12—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 20,1968 State Turkey Calling Contest Is Scheduled The fourth {innual Pennsylvn- x torMt in the art of ca iu n g nia State Turkey Calling Contest Ud turkeys p icke d up consid will be held Saturday, August year when the Penn -24, starting at 1:30 p.m. as one gyi van i a Game Commission in ot the closing activities of the ' „ nhh i pr Franklin County Fair which is stlluted the first spring gobbl sponsored by the Franklin Coun- season in the Keystone State. t> Federation of Sportsmen’s During the spring season, hunt dubs. ing i s by calling, only. The site of the comoetition is the Chambersburg Rod and Gun Judges for this year’s contest Club 1 , located southwest of Chambersburg on Route 885 near Williamson. will bo Eugene Nelson, superin tendent of the Pa. Game Com mission’s State Wild Turkey Farm near Williamsport; Dr. Roger Latham, outdoor editor of the Pittsburgh Press; and Wil liam Britton, retired chief en forcement officer of the Pa. Fish Commission. There is no entry fee, and ev eryone is eligible to compete ex cept those who have won two years in succession; the latter are again eligible after a one year waiting period. Competitive trap shooting for cash prizes will be held in con junction with the contest. Atlas cloth is a napped cotton used for gloves. HAROLD H. GOOD t«« nm Grubb Supply Connpony Elizabethtown • * I Farmers FOR 120 DAYS FREE STORAGE ON YOUR 1968 WHEAT CALL 626-2296 ZARTMAN'S ROLLER MILL P. O. Box 23 Lititz, Pa. 17543 IT 1 ■ ■ . ■ Pat as on the spot. Ask as what’s new for fall farrowing. Ask us when we’re going to have something to put faster gains on. fall litters... something to keep them healthy through autumn weather... something to get pigs to market sooner. Then let us tell you about our brand-new Ful-O-Pep Gro-Pig FIVE FOR FALL FARROWING... five powerful new feeds that give you the ideal combination for competing in the pork business. DO YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR FDLQPEP Another fine product of The Quaker Oats Company HOLLAND STONE a luxury you can a/Ford Inside, outside, jrouTl find die xicfit quarried look of HOLLAND STONE adds a touch of real ele gance to your 'building designs. And yet, HOLLAND STONE is one of the most economical build ing materials today. It* unique versatility in rise and shape lends a structural freedom to builders, I meeting new Ideas, as well as cost problems. Comes in a wide choice of naturally warm, distinctive j colors,' {das Colonial white. hew Holland CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. MEWHOUANO KNNSYLVMM Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Stevens and Leola
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