Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1968, Image 14
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 22.1968 14 Egg Breakage Problem Expected To Increase In general the egg industry can expect more problems with egg breakage this year than oc curred last year according to Hermit Birth, Marketing Specia list at Penn State. The reason is increased quantity of older hens in the nation’s laying flock. As the laying, year progresses egg size increases which in it self appears to add to the break age problem. The problem is not necessarily one of weak shells but that of size of eggs. Eggs from older flocks, primari ly those in the second year of lay, usually average larger than eggs from flocks in their first year of production. The size of eggs becomes a problem in many ways. If egg production includes a high pro portion of extra large and jum bo eggs, packaging problems are encountered. The eggs are simply too large for the pack aging material and as a result additional breakage occurs. Handling conditions which did not result in breakage when layers started to lay may now result in breakage of eggs from older hens. Twisting of a case may result in breakage because of the tighteness of the eggs within the filler-flats. Those who are keeping layers into the second year of production must exercise more care to avoid loss of income due to egg breakage. Yes, producers with older flocks will probably experience more loss of eggs due to leakers. An increase in the quantity of eggs with damaged shells may take place anywhere be tween the time eggs are laid un-- til they are used by the consum er. The extra large and jumbo sizes are more difficult to re move from filler-flats with a vacuum lift because of the vol ume of eggs. Eggs fit tightly in the cups of the filler-flat and are difficult to remove. Second ly, the eggs tend to bump to gether as they are lifted out of the case and placed on the in feed conveyor. The same hand ling conditions by the same per sonnel for eggs from younger birds usually do not result in as much breakage as with larger sized eggs. Not only can size add to the quantity of eggs which are broken but it can also slow down the output of the cleaning and sizing equipment. By slow ing down output marketing costs can be increased. In ex treme cases, at least with cer tain types of equipment, eggs from older layers have been so Homemakers Prefer Chicken In Cutup Form If there is any doubt that homemakers prefer chicken in cutup form, that fact came home to roost to processors in a survey among nearly 1,000 fami lies in the'heart of the Eastern Shore’s broiler country Sus sex County. Details were re leased last month by Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc, at Georgetown, Del. Nearly two-thirds of the 988 homemakers surveyed in 12 communities by high school stu dents, under professional gui dance, said they preferred chicken cut up in some form rather than whole. Other findings from the DPI study Housewives prefer fresh, ice-packed chicken to frozen by overwhelming odds; two-thirds of them believe that chicken is the least expensive meat to serve. They respond to price specials To the Moon Over 6,000 pounds of nickel are contained in each of the five F-l engines that will propel the Saturn V rocket to the moon. close together on the conveyor spools before going into the washer that they were almost touching each other. Then, if an egg. because of its shape, turns endwise it might bump or push other eggs. It couldn’t help but cause some breakage. Shell damage could lead to consumer resistance when purchasing eggs. All too often, for one rea son or another, eggs stick to the carton and are extremely difficult to remove. In some in stances it may be impossible to remove an egg without breaking the shell. In today’s market, with the need of increased sales to move a larger quantity of eggs, it behooves all in the in dustry to take the necessary precautions to insure that eggs do meet consumer expectations. The producer who is contem plating keeping layers the second year should consider the income losses because of possi ble increased egg breakage. In all probability, more shell dam age will occur with the older beds which may offset, at least in part, increased income due to the larger eggs. Those who keep layers for the second year of lay will need to take extra precautions, as compared to a pullet flock in the early months of production, fo avoid extra breakage which may reduce in come from eggs sand cause diffi culty of processing which can in turn add to marketing HAYBEAVER SEE US TODAY ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc. DENVER NEW HOLLAND Take Guesswork Out Of Spraying Guesswork is foolish when ap plying chemical controls for weeds, insects or diseases, says Frank E. Boys, agricultural chemical specialist at the Uni versity of Delaware. Costs of improper pesticide ap plication arc much too high to risk on a guess. Even on an edu cated guess. But too many farm ers who think they know exact ly how much pesticide they are using are, in fact, only guessing. Less than the recommended herbicide rate can result in less than satisfactory weed control, says Boys. And an overdose may kill or seriously