—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 29.1968 12 Natural Resources Control Social And Economic Growth Natural resource* must be and forest environments.” the u*cd more wisely than ever be- Penn State official pointed out. fore to fulfill present needs and Although our capacity to pro still be available for enjoyment duce an abundance of food and by future generations, a wildlife wood is increasing rapidly, it is specialist at The Pennsylvania clear that people are demanding State University declared re- more land and water for homes, ctntly. industry, farms, recreation. "These resources form the hunting, fishing, highways, and basis of our life and culture, and scenic beauty, he said. All of they control social and economic this makes conservation pro growth.” Robert G. Wingard, grams and planned resource de chairman of forestry and wild- velopment even more important, life Extension at Penn State, Wingard, in discussing Penn told delegates participating in a sylvania water pollution prob statewide Youth Conservation lems. emphasized that water is Day at nearby Camp Kanesa- the common denominator that take in Huntingdon County. ties together all of man’s inter- Wingard served as main ests On its journey from water speaker at the field day spon- «hed to sea. water affects fish sored by the Pennsylvania Fed- ing downstream, recreation on eration of Woman’s Clubs. The a man-made lake, irrigation on West Virginia Pulp and Paper a valley farm, flood damage in Company and Pennsylvania For- a town, and safe supplies for estry Association sponsored human use. awards for conservation youth “Pollution from sew'age and projects. industrial wastes, acid mine “Today we see many changes pesticide chemicals, on the face of Pennsylvania, .and other contaminents that en- There is less land in farms, in- ter the stream at any point will creasing forest acreage, sub- have far reaching effects urbs moving across the country- throughout the watershed,” the side, and more people seeking Extension Service specialist the benefits of unspoiled farm said “In many cases the fisher- Your Best Buy,,. A CONCRETE STAVE SILO Save Money on Feed Costs ... Farm Easier, More Profitably . . . Save Time, Work & Money On Your Form For complete information and prices see us before you buy. C. B. HOOBER & SON Intel course, Pa 717-768-3501 AGRI INC. Ephiata R 2, Pa. 717-354-5374 LANCASTER SILO COMPANY 2436 Creek Hill Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 NEVIN N. MYER Chester Springs, Pa. 215-827-7481 COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence, Pa. 717-786-7351 C. H. ZIMMERMAN Atglen, Penna. 215-593-5129 MANUFACTURED BY man is most Immediately affect ed by pollution; but when water no longer supports fish, it has lost much of its value for other uses, too," he added. Pennsylvanians have always been quick to grasp the initia tive in conservation efforts. This was partly because we had such an abundance to start with, partly because of the harsh les sons taught by exploitation, and also because of the wisdom and foresight of dedicated leaders,” Wingard emphasized. He cited several Common wealth projects Chat have con tributed to improvement in con servation efforts. These include the 25.000 private ponds con structed in the past 25 years; Allegheny Reservoir at Kmzua: Raystown Reservoir in Hunting don County: Tocks Island Na tional Recreation Area on the Delaware River, and pollution control legislation. Wingard, in his talk, compli mented the youth on their proj ect accomplishments and chal lenged them to increase their efforts to improve people’s un derstanding of conservation pro grams. Only a well informed cit izenry can make intelligent de cisions as to how natural re sources can best be used to meet immediate and future needs, The John Deere 24-T Twine-Tie Baler has a low price tag on it. And for this low/ price you get big-baler benefits. You get big capacity. You get accurate tying. You get neat, 14xlS bales that are tied for keeps. You get high-quality construe* tion. You get a baler protected by many safety devices. Have your 24-T equipped With the Bale Ejector and baling and loading become a fast, easy, one-man job. 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