2 -Lanc«ster Forming. Saturday, July 13,1968 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review Auction Only July ft. less juiyii, wes hogs Julv 12 mr.R 1.. U, m me* CATTLE 822 Compared to CATTLE 104 T All trends July 8,1068 CATTLE 1000 rvimnmvwi JUI> lU ’ 1865 l«»t Tuesday, slaughter steers compared to two weeks ago; Receipts of 734 hogs sold with last CATTLE 1268 Compared to 25-75 c higher: cows 50-75 c high- market not reported last week steady. Retail 23.75-24.50; Monday, slaughter steers steady; er; bulls strong to 50c higher, because of holiday. Slaughter Wholesale 23.25-24; Heavy lii »hpV rnwrS k.Tiu c °"‘ s 50100 hi B hei " bulls fully Supply included 16 percent steers mostly 50c higher; cows weights 20-21.50; Sows 15.50-16.- f llv .’fncrfv fpnsn. h .T«n.; c ” included 24 per - cows - 50-1.23 higher; bulls steady to 60; Boars 12.50-14. 5f sZlv inSSed an COnt COWS and bulls ' SLAUGHTER STEERS -50 c higher. CALVES ed 65 percent steeil' SLAUGHTER STEERS - High-Choice and Prime 1050- SLAUGHTER STEERS - n . * ul £ 8 - 1968 23 percent cows and bulls with Mixed high-Cholce and Prime 1300 lbs. 28.60-29.50: Choice 900- Choice 900-1325 lbs. yield grade R * ceip ‘? ? f 160 c “ lv « s the Glance mainly feeder stm-s 1050-1375 lbs. 2825-29.10: Choice 1325 lbs. yield grade 2to 4 27.- 2 to 4. 27.25-28.60, few high- “ d *°' SLAUGHTER STEERS 950-1450 lbs. yield grade 2to 4, 35-28.85; high-Good to low- Choice and Prime 28.60-29.00; 4250, C°°d and £. Choice 38- Pi ime lbs 28 73 2a 2? 27.35-28.50; high-Good to low- Choice 26.75-27.50; Good 25.00\ hlgh-Good to low-Choice 26.60- 39.50; Standard 32-37.50; Com- Choice 26.75-27.50: Good 25.25- 26.85; Standard to low-Good 23.- 27.50; Good 25.10-27.10; Stand- mon 25 ‘ 3L 1430 lbs yield grade 2t0427 - 23 50 ‘ 2500 - COWS - Utility and high- COWS - Utility and high- ChlCafiTO Cattle 23 28 sot W»h-Good IS low- cows “ Utility and high- dressing Cutter 20.75-22.85; dressing Cutter 20.60-23.10. few » VKIIUC riioice 2S 75 27 30 r.onH 23 23. dressing Cutter 20 35 22 85; Cut- Cutter 19.35-21.25: Canner and 23.25-23.60; Cutter 19 50-22.25; u/aalrlu p« u ;. u 27 25- Standatd to low Good 23 lei 19.75-21.50: Canner and low- low-Cutter 18 00-19.50. Canner and low-Cutter 17.50- * View 50 25 00. ’ Cutter 17.50-19 50. BULLS Choice 24.75-25.50, 20 °°- CATTLE Compared with COWS Utility and high- BULLS Good 23 50-25 00. couple .26 75-27.00: Good 23.35- BULLS Choice 25 00-26.25, last week’s close, slaughter diessing Cutter 20.50 22 85; Cut- fcw Choice 25 00 25 50: Utility 25 10; Utility and Commercial few 26.50-26 85; Good 2335-25.10; steers sold steady to 25 lower, tei 19 75-2150; Canner and low- and Commercial 23 7525 50, few 23 25-25-25 few 25.50-26.10. Utility and Commercial'23.so the decline mainly on Choice Cutter 17 50-19 50. fContinued on page 3) (Continued on Page 3) 25.85, five head 26.75 27 85; Cut- and Prime. Slaughter heifers BULLS Choice 24 73-26 00: ter and low-Utility 22 50-23 50. were generally 25 lower. Cows Good 23 00-25 00: Utility anti crrrrrr: T'’ ’"’T'"''"’’’ —** —rrrzzzzm CALVES 451 Vealers un- advanced fully 50 while bulls Commercial 2300-2500,-several __ __ , even, Standard to Choice $lO O were unchanged. held 2575-26 75 FUTURES TRADING higher; Cull and Utility 1.(59-2.00 .^eipts, 17,8Q0 , co ™ pared FEEDER STEERS - Choice * lower. 13 - 2 °o last week and 20,100 1000-1075 lbs in Good to low- (Closing bids as of Thursday, July 11,1918 VEALERS Good 3650-40- , yea L J^ elve markets re ‘ Choice slaughter flesh 2600-27- 50. ’fewChoice4l.SSJ* 00 load Choice 850 lbs 27.25; Midwestern „ . _ 4 . Standard 35 00-39.00; Utility 32.- Ipt’r 1 “ 164,800 last load Good 600 lbs 25 50; load Ll ri.F/ii® v.Lv^ S 00-36.00; Cull 95-120 lbs. 28.00- SLATIPHTER STEER c n n CALVE| 6 M0 bS _%Si6, s ~ * -Chicago - NgwV " k 32.50, 70-90 lb s . Wednesday dv to $1 higher Slaughter calves July ' 27.70 22.70 SHEEP 23 ~ Spring lambs lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 28.00- slaughter calves and slaughter ewes fully steady. 28 50, two loads 1395-1470 lbs. VEALERS-Choice 19 00 41 AUgUSt 2X62 2180 SPRING LAMBS - Choice 28.75, Mixed High Choice and 50 f, “he S ad SST°SS September ■ 27.50 ms 65 “ »»• ” Fume on Monday 42 00-43 50; SLAUGHTER EWES _ Uti- Grade 2 to 4 27 00 28 00 Good 36 0040.00; Standard 35.- October 27.43 19.50 lity and Good 5.00-9.00. Good and Choice 26 50 27m? 5S* S cows 95 30 00 ' 33 50 ’ 70 90 lbS - July 10, 1968 Low Good 24 00-25.75.