Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1968, Image 16

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    —Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 22> 1968
m 4-h
The monthly Community
Club Meeting of the Penn > Wil
low 4-H Club was held on June
7, 1968 at the Pequea Township
Elementary School at 7:30 P.M.
• For roll call each member pre
sent had to respond by naming
a safety rule.
The club members voted to
have the Garden Spot 4-H Club
as its guests at the next mat
ing, which will be held at Safe
Harbor Park at 730 P.M. on
July 5, 1968. The main event of
the meeting will be a Square
Dance- Following the Square
Dance the two clubs will com-
pete against each other in a
baseball game. Last years winn
er was the Penn Willow Club
A motion was passed to hold
a Bake Sale in order to secure
funds to purchase a flag pole
for the club’s new flag
The next Handyman Project
Meeting was held on June 17,
1968 at 7 30 P M at the home
of Albert Goss. Each mcmbei
brought his project with him.
The meeting was tinned over
to the Program Committee at
the completion of the business
meeting Mrs Daniel Kauffman
was the adult leader in charge
Tim Breneisen was the chair
man of the program committee
The theme of' their program
was “Safety” Betsv Kauffman
gave a report on Civil Defense
A film was presented on faim
The meeting was adjoin ned
at the completion of the film
The Gaiden Spot Community
4-H Club met on Monday Even
ing at Jay and Dale Weaver’s
home Before the business meet
ing the club members played
games Theie was a committee
picked to plan a tour for the
August Meeting Jay Weaver
had a veiy interesting demon
stration on landscaping Mi
Wilbur Houser reviewed the
calendar of coming events The
song leader Rhonda Biukhait
led the club in singing Mrs
Royer met with the members
who aie taking Veterinary Medi
cine to discuss their project.
Following the meeting re
freshments were served
The next meeting will be held
on July Bth at 7 30 at the home
of Kenneth, Jeffrey, and Judy
Risser, in Leola Theie will be
a baseball game with the Man
heim-Lititz Club
The Executive Board of the
Lancastei County 4-H Council
met on Thursday, June 6 at the
Farm & Home Center, Lancas
ter President Richard Buck
waiter presided ovei the meet
ing Plans were made foi the
forthcoming year, Kaye Smith
and Diane Heishey were ap
pointed to plan a swim paity
and picnic for the July meeting
John Kurtz gave a report on
the schedule of events that will
be used when the 4-H’ers from
Kendall County, Illinois aie
visiting in our area Plans were,
also, discussed to sell 4-H cook
ies at Root’s Auction, East Pe
tersburg and Gieen Diagon
The Leola Pincushions 4-H
Club met at the home of Mrs
H Jacob Hoober, Bareville
June 19 19 membeis attended
Jan Caison gave a demonstra
tion on how to pm on a pattern
and Linda Sensenig showed how
to stietch fabnc to make it
stiaight The next meeting will
be held June 24 Refreshments
were served by Jill and Jan
Carson, and Kathy Ruoss Cindy
McQuate is pxogram coordina
On June 17, Pal Smucker and
Cindy Smith went to Penn State
for 4-H Club Congress. They
returned June 20.
The Ko Ka Le Ko 4-H club
held its regular meeting and the
members were .judge for pos
ture queens by the leaders. The
posture queens are as follows:
Junior Sharon Scheaffer and
runner up Patsy Henly. Senior
Gail Pannebecker and runner
up Josie Fasnacht. The next
meeting will be held June 25th
ai Cocalico Senior High Home
Economics Room irom 8:30 to
11:30 a.m.
The Lititz Manheim 4-H Club
held their monthly meeting on and become a members of the
Thursday, .June 13 at the home 4-H Solanco Laddies,
of Tod Herr. A baseball game The president is Janis Her
and homemade ice cream party shey. Donna Welk is the vice
was enjoyed by everyone. It president. Sue Wiley is the sec
was reported that the club sold retary and Ellen Stone is the
49 cases of 4-H cookies treasurer.
The next meeting will be The meetings started last
held July 18 at the Fairland Monday and will continue each
Elementary School at 7 30. Monday to July 29. Beginners
will meet from 11:00 am. to
SOLANCO LASSIES 2 00 p m Older members will
Would you like to join a sew- me ®t from 9.00 am to 11:30
mg club’ Then come to the a m
home economics cottage at the Mrs George Coleman is the
Quarryville Junior High School leader.
Red Rose
Walter Binkley & Son
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Graybiii & Son
Refton Strasburg
E. Musser Heisey & Sqn
R. D. ?t2, ML Joy, Pa.
Penna. Farmers’ Praise
House Milk Legislation
The‘Pennsylvania Farmers' ganization stro n g 1 y approved
Association Monday -praised the this bill."
action of the - Pennsylvania The bill (H.B, 2447) approved
House ns it voted to approve by the House Monday would:
milk legislation favorable to chan « e f th *
both farmers and consumers. name to Milk Marketing Act,
. change the Milk Control Corn
er ep ' * Ashton and minion name to Milk Marketing
House Agriculture Committee board; remove provisions re .
took a bo d step forward when quiring consumer . mvned con
they sent this pieoe of proposed ta j ners f or m iik produced, pro
legislation it to the House Floor cesset j an( j so i d at the farm; in
for action, PFA President,, G. crease dealer bond to cover two
A. Biggs, said. This is the first thg instead of Qne month;
time in many years that the
Milk Control Law has bfcen at-
tacked constructively. Our or-
It’s these feeds
RED ROSE FARROWING RATION a high nutrient, bulky farrowing
and conditioning ration for full feeding to sows, before and after farrow
RED ROSE PIG & SOW PELLETS meets exacting nutritional require
ments during late gestation, lactation and early growth of pigs'.
RED ROSE PIG PRE-STARTER PELLETS a complete feed with sugar
concentrates and high antibiotic levels for young pigs.
RjED ROSE PIG STARTER PELLETS supplement the sow’s milk and
accustom pigs to pellet feed.
RED ROSE PIG GROWER PELLETS complete and balanced; contains
vitamins and antibiotics for pigs from 50 to 100 pounds.
Red Rose has the answer!
RED ROSE PORKMAKER a complete feed for pigs 10®
pounds to market. v
RED ROSE HOG SUPPLEMENT fortified with vitamins,
minerals and antibiotics for feeding with your grain.
Heistond Bros.
A. L. Herr & Bro.
David B. Hurst
Martin's Feed Mill, Inc.
R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa.
Mountville Feed Service
Musser Farms, inc.
A. S. Young Company, Inc.
Announces Change In Ownership And
Management Of The Firm.
The New Management Will Operate As
Kinzer Equipment Company.
Will continue handling the present lihe of equipment.
Box #23, Kinzer, Penna. Phone 442-4186
Chos. E. Souder & Sons
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
require uniform accounting and
record keeping system to be util,
ized in all marketing areas; and
require a minimum and maxi
mum wholesale and retail price?
to be the price of milk plus cost
of the container. PPA opposed
the establishment of maximum
prices at wholesale and retail
Earlier last week proponent?
of the Governor’s milk proposal
attempted to amend the Ashton
bill eight times on the House
Floor, but failed to secure
enough votes for any amend
Cotton has excellent resist
ance to heat.
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
L M. Snavely
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook