Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 15, 1968, Image 14

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    14—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 15.1968
For the
Farm Wife
By Mrs. Richard C. Spence, .Food Editor
We feature eggs often In this column for Stir into egg mixture. Chill at
several reasons. They are so good for you lea ® l “ " lsp let ‘
chock full of nutritive ingredients. Eggs are so tu £,£, a ea ni p h er servlng: About
versatile can be used in so many ways. They
are economical certainly a feature to be sll gg es tion: Serve with
taken into account in these days of soaring liv- po t a to chips, raw cabbage wedg
ing costs
Here’s a recipe whose major ingredients
potatoes, eggs, and milk are all in boun-
1 or 2 tablespoons melted butter
or margarine, as desired
2 tablespoons Hour
teaspoon salt
>- teaspoon pepper
2 cups whole or skim milk
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 medium-sized cooked sliced
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rt s-inci r* . II r-t \T Combine eggs, beans, celery,
CjKJKJO " bpectallu ror You parsley, and onion. Blend the
mayonnaise with the seasoning.
2 or 4 hard-cooked, sliced eggs,
as desired
2 cups cooked, diced ham
Va cup fine dry breadcrumbs
I tablespoon melted butter or
Blend fat, flour, salt, and pep
per Stir in milk slowly. Cook
over moderate heat, stirring
constantly, until thickened. Re
move from heat.
Add parsley; Preheat oven to
375 degrees Grease a 2-quart
casserole Place alternate layers
of potatoes, eggs, and ham in
casserole. Pour sauce over the
To make topping: Mix bread
crumbs with melted fat Sprin
kle over the ham mixture Bake
about 25 minutes Makes 6 serv
Calories per serving: About
310 if made with 3 tablespoons
butter or margarine, whole milk
and 4 eggs; about 320 if made
with 1 tablespoon butter or mar
garine, skim milk, and 2 eggs.
Menu suggestion: Serve with
brussels sprouts, celery sticks
and radishes, and have fruit for
< * * *
4 chopped hard-cooked eggs
VA cups well drained baked 5 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
beans *4 cup mayonnaise or salad
V, cup sliced celery
W cap chopped parsley
% to H cap finely chopped
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon prepared mustard
lor2teaspoons prepared borae- t
radish (as desired)
Vi teaspoon salt
% teaspoon pepper
Several leaves lettnce
3 slices crumbled, cooked
es, and pickled beets. Have
baked apples for dessert.
• * * *
2 tablespoons finely chopped
2 tablespoons finely chopped
green pepper
14 cup butter or margarine
% cup regular all-purpose flour
1 cup milk
IVs teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons Worcestershire
8 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
1 cup corn flake crumbs
1 teaspoon curry powder or
onion salt
2 eggs, slightly beaten
Cook onions and green pepper
in butter until soft but not brown
Stir in flour. Add milk gradual
ly, stirring constantly. Cook un
til very thick, stirring constant
ly. Stir in salt, pepper and Wor
cestershire sauce. Remove from
heat. Fold in hard-cooked eggs;
spread about %-inch thick in
greased shallow pan; chill over
night Cut into 12 portions and
shape into croquettes. Mix corn
flake crumbs with curry pow
der. Roll croquettes in crumbs
mixture, then dip in beaten eggs
and roll again in crumbs. Re
frigerate about 2 hours Fry in
hot deep fat (350 degrees) about
3 minutes or until golden brown
B servings, 2 croquettes each.
dressing cups bread crumbs. Blend may*
teaspoon prepared mustard onnalse or salad dressing, mus*
teaspoon dry onion flakes tard, salt and pepper; pour over
teaspoon salt egg mixture and stir until mois*
teaspoon pepper toned throughout. Fill bread
English muffins, split, bnt* boat with mixture and replace
tered and toasted lid. Brush with melted batter,
cap shredded sharp cheddar Wrap in foil and heat in a 400
cheese degree oven for 30 to 35 min*
utes or on an outdoor grill for
Combine chopped eggs wifli the 9tme lengttl time. To
next 5 ingredients and mix wel gerve remove f o u. garnish with
Spread each toasted muffin half e „ slices and cut ln
with egg mixture. Sprinkle wedgeSi Makes 6to 8 servings,
cheese over egg mixture. Place sandwich boat may be
under broiler until cheese melts. made in advance and stored in
Serve immediately. Makes 4 the refrigerator for several
sandwiches. hours before serving.
• • • «
• • •
1 round loaf Vienna bread (nn
10 hard'Cooked eggs
1 cap chopped celery
Vi cup chopped green olives
Vi cup finely chopped onion
*A cup mayonnaise or salad
2 tablespoons prepared mns-
teaspoon salt
H teaspoon pepper
V 4 cup melted butter
To make bread boat, cut top
crust off bread in one piece to
make lid. Hollow loaf by cutting
bread out to within one inch of
sides and bottom. Crumble
enough bread to make two cups
of crumbs. Slice 1 or 2 eggs and
reserve slices for garnish Put
remaining slices with rest of
eggs and chop. Combine eggs,
celery, olives, onion and two
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2 pkgs. frozen peas in cream
8 hard-cooked eggs, quartered
4 noodle nests
Prepare peas according to
package directions. Add hard
cooked egg quarters and allow
to heat through. Serve over
crisp noodle nests. Makes 4
Creamed Eggs and Peas may
also be*served over hot cooked
rice, toast points, patty shells,
baking powder biscuits or egg
Household Hint
Make soft after-bath slippers
from cotton terry washcloths.
One washcloth, folded and gath
ered around the edges, will
make a slipper. Trim with
matching cotton ball fringe.