injure an entire crop. Improper insecticide appli cation can cause unlawful resi due which will result in seizure of a crop by government inspec tors. Another important considera-, tion in using pesticides is field size, he cautions. Estimating the acreage to be treated increases the chances of using improper spray rates. To eliminate the guesswork from your spray program, cali brate spray equipment before applying pesticides, he advises. And measure fields and mark sizes down in a permanent place. Prevent trouble before it be gins. Know exactly how much material your equipment will de liver when properly calibrated and toe sure to accurately meas ure the correct amount of pesti cide and water 'before spraying. And always remember to read and follow label directions ex plicitly. Feed Grain Program Vita! To Poultrymen Vital to poultrymen is the fu ture of the federal government's feed grain program, up for leg islative action in 1069, according to George E. Brandow, agricul tural economist at The Pennsyl vania State University. Speaking at the recent annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation at Penn State, >Dr. Brandow said stabil ity of grain supplies and prices has become essential to the growth of specialized egg, poul try, cattle feeding, and dairy op erations.- In the past, he pointed out, price support programs built up large surpluses and, mainly as a byproduct helped to stabilize markets. Now that grain sur pluses have been reduced, the issue of purposely carrying re serve grain stocks for stability is an important part of the 1969 legislative agenda. Dr. Brandow HORSE SALE MONDAY EVE, JUNE 24 —1968 MARTIN’S SALE STABLES Blue Ball, Pa., Lancaster County Load of 36 head outstanding horses and ponies from lowa. Registered quarter and Arabian horses. Jumpers, Prospects, Harness and Consigned horses. Tack at 6 PM. Horses at 7 P.M. PAUL Z. MARTIN Ph. (717) 354-6671 HORSE SALE JULY 29th NIGHT GUERNSEY SALE Thursday, June 27th, 7:30 P.M. 1 At the Ass’n. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster, Pa. About 60 HEAD including 4 service age bulls. 20 COWS and 34 BRED HEIFERS The vast majority will be fresh or due shortly,.which should appeal to those who plan to increase their fall pi educ tion or strengthen their base. The selections come from 23 different consignors in Pa., Conn., N.J., and Maryland. We concentrated in selecting heif ers of good size and conformation; dams with high records and cows which have a real future. Three Surge Milking Units*will be sold prior to cattle sale. Don’t miss this opportunity to fill your stalls with money makers. SALE MANAGED BY; PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’N. P. 0. BOX 458 Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 ANNUAL EARLY SUMMER REGISTERED HOLSTEIN SALE Location, on the former Warren Hershey farm,, just north of Kt. ■340, ZVz miles east of Intercourse, 12 miles east of Lancaster, 7 miles west of Kt. 10 on Ked Well Drive, Lancaster County, Pa. FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 1968 12:30 P.M. 60 - REGISTERED HOLSTEINS - 60 30 day tested, ready for out of state shipment. Fresh and close springing; over Vz are 2 year olds. • Star Man dtr., 2 year old milking 68 lbs. a day, • (4) Milk and Honey Ivanhoe dtrs. with dams records from 16,000 m. to 17,944 m. • Flashy Boy dtr. with 2 yr. record of over 15,000 m. • Beautiful dtr. of Pineyhill Maximilian, her full sister made 17,000 m. as a 2 year old and the dam over 23,000 m. • Outstanding Whirlhill Kingpin dtr. bred to Galaxy from a dam with record of 15,972 m., 3.6%, 316 da. as a 3 year old. • (3) top heifers from Pecoradale Farms, (2) are by Maview Maxim Royalist, their dams average 19,000 m., 628 f. • (2) close heifers from Leroy Beiler, Lancaster, Pa. (1) a Sevens Burke Skylark dtr. from a dam with 4 records from 15,409 m. to 16,444 m. The other a Whirlhili Kingpin dtr. • (7) Osborndale Ivanhoes, (5) are 4 year olds, with records to over 17,000 milk. • A Cloverbrook Prince dtr. from a dam with 18,732 m., 2 year old Rockman dtr., ( Z ) Expectation dtrs., their dams With np to 700 f. (2) Tidy Burke Jerry dtrs. with over 600 f. > Included are several milky grade and Commercial cows. ' Write Carl Diller, 1101 Beaver Valley Pike, Lancaster, Pa. for catalog. Cattle may he seen June 26 or after, be sure to inspect this out standing group. Aucts. and Sales Mgrs. Carl Diller and J. Everett Kreider Lunch Available sold poultrymcn have a stake in this issue and in the provisions of any reserve plan enacted. One option is to continue the feed grain program about as it is. In recent years, potential production has been reduced by making payments to growers to cut acreage. Grain prices are well below those of the early 1950’s but are higher than would be expected without a program. Exports are large and virtually without subsidy. Acreage pay ments, however, have cost the government roughly 1 billion dollars annually. Failure to extend the feed giain program would leave leg islation on the books under which the Secretary of Agricul ture would be required to sup port prices within a range of roughly 80 cents per bushel to $1.50 per bushel for corn. Selections by JOHN J. STOLTZFUS Elverson, Pa.