 3, Fleetwood, Pennsylvania 19522
Phone: 215 / 944-8579
or Reno H. Thomas, President
Beavertown, Pennsylvania 17813
Phone; 717 / 658-6719
ch f, 4/27/67, by Atan-Aimadoll
b. f., 5/5/67, by Atan-Danish Queen
br. c., 4/8/67, by Gun Magxc-Hyattstown Miss
ch. c, 5/4/67, by Jet’s War Date-Solar Fly
ch. f., 7/21/67, by Jet’s War Date-Miss C. O. D.
gr. f, 2/17/67, by Atan-Modern Music
ch. f., 4/8/67, by Jet’s War Date-Mannequin
July 15,1088
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