—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 6.1968 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review July 5, 1068 CATTLE 2250—Compared to „ last week’s close slaughter CATTLE 606 Compared to steers 25-50 higher: cows steady; Monday slaughter steers strong hulls weak to 25 lower; feeder to higher; cows fully steady; steers fuUy steady on few sales, kmls about steady. Supply In- Supply Included an estimated 60 percent cows and percent slaughter steers, 25 per- slaiibhtpr ctpvim! cent cows and bulls with the uitt n,, , .j I, R ,,-7 balance mainly feeder steers. iK C *9o C 7e SLAUGHTPR q-pppßo 13501 b. 528.75-29.00; Choice9so - ch.f re H l„ E d R S“!£ S’? 5 ' IGIO lb. $2850-29.00, including Ss-27 GwdWaSSf two loads Prime 1250 lb. $29.00. IfonS , n ’il cw oJol’ Choice 950-1350 lb. $27.00-28.50; ®‘ andard to low Good $23.25-25.- lugh Good to low Choice $26.75- 27.35; Good $24 85-27.25; Stand- COWS Utility and high ad to low Good $23 25-25.10. dressing Cutter $2025-22 10; COWS Utility and high Cutter $19.25-20.50; Canner and diessing Cutter $2O 25-22.10: Cut- low-Cutter $17.35-19.10. er $19.00-20.50; Canner and low BULLS Choice $25.00-26.- Cutter $17.35-19 10 25: Good $23 00-24 50: Utility BULLS Choice $24 50-25 50, and Commercial $23 00-25.00, few head $25 50-26 25; Good $23 - few $25 25-26.00 with three head 00-24.50; Utility and Commercial $26.00-27.25 $23.00-25 00, few $25 25-26 00 with ten head 1500-2000 lb. $26.25-27 25. FEEDER STEERS Mixed 6:2 Choice and Prime 450-525 lb. $31.50; Choice 450-550 lb $29 00- 30.00; load mixed Good and Choice 760 lb. $27.00; load Choice 1050 lb. in Good to low Choice slaughter flesh $27.75. CALVES 400 Vealers about steady, slaughter calves slow weak to $l.OO lower. , VEALERS Choice $38.00- 40.00, few head $4O 50-43.50; August Good $36.00-39.50; Standard $34.- 00- Utility $32.00-35 50; September Cull 95-120 lb $29 00-33.00, few 70-90 lb $26.00-30.00. ' uciooer SLAUGHTER CALVES— November Good 230-300 lb. $32 00-35 00; Standard $29 00-33 00. HOGS 800 Barrows and gilts 50-1.00 higher. February BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1- 210-235 lb. 24 50; US 2-3 195 245 lb. 23 25-24 00. SHEEP 400 Spring lambs 50- 100 lower. Ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS —Choice 60- 95 lb $26 00-27.00, few small lots $2B 00; Good $24 00-26 00, Utility $22 00-24 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good $5 00-1000 DID YOU KNOW The average net annual growth of sjwtimber is 1,001 million board feet, and the average annual cut is 439 million board feet. Jr you’re a dairy, hog or beef farmer, you’ll want to see the latest additions to our equip ment line . . . the Sahlstrom Homogenator and Spreader. Here is a better, less expen sive way to handle manure. See Sahlstrom . . . how it works ... the advantages it can offer you. Lester A. Singer “Lancaster County’s Only Dealer Specializing In Sprayer Sales and Service” KONKS, PA, < 687-6712 MARKET NEWS REPORT (Continued on page 3) December April Trend Cattle are higher; Hogs are steady and no market reported for Potatoes due to holiday. BT~ Vintage Sales Stables, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. Bulls, steers, butcher cows, Hogs, lambs and veal calves Sold on Commission Sale every Tuesday 1;30 P.M. Fat bogs and Feeder pigs sale Every Saturday at 10 A.M. For marketing information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager LOOKING FOR A PERFECT MATCH? Your Livestock and Our Qualified Buyers Monday —10:30 A.M. Fat Hogs and Shoats 2:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows and veal Horse Sale Monday at 10:00 A.M. Dairy Sale Wednesday at 12:30 P.M. Fat steers, bulls, cows & veal Thursday at 12:30 P.M. New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, Penna. 