Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1968, Image 5
something «e are going to have Community Concert Of to The at the Sacred Music June 30 G. WalHck. Publicity Chairman irs laid aside meeting from Lancaster County The New Holland Band will The Program, which begins at' ZZ Z vm?ml dSw« “ «' red “>“■ o !lL“tL ln ei“/cr Ou-fr a sense the dls 2 648 Creek Hill Rd., Dis- sic on Sunday evening, June 30. tlie Gospel Messenger Quar ire ours," he trlct-6; and Daniel S. Stoltzfus, at the Willow Street Community going to get Mt. Joy. District 7. Grounds, according to Russell This program is being present Page 1) ma TO SPEED UP OW FEED THE TRUE MILK REPLACER ABY CALF FORMULA if MILK and ANIMAL FAT FORMULA I ALL BABY ANIMALS GUARANTBFD TO PFRFORM UKF WHOLF MILK' Programming O Planning • Management Make an appointment with our Dairy Spiecialist, or Call Us Direct at Lancaster 392-2145 !S§2SKSS CK t& FINEST SERVICE ANYWHERE FOR ASSISTANCE IN MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc. Rohrerstown, Pa. Ph. Lancaster 392-2145 (Area Code 717) Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 22.1968— L ed for the benefit of the com munity and is sponsored by thi Boehm's United Methodis Church. West Willow United Methodist Church. WMlow Street United Chuich of Christ and Willow Street Ja.\cees. There i ,; no admission charge, but a free v.ill offering will be taker to de fray e\penses The public is cordially invitee to attend and is requested tc bring folding chairs or blanket for seating In the e\ent of raia the concert will be presented in the Lampeter-Strasburg High School auditorium. HARRISBURG The 300 million quaits of milk produuc ed in Pennsvlvama during May weie 17 7 million less than the Mav production a veai ago. ac coidmg to the State Ciop Re porting Service The aveiage pioduction per cow timing Mav was 409 quarts comoared to 428 quails in May 1967 Egg pi oduct million two pei May of last yeai $ HAH. GUARANTEE 9 X Kaiser Aluminum Diamond*Rib & y roofing and siding is guarantatd j C for 15 years not to leak as a result £ Y of perforation by hail No othar j e damaga is covarad undar this X Y guarantaa Limited to replacement N ? of material only. Not prorated Not X y transferable V Y CORROSION GUARANTEE 3 £ Kaiser Aluminum roofing and sfd* & Y ing is guaranteed not to leak from J X perforations causad by corrosion* A Y provided Kaiser Aluminum acces* J r aortas era usad in installation, and £ y roofing and siding ara not in con* j f tact with dissimilar metals or £ Y ground No othar damaga covered. y ? Diamond-Rib guaranteed SO years. £ 5 Limited to replacement of roofing y F and siding only. Prorated after 10 X Y years based on prices at time ot y i adjustment Guarantee application r G must be approved Not transfer* N x able Limited to farm or residence f 6 Installations Y •Patented TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR CARLOAD PURCHASE ... BUY NOW & SAVEJ ion totaled 270 cent less than in GET THE BIG WIDE MONEY SAVER: Solid Kaiser Aluminum Diamond-Rib 9 roofing and siding. Diamond-Rib roofing saves you money when compared with other roofing maten* als. It gives you ... • more coverage per square purchased • tabor savings because you handle fewer sheets • fewer laps, tighter roof • buildings up to 15* cooler In summer—warmer in winter • comfortable, more pro* ductive livestock • solid rustfree metal that can’t lose a protective coating—it protects with* out painting • the only roofing sheet with two big guarantees! AGWAY BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DILLERVILLE ROAD, LANCASTER PH. 717-397-4761