C\ -T.wnon«tT Farming. Saturday. June 22.1968 Pennsylvania 4-H Congress Leader ship Council advisors, John Morrow of RD 1, Tyrone, left, and Averril Royer ot 2025 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, confer on program activities with. Leland G. Jinks, State 4-H Club leader during the four-day conference held this week on The Milk Proteins Provide Clues About Mastitis Mastitis infection in cows ap pears to have a direct effect on cells that secrete milk a U S Department of Agriculture sci entist reported recently Convincing evidence comes fiom studies on changes in mHk proteins during infection, ac cording to Dr Charles A Kid dy. a dairy scientist in USDA’s Agricultural Research Service Protein composition of milk fiom infected cows differs from normal, which brings up the question of how closely speciLc protein changes are tied to a de veloping cast of mastitis To fine 1 out. Dr Kiddy infused udders of healthy cows with heat-killed staphylococcus bac- K€DDALL NON-GAUZE SUPER SOCKS Designed fot High'Pmsm System • SUPER STRENGTH • SUPER RETENTION Available At Your Local Feed & Grain Supply Dealer DISTRIBUTED BY New Holland Supply Co., Inc. Pennsylvania State University main cam pus. These outstanding 4-H members were selected to oversee major program activi ties at Congress which brought together over 1.000 4-H members from all Common wealth counties. tena (one of the major agents of Kiddy said. “It was accompan mastitis), and checked effect on led by a decrease in alphas- and milk proteins every 3 hours beta-casein, and increase in ser thereafter ' um albumin - and the appear ance of new protein types Some *We found that udder inflam- o th er proteins, however, remain mation develooed rapidly.” Dr. ed unaffected BE-CO-NURSE Calf Milk Replacer This is the same per* HB mB eentage ef fat as in dried OT tJK whole milk. Increasing to the 25% - level, plus other improvements, I offers these benefits: ■ 60% more digestible nutrients ■ More energy ■ Faster growth ■ Better fleshing, glossier hair coats ■ Flexibility raise either outstanding replacements or choice Be-Co-Vealers by following the prescrib* ed feeding schedule for each ■ Reliquefies for just 4c per quart Be-Co-Nurse is a dairy product—contains no cereals, mixes easily, does not settle out. It is fortified with Aureomycin to cut calf losses from scours and pneu monia Each pound of Be-Co-Nurse contains 15,000 units of vitamin A and 5,000 units of vitamin D plus Complete trace mineral fortification. Call your Beacon dealer today .. .tell him you want the it&uj S&~C&-/VuA4e, wcCtv 25% frxC. GEHMAN FEED MILL, INC. Denver I. B. GRAYBILL & SON Strasburg EARL SAUDER, INC. H. JACOB HOOBER New Holland BEACON^EEDS O. KENNETH McCracken Manheim BOMBERGER'S STORE Elm Intercourse For Full Market Reports Read Lancaster Farming genator and Spread er. Here is a better, less expensive way to handle manure. See Sahlstrom . . . how it works ... the ad vantages it can offer you. LESTER A. SINGER RONKS, PA. DRYING FLOOR... No other drying floor has all these advantages. They safeguard your gram... and your profit: • 25% open space for unre stricted air flow • Clear-punched perfora tions - no rough edges to bend shut construction eouipmenl ,t no extra • Installed m bolt-free sec- cost. The optional auto tions that can be easily matic bin unloader removed for cleaning matches this floor exactly Come in today l Let us recommend the Stor-IM-Dry system that fits your exact crop and climate needs. Full assembly and errection plus filling and unloading systems using bucket elevators or auger conveyors available. M. K. HOKE ESI., INC. 148 S. Main St., Manheim, Pa. -Phone Strasburg 687-6712 another reason why Butler Stor-N-Dry ® is the best grain drying system • Special steel floor sup ports hold up to 24' of gram safely, guide drying air to all parts of the bin • Unloading sump and <butler> 665-2266 '
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