Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1968, Image 3
Weekly Poultry Report Eostern Pennsylvania Eastern Shore And New Jersey Exchange Live Hens Broiler and fryer live prices Prices of light type hens un- averaged 18.33 cents a pound fft, Dema " d "“H for l™«.T^?lS d c r e a „ra short offerings as producers poun d on Tuesday to a low of continue to hold older hens for 17.0 cents a pound on Thursday. further production in spite of Total sales for the week were declining egg prices. Trade ad- 856,500 head down 242,300 head vices indicate that uncommitted from last week pullets for placements short of current interest. Demand for heavy type hens fair however offerings short of call with sales too few to report prices. Prices paid at farm: Light type hens 5-6% mostly 5%-6%; Heavy Type Hens TFEWR • Auction (Continued from Page 2) Canner and low-Cutter 16.5048 - 50. BULLS Choice 24.25-25.75, few to 26.10; Good 24.00-25 00; Utility and Commercial 22 50- 25.00, few individual 26 00-26 25. HO q S 4€B _ Ba rrows and gilts CALVES 72 Vealers mostly 25-50 c higher. steady. BARROWS AND GILTS US VEALERS Choice 38 00-41 - 1. 210-230 lbs 23 00-23 50 US 1-2 00; Good 36 00-38.00; Standard 190-240 lbs. 22.25-23.00. US 1-3 33.50-37.00; Utility 32 50-35.00; 220-260 lbs. 21 50-22.25. Cull 90-120 lbs, 30.00-33.50, 70-90 SHEEP 16 Supply too small lbs. 25 00-29 00. for a price test. »iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuttiiiiuniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimuiiiiiniiiiimii^ J CUSTOM SPRAYING | | HIGH PRESSURE WASHING | = and 5 | DISINFECTING | E in all types of poultry houses. § | MAYNARD L BEITZEL | | Witmer, Pa. Phone 392-7327 = Einiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimrmiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiir —r— HERE'S BOOST There's TOP PROFIT in the RIGHT FEED Fogelsvtlle , June 18, 1968 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb., except where noted) HENS. light type 4-8, mostly 5-5%; HENS, heavy type 6-29, mostly 15-20; PULLETS, 22-37, mostly 30-34; ROASTERS 14-40, mostly 30-33; RABBITS, 36-64%, mostly 45-55; GUINEAS, 1.25- 130; PIGEONS (per pair), 70- 1.90, mostly 90-1.20; JUMBO SQUAB, 1.05. TOTAL COOPS SOLD 428. HOW MILK Step up milk production with FLORIN scientifically formulated Dairy Feeds .... Specially fortified, baJanced and blended to really make'milk .... and money. See us for all feed needs. Wolgemuth Bros., inc. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) COWS Commercial 18 50- 20.00 Utility 19.50-21 00, few to 21.25 early in the week Canner and Cutter 17 00-20.00, late mostly 17.00-19.50. BULLS Throughout the period Utility and Commercial 22 50-24 50. Few outstanding individuals 25.00. SHEEP Compared with last weeks close. Spring Slaugh ter lambs and shorn slaughter ewes steady. In the carlot dress ed meat trade at Chicago, spring lamb sold 1.00-2.00 lower. Receipts 700 compared with 600 last week and 1,500 last vear. Twelve market receipts 30,100 compared with 27,800 last week and 29,000 last year. SPRING SLAUGHTER LAMBS Choice and Prime 85-110 lbs 28.50-29 50, Mixed Good and Choice 75-95 lbs. 27.- 00-28 00. SHORN SLAUGHTER EWES Cull to Good 4 00-7.00. • Vin*oge (Continued from Page 2) Commercial 23 50-25 2C few 26 - 50-26 85 CALVES 436 Vealers most ly $1 00 lower, except Cull $2 00 lower. VEALERS Choice 38 00-40 - 50, Good 35 50-37 00; Utility and Standard 33 00-36 00; Cull 90-120 lbs 27 50-32 50, 70-90 lbs 23 50- 25 00 HOGS 309 Barrows and gilts steady to 50a higher. BARROWS AND GILTS US 1, 200-240 lbs. 22 60-23 10 US 1-2 200-240 lbs 22.25-22.75 US 2, 240- 265 lbs 20 '25-21.50 SHEEP 100. mostly steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 55- 105 lbs 29 00-31 00, few selected at 32 00: Good 26 00-28.50. SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good 6 00-10 00, few head 10.50-11 50. TO CHECKS Spring lambs Ph. 653-1451 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. June 22,1968 Weekly New York Egg Mkt. Fiom Monday, June 17th to Friday, June 21st Mon. WHITE Fey. Ex. Large 35Va-36V4 35V6-36V-; 34-35 Fey. Large 33-33',6 32 Fey. Med. 24-25 23V6 23 2316 Pullets 17 17 17 Peewees 12 12 12 BROWN Fey. Large 35 35 34 33 Fey. Med. 29“. 23 27 27 Pullets 17 17 17 17 Peewees 12 12 12 12 Standards 31 31 30 29 Checks 19-1916 19-1916 18 18 Trend Supply ample but undertone is improved with bet ter movement expected. Copyright 1968 by Urner Barry Publications Milk Quality Improved By New Pa. Program The flow of low-quality milk to processing plants has been dras tically reduced during the past year because of the success oi the Pennsylvania Abnormal Milk Program, it was reported in Co lumbus, Ohio, this week by an Extension dairy specialist at The Pennsylvania State University. Speaking at the annual meet ing of the American Dairy Sci ence Association on the Ohio State University campus, Ste phen B Spencer said initial pro gram surveys show that 94 per cent of the Commonwealth’s dairy herds are producing milk ol good to excellent quality This figure, he said, is substantially higher than those compiled a year ago. Tues Wed. “The Abnormal Milk Pro gram, formulated by the Penn sylvania Mastitis Council, is es sentially a campaign to lower leukocyte levels in milk by reg ular testing procedures in lab oratories and establishing clear ly defined roles for dairymen, fieldmen, veterinarians, milking servicemen, and county agents,” the dairy specialist said. “The State Department of Agriculture’s Milk Sanitation Di vision is the regulatory organi zation.” The most important element in the Pennsylvania program, Spencer said, is tie dairyman s attitude when he knows he has an abnormal milk problem He then must willingly initiate the steps to be taken for corrective action 3 FrL Thurs. 34-35 32 23t6 18 12 33-34 31 23-2316 17 12