717-354-2194 Abe W. Diffenbach, Sales Manager Auction Only July S, 1968 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Wednesday, July 3) Midwestern Live Cattle Chicago 27.52-b 27.57 27.35 27.32 27,00 26.92 26.85 26.52 a-asked b-bid n-nominal DID YOU KNOW Black or * , „ „ cherry makes up more than 10 HEIFERS percent of the total volume of noA X !ir!? h Choice and Prime hardwoods in Pennsylvania. ■> *** - A dtr'T' 930-1100 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and (Dept, of Forests & Waters) Vintage Auction July 2, 1968 July 4, 1968 CATTLE 770 - Comped lo JmS, a»4?f tew‘to !ast Tuesday, slaughter steers 29 .50. Choice 27-28.25; High steady. Instances 25c lower; cows good and Low Choice 26.25.27; weak to 50c lower; bulls mostly Good 04 75.2 a steady. Supply Included 14 per cent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS— several to 27; Good 23.50-25; High-Choice and Prime 1050- Utility 23-25.50. 1325 lbs. 28.25-28.75, seven head „ ....... _.. 28.85-29.25; Choice 975-1350 lbs. 00^9 W ®, ~ Ut , i l i S, „9 utt s’ 20 ‘ yield grade 2to 4. 26.85-28.35; 22 |° T : Cu “* r t 19 :®°: 21 . : n £ anner High-Good to low-Choice 26.35- anA Low Cutter T 7-75-19.25. 27.10; Good 24.75-26.35; Stand ard to low-Good 23.25-24.75. COWS—utility and hlgh-Cut ter 20.00-21.85, few head 22.25- 22.75; Cutter 10.00-20.60; Canner and low-Cutter 17.50-19.00. BULLS Choice 24.50-26.00; Good 23.50-25.00; Utility and Commercial 23.00-25.00, few 25.- 00-25.85; Cutter and low-Utility 21.85-22.85. CALVES 456—Vealers steady. VEALERS Choice 39.50-41.- (Continued on Page 3) Live Hogs Maine Potatoes Chicago New York 22.70 21.80 20.50 19.30-n 19.50-n 19.50 New Holland Auction BULLS Choice 25-26.50, HOGS July 1, 1968 Receipts of 503 head ol hogs and 42 shoats sold steady. Retail * iQ«e 23.50-24.50; Wholesale 22.50-23- Receiuts at 151 cows 2 bulls 25; Heavyweights 21.50-22.50; MltSlm Sd ™ USM6 ’ fresh cows. The balance was " oars steady. Holstein 385-1085; Guern seys 280-335; Other breeds 275- Chicago Cattle Weekly Review Compared with the previous Friday, slaughter steers and heifers were mostly 75 higher, cows 25 higher, and bulls 50 higher. For the week Supply about 75 percent slaughter steers and 20 percent heifers. Overall finish this week 15 per cent Prime and 76 percent Choice compared with 13 per cent Prime and 74 percent Choice last week and 17 per cent Prime and 72 percent Choice last year. The average cost and weight this week esti mated at 27.80 and 1185 lbs. compared with 27.07 and 1179 lbs. last week and 26.27 and 1193 lbs. last year. SLAUGHTER STEERS Prime 1190-1375 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 29.00-29.25. High Choice and Prime 1150-1400 lbs. 28 50-29 00 Choice 1050-1375 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 27.75-28.- 75, Mixed Good and Choice 27 - 00-27.75 Good 25.75-2700 Stan dard and Low Good 24.00-25.75. CLEARANCE SALE Buy Wholesale At Truckload Prices is2i£?"i- ' ' ~‘uih - /«•; p t’ifyr*. Ebroweb LOW-BOY HOG FEEDERS • Guaranteed 15 years • 12-16 ga. self closing doors • Easy feed flow adjustment • Weatherproof • Eliminates crowding • Saves feed • Various sizes and models Distributed By: E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, Inc Willow Street R, D. #l, Pa. Ph. 464-3321 350; Bulls 255-245; Heifers 170- 305. Receipts of 383 head sold low er. Riding horses 115-270; Driv ing horses 125-470; Pony mares 30-45; Geldings 25-35; Killers 8- 10. Receipts of 66 calves sold $l-2 lower. Choice and Prime 40-41; Good and L. Choice 35-38; Stand ard 30-34; Common 23-28; Culls 18-23. 4 27.25-27.75. Choice 850-1050 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 26.75-27.- 25. Mixed Good and Choice 26.- 25-26.75. Good 25.25-26.25. Standard and Low Good 23.00- 25.25. COWS Commercial 36.75- 18.75. Utility 18.00-19.25, few to 19.75. Canner and Cutter 16.00- 18.50. BULLS Utility and Com mercial 23.00-25.00. Birds Like Variety When Eating If you like birds, blend plants attractive to them into the home landscape. Consider tall trees with thick crowns all the way down to the low seed-heads in flowerbeds and lawns. And don’t forget to place the plants where you can see them from a win dow, patio or terrace so you can enjoy the birds they attract, say extension specialists at The 'Pennsylvania State University. }'! HORSES July 1, 1988 CALVES July 1, 1968