Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1968, Image 7
Correspondence Courses SI. EVERYDAY TABLE MANNERS Children who have early and consistent training in table eti quette develop grace and poise that helps them to meet others with self-assurance. Appropri ate table manners and service should be practiced daily, at each meal. It’s up to parents to set the example to be followed by children. , Those parents who were for tunate enough to grow up in a home-where good table manners were practiced daily will find it easy to train their children. Mealtime enjoyment is greater when the whole family is famili ar with, and practices good ta ble manners. XT you have questions about your table service and manners, here’s a suggestion—take the ta ble service correspondence course from The 'Pennsylvania State University. Besides teach ing table etiquette and service for family and guests, the course describes the selection and care of table linens, silver, glass ware, and china. It includes in formation on stain removal and gives table decorating ideas. How to manage buffet service for a large or small group is ex plained. Common sense answers to table etiquette questions are given, and suggestions for coffee hours and afternoon teas. Whether you’re a bride or a DO YOUJAVE MANUE HANDLING PROBLEMS? ■ Efficient Husky Liqnid Manure System lias the answer to handle all kinds of manure hog, chicken, beef and dairy units are very inexpensive. ' For a free' demonstration call SHENK'S FRUIT & VEGETABLE FARM Lititz R. #4 Phone 626-7420 - k \oODOZEN 4I EGGS PER TON with new Ful-O-Pep “500” Egg Feeds Modern computers have determined4hat the most profitable egg feed in terms of lowest feed cost per dozen is one which produces a dozen eggs on 4 lbs. of feed—equivalent to 500 dozen eggs per ton. New Ful-O-Pep “500" Egg Feeds, for floor or cage, are designed to give you 500 dozen eggs per ton on a year-around basis, under good environmental conditions. If you are a good manager, Ful-O-Pep 500 is made for you. What would 500 dozen eggs per ton do for your profit column? Ful-O-Pep 500 ANOTHER FINE PRODUCT OF THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY GRUBB SUPPLY COMPANY Elizabethtown Harold H. Good Stevens Feed Mill, Inc. Terre Hill Stevens and Leola grandmother, you'll find valu able Information in the course that can be studied and then filed as reference material. To own the course on Table Service is simple—put $1.50 in an envelope. Address it to Table Service, Box 5000, University Park, Pcnna. 16802. Check or money order should be made payable to The Pennsylvania State University. TRAIN HORSES IN DAILY WORKOUTS Horseback riding is fun. But real riding pleasure depends on how well your horse is controll ed. And control comes with training—in daily workouts. According to a Pennsylvania Statr University correspondence course on light horses, several months are taken in teaching your horses to lead at halters, wear bridles and accept saddles. Training starts with teaching week-old foals to wear soft-hal ters. Halters may be accepted read ily, but if tied in stall, colts of ten rebel and when lead ropes are first used, it’s sometimes a problem as to which is being led, man or beast. Considerable time may be needed to teach colts ‘o yield to constraining straps and ropes. Mostly, short training sessions of about one-half hour yield greater progress than longer workouts. Learning is rapid with short teaching periods, given twice daily. To learn more about horse training and care, study Penn State’s correspondence course. Send your name and address .with $2.25 to Light Horses, Box 5000, University Part, Pa. 16802 Make checks to' PENN STATE. There are no other charges. • Pony Club (Continued from Page 1) to prepare for the Regional Ral ly. The schedule at the Club’s Headquarters consists of prac tical application of Stable Man agement, riding the various phases of Cross-Country, Stadi um Jumping and Dressage and studying the various phases of Horsemastership in preparation for written tests that will be giv en at the Regional Rally. The ‘O’ Team members are Mary Beth Little, Team Cap tain; Pixie Waters: Nancy Hen kel: Candy Groff; with David Copeland serving as Stable Man ager. Members of the ‘C’ Team are Ralph Hill; Team Captain; Patti Hassler; Susan Gill; and Merry Bee Samples; with Rose mary Binkley serving as Stable manager. Additional Camping Sessions have been scheduled at the Club’s Headquarters for July 7 thru 14 during which all rated members of the Club will attend. Also, July 14 thru 21 during which the .unrated members will spend six days with the ‘D’ and ‘C’ Team members acting as Counsellors. New facilities have been pro vided at the Club’s Headquarters consisting of a two-level Bunk House and a new Stable with ten stalls to accommodate ten hors es of campers while Camp is in session. , Turbines for Commuters A stainless steel railway car powered by two aircraft-type gas turbine engmes is being test ed ‘by New York’s Long Island Rail Road. Initial tests show no “jet scream’’ or dust and no no ticeable vibration or odor. Nic kel alloys helps to make the tur bine heat- and corrosion-re sistant. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 22. 1968 THE “C” TEAM MEMBERS of the Lanchester Pony Club Camp, (left to right) Ralph Hill, Team Captain; Rose mary Binkley, Stable Manager; Susan Gill; Merry Bee Samples; and Patti Hassler. THE “D’ r TEAM MEMBERS of the Lanchester Pony Club Camp, (left to right) Mary Beth Little, Team Captain; David Copeland, Stable Manager; Pixie Waters; Nancy Henkel and Candy Groff. CLEARANCE SALE Buy Wholesale At Truckload Prices C!~' - ' Ti 1 -iM ! ! -a. •«*■>— «« i - ut rm ,-i ■.n-~“irrj~uir v mwffinwif»n»ii"Umi»wi»Witn. —unr-a i; BROWER I jgjfogttCH Go***NrEK> »5 *****__£, - i j S m- u if r 1 - LOW-BOY HOG FEEDERS • Guaranteed 15- years • 12-16 ga. self closing doors • Easy feed flow adjustment • Weatherproof • Eliminates crowding • Saves feed 9 Various sizes and models E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, Inc. Willow Street R. D. ip I, Pa. Distributed By: 7 Ph. 464-3321