Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 22, 1968, Image 13

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    • Calendar ACfC MEIAIC
(Continued from Page 1) MvVtr IwL *■
trni Meeting, Farm and Home 35TH ANNIVERSARY
1:30 p.m.—3sth Anniversary of NATIONAL FARM PROGRAMS
National Farm Programs. „ , .
Harrisburg Area Community Formal ceremonies to observe
College, Harrisburg. the 35th Anniversary of Nation-
c nn j, v Imw> in al Farm Programs will be hell
T; Coumy Air
Tour, New Holland A.rport. .*•
Calder's “Man” ' e ? e * s at 33 f OO amer °"
Alexander Calder’s sculpture Slr *f f ß ? a \, ™ «
-Man", a 67-foot. 46-ton nickel "“ft ° f the State Farm Sh °
stainless steel stabile created for Bu T dltlg '... . .
Expo 67, has been given to the tu Ja ™ es
city of Montreal by Internation- th .® Pa> State SC C ° rn^
al Nickel. Composed of 3,280 feet Wlll c ° nd ” ct * he ,f nd
of stainless steel sheets. 102 Resent a Certificate of Merit to
strips and 4,000 bolts, the larg- those who served with Triple A
est work of the renowned sculp- from 1933 t 0 194 °*
tor will be permanently display- The primary purpose of this
ed in a park. ceremony is to recognize indi
— - - v'duals associated with the
American Indians used cotton agency in the thirties, but it is
nets for beds. open to the general public.
That Conies
Doing A
Good Job Of
It’s a great feeling to know that you are the
master of your farmlands . . . that when you
treat your soil right, it will treat you right
Liming is one of the most important factors in
keeping your soil in the highest productive
range. By raising the pH from a level below
6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest
7 more bushels of wheat per acre, with similar
increases for all other forage and cash crops.
Blue Ball, Pa. 354-2112 Gap, Pa. 442-4148
John Deere
480 Mower
and Conditioner
S' ■
li cuts,
conditions, and
windrows in one trip
The John Deere 480 Mower and Conditioner
is a timesaver. In one pass through the field f
It cuts, conditions, and windrows an 8-foot
©-inch swath. it
Cleaner cutting. Fast roll speed, large roll
diameter, and wide roll opening practically
eliminate conditioner plugging and
See us soon about a new 480 Mower and
Conditioner. Use our Credit Plan.
Wenger Implement Co.
BttcL 2844467
A. B. C. Groff, Inc.
New Holland 3544191
*k , '4k£vr
\ Vj
l( I I %
Landis Bros. Inc, , ;
Lancaster 393-3906 .. _ .. , _ _
M. S. YeoHey & Sons
West Chester GC3-2990
Those scheduled on the pro
gram include Edwin A. Jaenke,
Associate Administrator of AS
CS: the Honorable Leland H.
Bull, Pa. Secretary of Agricul
ture: and leaderfe of major State
farm organizations.
They have no records of per
sons serving from 193.1 to 1940,
and ask that any person con
nected with AAA during this pe
riod contact the County office by
June 21st.
The program should be of in
terest to all their Committeemen
and farmers. Please let them
know if you plan to attend, so
they may report the estimated
number that will attend from
Lancaster County.
The ten CCC grain bins
shipped to Lancaster County
were sold at public auction on
June 11th, at an average price
of $512.10.
Interested farmers who did
not get bins should contact the
County office, since as of this
date, there are still bins avail
able in nearby counties.
Farmers enrolled in the 1968
Wheat program are eligible for
price support loans on their 1968
wheat crop.
Wheat can be stored on the
farm or in approved warehous
es Loan rate for farm stored
wheat is $1.41 per bushel and
about 10c per bushel less if
stored in a warehouse.
Preliminary work on 1969
Wheat allotments has been com
After the National allotment
has been announced, individual
allotment notices will be mailed
to all farmers.
Farmers are reminded that
any appeal on the wheat allot
ment must be filed within fif
teen days of the date on the al
lotment notice
Robert Oohrer
Bulldozing - Grading
Pafz Sales & Service
Barn Cleaners - Silo
Unloaders - Cattle Feeder*
Quarryville, R. D. 1
Hensel 548-2559
Elm 665-2141
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 22,1968
• Vocation
(Continued from Page 1)
the 1968 edition of a farm vaca
tion directory published by the
Pennsylvania Depaitment ol
All kinds of v. cation farms
are listed in the directory Some
are down in the fertile vallevs;
others up in the lolling hills
Thev offer all sorts of atti ac
tions livestock ranging from
horses and cows to sheep and
chickens: swimming in a farm
ponds, creek or modern swimm
ing pool; horseback riding;
shady woods with cool paths
leading to mysterious places;
all kinds of birds and wild
game: nearby towns with coun
try stores, antique shops and
old mills.
You'll find “what good is”
when you eat the famous Lan
caster countiy, cooking Local
fmm cooks are noted for their
sausage and scrapple: buck
wheat cakes duppmg with ma
ple sjiup; apple buttei, smier
kase (cottage cheese): chicken
and mm 'oup; krnm kuchen
(ciumb cake); apple strudel;
shoo fly pie.
The faim vacation directory
is available free of charge.
Write; Farm Vacations, Penn
sylvania Department of Agiicul
ture, 2301 North Cameron
Street, Harrisburg, Pa 17120; or
Farm Vacations Pennsylvania
Department of Commerce, 406
South Office Building, Harris
burg. Pa. 17120.